Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Talking to Reactionary, the educated and politically-aware Muslim

2:00  I start to speak.
Jayda Franssen
3:00  EDL
4:00  Nick Griffin who was allegedly told the following:

i)  Attack Muslims.
ii) Do not attack the banks.
iii) Do not attack Israel

6:00  Jews are divided.
7:00  Sharia would be a walk in the park for Orthodox Jews. 

Haredim v Secularim

8:00  Palestinians
9:00  The one-state solution

10:00  A one-state Israel administered by a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics was not considered as an option when Reactionary gave only the following options for Israel 

i)  a democracy
ii) an apartheid state
iii) ethnic cleansing

11:00  "The only liberal democracy in the Middle East."

12:00  Liberal democracy is what makes us easy to control by the CIA. 
15:00  Political divisions in Israel
16:00  Theocracies
17:00  The role of the secular Jews
18:00  "Christian values" and Imperial Islam
19:00  Liberal values
20:00  Suffragettes and aping the West
21:00  Alan Dershowitz predicts a civil war in Israel between the Haredim and the Secularim.
22:00  Israeli citizens
23:00  Israelis who don't want to live as Orthodox Jews.
24:00  Race is a red herring.
25:00  Politics is a lifestyle choice. 
26:00  When the Messiah comes .... 
DOMINGO joins turbo-charged by his antisemitism.
29:00  Ralph
31:00  Chabad, Trump, the CIA and election fraud
36:00  Jayda and Jord
37:00  Usury
39:00  "Ralph is a plant."
40:00  EDL
42:00  Cambridge Analytica and Steve Bannon
43:00  Hasbara
44:00  Elron
45:00  Domingo danced too hard and fast at Ralph's party.
46:00  Palestinians
47:00  The one-state solution is the ideal. 
49:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. 
50:00  Ambrosina and the Balfour Declaration
51:00  Ottoman Empire
52:00  Christianity
53:00  17:104 of the Koran
54:00  The wandering Jew and Neturei Karta
55:00  Norman Finkelstein
56:00  Jewish YouTuber to sell Secular Koranism to.
57:00  I moan and groan at Domingo's antisemitism.
58:00  Domingo does not answer my question about the history of his antisemitism. 
59:00  Chabad
1:00:00  Revisionist historians and Alison Chabloz
1:01:00  Holocaust Denial
1:05:00  Alison Chabloz has already been jailed twice.
1:09:00  "the evilitude of the Jews"
1:11:00  Doooovid
1:12:00  Multiculturalism and the problem of Liberal Jews
1:13:00  Domingo proposes closing down mosques and synagogues.
1:14:00  Dwellings and places of worship
1:17:00  Domingo wants a Christian country. 
1:19:00  Domingo is not even Christian.  
1:20:00  Domingo proposes to expel Jews. 
1:21:00  Was Canada a Christian country before the British invaded? 
1:22:00  Canada was pagan.  
1:23:00  Totem poles
1:24:00  Raised Catholic and had catechism classes
1:25:00  Is Domingo already Muslim?
1:26:00  Domingo believes in one God who is omnipotent. 
1:28:00  Loving God - one should love the divine concept of God.
1:29:00  The meaning and purpose of our lives
1:30:00  Domingo wants a Galactic Empire. 
1:31:00  Teleology
1:33:00  "The purpose of life is to create more life."
1:39:00  Infinite regression
1:40:00  The Uncaused First Cause, Noah and Adam
1:41:00  The shape of Earth
1:46:00  The most powerful God is the Abrhamic God.
1:47:00  The Olympians were preceded by the Titans.
1:48:00  Can God destroy Himself?
1:53:00  Agnosticism and Secular Koranism
1:54:00  My purpose in life
1:55:00  Secular Koranism
1:57:00  Idolatry
1:59:00  Domingo claims he lives his life as if God were watching and judging. 
2:01:00  Definition of idolatry
The Koranic narrative of Jesus
2:02:00  Noahide laws
2:03:00  Babylonian Talmud
2:04:00  Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions
2:06:00  The Koranic narrative of Jesus
2:07:00  The corruption of Christians
2:08:00  Racism in Judaism
2:10:00  The Koran is against racism.
2:11:00  The First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256
2:13:00  The American Republic is exceptional and indispensable.
2:14:00  Freemasonry is interfaith dialogue?
2:17:00  Racism and Buddhism
2:18:00  Buddhist scripture
Textual analysis
2:19:00  Reasoning ourselves into believing in God
2:20:00  Choosing a religion is a lifestyle choice.
2:21:00  Batley & Spen By-election 2021
British Muslim Party
2:25:00  Naz Khan
2:26:00  George Galloway
2:27:00  God's Chosen People
2:29:00  Emaciated British PoW of the Japanese no different in appearance to concentration camp survivors.
2:31:00  Islamic branding of Secular Koranism
2:32:00  Islam4Europeans
Gordon Brown: "Capitalism has failed."
2:33:00  An Islamic mortgage
Hitler and usury
2:34:00  War finance

2:41:00  Keynesian economics
2:45:00  China
2:47:00  Stradivarius violins
2:48:00  Australasia
2:49:00  Islamic European Unions
2:51:00  Secular Koranism
2:52:00  The methodology of NRX
2:53:00  The Koran is a political manifesto.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Conceptual problems of antisemites about the role of Jews and obligation to teach the Noahide laws

5:00  Jews have a role to play in the advancement of human civilisation.
6:00  Gilad Atzmon
7:00  My proposed of Jews
The penalty for breaking the Sabbath for Jews is death.
8:00  Only observant Jews should be allowed to be Jews. 
9:00  Jewish emancipation
10:00  The problem of heretical Jews created by Jewish emancipation
11:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

12:00  Domingo's ever deepening identity crisis is caused by his indulgence of the Seven Deadly Sins and the fact that antisemitism can be 

a)  a learning disability of being unable to understand the concept of idolatry

b)  a character defect which causes a person to envy Jews and therefore hate them and blame them for everything or 

c)  a mental health issue


19:00  Is Domingo even Christian?

21:00  The neurosis of Domingo can be resolved by Secular Koranism.

27:00  "Semetic supremacy"
28:00  God can only communicate to us through revealed scripture.
30:00  Laws have to be written form.
31:00  Fleeing slaves are even more low status than slaves.
32:00  I do not deny Jewish identity.
33:00  Antisemites would want to deny Jewish identity.
34:00  Rabbis must rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
35:00  The New Testament is an antisemitic document.
36:00  Hatred of Jews by gentiles have their origins in ideology and genetics if antisemitism can be inherited through parentage.

39:00  The idolatry of paganism is not as bad as Christianity which is both idolatry and blasphemy.
41:00  Jews no longer allowed to tell Jewish jokes.
44:00  Is our government now as crazy as the Aztecs?
47:00  Domingo's antisemitism and Islamophobia

God is questioning the God he claims to believe in.

48:00  Secular Koranism will clear up Domingo's confusion about his religious identity.

49:00  Westerners must submit to Truth, Logic and Morality.

50:00  Israeli defence contracts

Patriarchal moral values

51:00  Unmarriageable nationalist men too embarrassed about their low status unmarriageability to agree to abolish no fault divorce. 

54:00  If Domingo had 100 hatred points to award, how would he apportion them between Jews and Muslims?

55:00  Anticipating Domingo's answers to my 16 questions

  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. What kind of God do you believe in?
  3. Are you theist, deist or pantheist?
  4. Is it the Abrahamic God you believe in?
  5. If it is the Abrahamic God you believe in, then do you accept that it is the same one that forbade idolatry and blasphemy?
  6. Are you aware that Christianity is the odd one out of the three Abrahamic faiths because Jews and Muslims are agreed on the oneness of God while Christians believe in the threeness of God?
  7. Does your antisemitism prevent you from seeing the absurdity of the threeness of God?  
  8. Do you remain Christian as a badge of showing your hatred of Jews and Muslims?
  9. Are you in fact Christian? 
  10. Is the God you pray to a personal god? 
  11. Do you believe in an afterlife?
  12. Would you like to conduct another Inquisition? 
  13. Would you like to conduct another Crusade?
  14. Out of 100, can you divide your hatred between Jews and Muslims to show which you hate more? 
  15. Is your attachment to Christianity rather like being attached to the bones of a chicken whose flesh you have already consumed? 
  16. Was your interest in Church of Entropy's pantheism motivated by your desire to find a deity easier to believe in than the Christian conception of God?
CK:  Thank you for indirectly admitting that you don't know the answer to any of my 16 questions.  I will continue to help you with your learning disability. 

DOMINGO: what learning disability?

CK:  Your inability to understand the fact that the Trinitarian God you claim to believe in is fact forbidden idolatry.  

DOMINGO:  i understand what idolatry is. Christ is God. deal with it. continue to hate Christians... you're stunted more than you realize. you're stuck in a negative emotional pit. you're a damaged person. you need therapy and healing. Christianity can provide that. you just have to open your cold dead heart. Good Luck. 🙂

CK: So you are now Christian again, Mr YoYo?  

DOMINGO: Claire... You don't even believe in God... What makes you think i'm concerned ONE IOTA with your labels and judgements? The God i believe in is the One God that can do anything it wants. That includes manifest itself as the trinity. I know this makes you angry... But that is your problem and the Jews problem and the muslims problem... Jews turned on God and Muslims turned on their own prophet and his family... 

You think Jews should rate the religions? You could not even be honest about why they are powerful. Your "victimhood" argument fell apart within seconds and you had nothing to say other than to change the subject after i exposed your jewish double standards.

You want to have your cake and eat it too just like the jews

You failed Claire... SK is a failure Claire. You're a Failure. and you want to blame Christianity for YOUR failures in life. Where as i blame jewish criminals for THEIR crimes... not MY Failures. i feel sorry for you. truly i do.

CK:  You don't have to believe in God to know that the narrative of the Abrahamic God is that He forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments.  

So you are back to being a Christian again, are you, in your revolving door of quickly changing beliefs which never settle down on one thing or another?

While God is omnipotent, He is also omniscient. Being omniscient, He will know the future. Being perfectly moral, He has given us laws to obey in revealed scripture. The New Testament - the word of mortal and fallible men - is not one of them.  

Even if the New Testament were divine, nowhere does it assert that Jesus is God.  

The first time it was ever suggested that Jesus is God was at the Council of Nicaea.  

The idea that Jesus is God was cooked by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.  

You Christians have all been conned.  

The enormity of the fraud is such that you can barely comprehend its enormity and the Christian stupidity in accepting it.  

Jews and Muslims are not required to believe such absurdities by their religion, but you hate them because you are a racist, Islamophobe and antisemite and cannot bear to admit that Christianity was at best a divine practical joke by God played on unprincipled people like you who don't care about idolatry and blasphemy while still claiming to believe in Him. 

The omnipotent and omniscient Abrahamic God created a logical universe. This means the universe God created is capable of being explained logically. He has already forbidden idolatry and blasphemy, so why would He say it is OK to suddenly start practising idolatry and blasphemy just because some loser Jew died on a stick?  

Did God say in any revealed scripture anywhere that it was OK to worship some dead Jew on a stick? Nope.  

Who said it was OK to worship some dead Jew on a stick as the co-equal of God? A bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

Are you getting it now?  

When did Jews "turn on God" and which ones?  

Which Muslims turned on Muhammad and his family? And so what if they did?  

It is indeed my thesis that Jews were made God's Chosen People to properly teach the Noahide laws, which they have not been doing for centuries.  

The reasons for rabbinical reluctance to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws is obvious, isn't it?

How was I dishonest about why Jews are powerful? Can you remember the reasons I gave?  

Can you remember my victimhood argument? If so, what was it?  

What "Jewish double standards" are you referring to?  

In what way do you think I am trying to have my cake and eat it?  

I disagree with you that Secular Koranism is a failure. Even if it is not adopted in my lifetime does not mean it will never be adopted. It is too early to say. Are you really saying Christianity is not a failure? If it isn't a failure, why aren't you Christian? And if you are Christian now, why did you say you were no longer Christian before? And if you can't make up your mind whether you are Christian, why is that? Is the reason why you cannot make up your mind whether you are Christian is because you cannot decide whether to reject the absurdity of Christianity or weaponise it to support your hatred of Jews? Am I right or am I right or am I right?

You keep referring to "Jewish criminals" who have already been arrested, charged and convicted of their crimes. Do you want them hung, drawn and quartered too because you hate them so much?

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Jewish bankers can just turn their minds to Islamic banking after usury is banned

2:00  Secular Koranism is about pooping the sex party.
3:00  Ralph's NRX has no principles.

Methodology v Ideology

4:00  Islamophobes
5:00  Extramarital sex
6:00  Degeneracy
7:00  Denial is a feminine vice.
Liars who lie to themselves. 
Disaster and extinction
8:00  Luis and Thiorwulf
11:00  Foundational myths
12:00  Communism is a progressive ideology.
13:00  Ralph's methodology

14:00  Ralph's unprincipled instrument and my integrated moral and legal political system 

15:00  Restoring the patriarchy
16:00  Subliminal advertising

19:00  IC3 joins.
20:00  Secular Koranism

Why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism

21:00  Separation of church and state
22:00  Secular Koranism is an integrated moral and legal political system.
23:00  Christian on Christian religious persecution
24:00  The British Monarch is the Head of the Anglican Church.

25:00  Ralph's methodology is about nudging people into doing things while mine is about laying down the law.

27:00  Global empire
28:00  Neo-liberalism
29:00  Why people are unhappy
30:00  Insurrection
31:00  Management shuffle
32:00  The ruling classes fighting each other eg the Corn Laws
33:00  Environmentalism, consumerism, usury

34:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.

35:00  Apportioning power to groups
36:00  Aesthetics
37:00  Major cities of the world
38:00  Cheap housing
Civic pride
39:00  Worshiping the most powerful God
40:00  Christianity is kaput.

41:00  Man is material with spiritual and political aspirations.

42:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
43:00  Marriage and family values

Culture is the product of morality and law.

Politics is about changing the law in order to change the culture. 

44.  We are motivated by our beliefs to seek pleasure and avoid pain and the law is the algorithm of human beings. If our laws encourage the right kind and discourage the wrong kind of behaviour, our nation will prosper. If our laws encourage the wrong kind of behaviour and discourage the right kind of behaviour, then our nation will decline. The very least our laws should do is support the institutions of marriage and family values, but our degenerate matriarchy only seeks to further undermine these institutions because a matriarchy is basically a society crippled by its own intellectual and moral corruption and is a danger to itself and all who live in it.   

45:00  Secular Koranism is suitable for all societies, irrespective of race and nation allowing them to keep the best of their traditions.  

46:00  Trade would prosper under a stable governments governed by the rule of law. 

47:00  Culture is a product of law and morality.

48:00  Secular Koranism would allow you to keep the best of your traditions.  

49:00  Koranic principles would be enforced like EU Directives in Member States.

50:00  Empire and Etruscans

51:00  All great civilisations are great empires.  

52:00  All empires are acquired and lost by war. Therefore the rules of warfare must be humane. Koranic principles of warfare preceded the Geneva Convention. 


53:00  Empires collapse when they break their own rules. 

54:00  The lifespan of a star

55:00  Entailment, family trusts and cousin marriage to keep wealth in the family

1:02:00  National identity is national memory of history and national traditions. 

1:03:00  Seniority, status and culture

1:04:00  Westerners were the barbarians of old, more successful than Genghis Khan and the Vikings.

1:06:00  Social engineering for the matriarchy is bastardy, social engineering for the patriarchy is marriage. 

1:08:00  Homo sapiens who practised marriage eventually superseded matriarchy who didn't practise marriage. 

1:09:00  Most of the 36 capital offences of the Torah are sex crimes. 

1:11:00  To carry on the race with integrity and in a sustainable way, we must produce the next generation within wedlock and parent them properly. 

1:12:00  "Sovereignty", autonomy, independence, self-possession

1:14:00  Social and sexual intercourse

1:15:00  To even have a national interest to promote, we must first be a sovereign nation. 

1:17:00  There are only two religions acceptable to the most powerful God conceivable. 

1:18:00  How would the rest of the world take to Secular Koranism?

1:20:00  Military conquest is also ideological and cultural domination.  

1:21:00  The idea that an Englishman's home is his castle is in fact the sanctity of property. 

1:23:00  Marriage is no longer protected by the state.  

1:27:00  Sex ie women and booty was used to motivate men into joining the army to rape and pillage. 

1:28:00  Pliny and his proposed fire brigade

1:29:00  Secular Koranism

1:30:00  Orthodox Muslims tend to dislike Secular Koranism which is helpful in giving it clear blue water between Western Koranism and their kind of sharia.

1:31:00  DOMINGO joins. 
1:32:00  Domingo helpfully points out that Secular Koranism is not a religion and guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256
1:33:00  Secular Koranism would ban usury with quran.com/2/275

1:34:00  The status of Jews as God's Chosen People makes them the most ancient and powerful tribe.

1:36:00  Jews derive their power in the minds of gentiles whether they are theists or atheists.

1:37:00  The victim is lower status than the perpetrator until the perpetrator is punished.  

1:39:00  Who is higher status in America - blacks or whites?
1:41:00  Alison Chabloz
1:42:00  Jews have protected characteristics conferred on them by the Equality Act 2010.
1:43:00  Female victimhood v male victimhood
1:44:00  Robbing Peter to pay Paul
1:45:00  Proposed self-group for gentiles who feel they have been victims of Jews

1:46:00  Tell Mamma is an attempt by the matriarchy to infantilise Muslims.

1:47:00  Usury would be banned with quran.com/2/275
1:48:00  Jewish bankers banned from practising usury can turn their minds to Islamic banking. 

1:49:00  Domingo mimics Ralph.  
1:52:00  My cunning plan
1:53:00  Domingo mimics Ralph again.
1:55:00  The overwhelming majority of Jews are not bankers.  
1:57:00  Only the Noahide laws should be kept.
1:58:00  IC3 seeks reparations for slavery
2:03:00  Race codes
2:06:00  It is discovered that I had nodded off. 

2:07:00  Patriarchy is a system. 

I don't approve of reparations being sought for slavery. 

2:08:00  Commission on a bounty
2:09:00  No win, no fee?
2:12:00  Government in exile
2:15:00  Secular Koranism
2:16:00  Secular Koranism would allow individuals and governments to default on their debts. 
2:17:00  We all want to live in sovereign nations. 
2:21:00  Predatory lending
2:22:00  My reward for saving Western civilisation from its matriarchy
2:32:00  It is discovered that I had nodded off again. 

36 capital offences of the Torah

  1. Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  2. Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  3. Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  4. Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  5. Intercourse between two men.
  6. Bestiality.
  7. Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  8. Idol worship.
  9. Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  10. Necromancy sorcery.
  11. Pythonic sorcery.
  12. Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  13. Instigating a community to worship idols.
  14. Witchcraft.
  15. Violating the Sabbath.
  16. Cursing one's own parent.
  17. Ben sorer umoreh, a stubborn and rebellious son.
  18. The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  19. Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  20. Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  21. Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  22. Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  23. Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  24. Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  25. Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  26. Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  27. Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
  28. Unlawful premeditated murder.
  29. Being a citizen of an Ir nidachat, a "city that has gone astray".
  30. Committing adultery with another man's wife, when it does not fall under the above criteria.
  31. Wounding one's own parent.
  32. Kidnapping another Israelite.
  33. Prophesying falsely.
  34. Prophesying in the name of other deities.
  35. A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Where is the Holocaust Denial in this song?

Holocaust denial is an antisemitic conspiracy theory that asserts that the Nazi genocide of Jews, known as "the Holocaust", is a myth or fabrication. Holocaust deniers make one or more of the following false statements:

  • Nazi Germany's Final Solution was aimed only at deporting Jews and did not include their extermination.
  • Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers for the genocidal mass murder of Jews.
  • The actual number of Jews murdered is significantly lower than the accepted figure of 5 to 6 million, typically around a tenth of that figure.
  • The Holocaust is a hoax perpetrated by the Allies, a Jewish conspiracy, or the Soviet Union.
  • The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores overwhelming historical evidence to the contrary. Scholars use the term denial to describe the views and methodology of Holocaust deniers in order to distinguish them from legitimate historical revisionists, who challenge orthodox interpretations of history using established historical methodologies. Holocaust deniers generally do not accept denial as an appropriate description of their activities and use the euphemism revisionism instead. In some former Eastern Bloc countries, Holocaust deniers do not deny the mass murder of Jews, but deny the participation of their own nationals in the Holocaust. In 2019 the Holocaust Remembrance Project Report highlighted this form of denial which they described as "revisionism". They picked out Hungary, Poland, Croatia and Lithuania as the worst offenders.

Holocaust denial is considered a serious societal problem in many places where it occurs and is illegal in several European countries and Israel.


My name is Irene Zisblatt and I come from Hungary
Can you believe what evil Nazi bastards did to me
They gassed me once, gassed me twice,
But escape I did
Over the electric fence
Landed on the train

[This is parody.]

I saw them taking babies and tearing them in two
And creepy Dr Mengele he removed my tattoo
They tried to turn my brown eyes blue
Make lampshades from my skin
For months I swallowed diamonds
And shat them out again

[This is parody.]

Tell us another
Come on, my brother
Repeat the cover
For tribal gain
Safe in our tower
Now is the hour
Money and power
We have no shame

[Is Alison Chabloz claiming that all Jews are frauds? Are all Jews wealthy and powerful? Is she implying that all Jews who are wealthy and powerful are frauds, or only the "fake survivors"?]

Let's lie and cheat on film
No one suspects a thing
Bigger the lie is better for us!
Every fake survivor
Every fake survivor's laughing
Fake survivors' tongues are wagging
All us frauds are busy blagging
Spin and yarn there'll be no gagging
You shall pay
All the way
Every night and day!

[It is clear that Alison is only singling out the "fake survivors" in her song which logically and necessarily means that she thinks there are those who are not fake.]

My name is Elie Wiesel may I show you my tattoo
I wrote a book for US kids to study while at school
It's full of nonsense tales of course
What do you all expect
But it made me very wealthy
As a liar I'm the best

[If the late Elie Wiesel were alive, he could sue her for libel, but you cannot libel the dead.] 

At Auschwitz they burned
babies tho the water table's high
Fred Leuchter's work on ditches well it almost made me cry
Treblinka was a another one
There was no funeral pyre
I cannot speak Hungarian
But oh boy can I lie

[Alison is clearly referring to a fake survivor.]

History repeats itself
No limit to our wealth
Thanks to your debt we're
Bleeding you dry
We control your media
Control of your books and TV
With the daily lies we feed you
Suffering victimisation
Sheeple have no realisation
You shall pay...

[Liberal Jews who own and control the liberal Western media are
being referred to here. The Fourth Estate has now become the First Estate because it tells us who we are, what we are, and how to behave and what to believe, just as the First Estate did in the ancien regime of pre-revolutionary France.]
My name is Otto Frank and my daughter's name is Anne
The poor girl died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen camp
She wrote an introduction
To her famous diary
The rest was penned by Levin then publishèd by me

[This is a factual account of the life of Otto Frank.]

Two thousand and sixteen the copyright came to an end
The Anne Frank trust decided once again the rules to bend
We truly had no choice although
The whole thing really stank
But the book now has two authors
Anne and Otto Frank.

[This is a factual account.]

Bank notes let's print some more
We love to see you poor
Let's start a war
Our pockets to line
There is no more doubting
Every nations debt is mounting
While the bankers keep on counting
Pension fund has now gone awol
Nothing left upon your table
You shall pay..

[This is a reference to the practice of usury whose depredations can only be forbidden by Islam.]

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

On the theology of pantheism and the Abrahamic faiths

2:00  Being unAmerican and Church of Entropy
3:00  Idolatry
4:00  Mary Mother of God and Jesus Son of God
5:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake.
Christians barbarians were the equivalent of Mongol hordes for Jews and Muslims. 
6:00  Christianity won over non-Christians because they had no rules. 
7:00  European Wars of Religion
9:00  Are Muslims being punished for disobeying quran.com/18/4?
10:00  Christianity is kaput.
11:00  Tom Holland conflates Christianity and Islam.
12:00  Matriarchy
13:00  The Thirteen Principles of Judaism
16:00  Why nationalists want to weaponise Christianity
17:00  Christianity is conflated with Liberalism.
18:00  The idolatry of Christianity
19:00  Jews and Muslims must challenge the idolatry of Christianity.
20:00  The Abrahamic God and the Noahide laws
21:00  Pantheism
22:00  An indifferent deity
23:00  An indifferent deity is the antithesis of the Abrahamic God.
24:00  People who believe in God have a higher status than those who don't.
26:00  Deists and theists
27:00  Founding Fathers
28:00  Adams Franklin Jefferson Madison Washington AFJMW
29:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech
30:00  Judging the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
32:00  Jews and Muslims
35:00  Constantine
36:00  Would Constantine have chosen Islam if it had been around instead of Christianity?
37:00  Council of Nicaea
39:00  The three global empires have been Christian.
40:00  The cure exists before the disease.
41:00  The Seven Deadly Sins
42:00  Social conservatism, patriarchy, marriage and family values
43:00  Who is part of the matriarchy?
44:00  The Fourth Estate
45:00  Repentance
46:00  The Day of Atonement
48:00  An agnostic prophetess speaking to the Ninevites

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Lowell's Show: "Secular Koranism" with Millennial Mulan

2:45  I begin to speak on Secular Koranism. 
3:00  Minorities and the host population
4:00  The national interest
5:00  Defining the national interest

The populace of a matriarchy would be somewhat different to that of a patriarchy in behaviour and beliefs. 

6:00  40% illegitimacy in the US

7:00  The benefits of monogamy 
8:00  Liberalism is synonymous with liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.
9:00  Moral systems can include religions which support marriage and family values ie patriarchy and secular political ideologies which are noticeably less strict about enforcing standards of sexual morality ie matriarchy.
10:00  Jews and Muslims believe in the oneness of God while Christians believe in the threeness of God.
11:00  Christianity is the odd one out of the Abrahamic faiths.

Jews were made God's Chosen People to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles. 

12:00  Nothing in the Koran offends against the Noahide laws.

The first five Noahide laws that would most probably be universally accepted:

  1. The prohibition against murder
  2. The prohibition against theft
  3. The prohibition against sexual immorality
  4. The prohibition against eating an animal while it is still alive
  5. The positive commandment to establish a court and legal system
  6. The prohibition against idolatry
  7. The prohibition against blasphemy
13:00  Hinduism is only idolatry, but Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy.

14:00  Shituf (associating partners with God) is worse than avodah zarah (idolatry).

Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

15:00  Asher: "Quite a presentation!"

18:00  The tolerance of polytheism v the intolerance of monotheism
20:00  How would Secular Koranism work with the civil law?


24:00  Marriage substitutes
25:00  Difference between married couples and unmarried couples
26:00  Retrospective legislation and ex post facto law
27:00  Reception of Secular Koranism by Muslims
28:00  Secular Koranism would fit into the legal traditions of whatever country that adopted it.
29:00  In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother.
30:00  George Washington's farewell speech

All obstructions to the execution of the Laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests.

However combinations or associations of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Towards the preservation of your government, and the permanency of your present happy state, it is requisite, not only that you steadily discountenance irregular oppositions to its acknowledged authority, but also that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the constitution, alterations, which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be invited, remember that time and habit are at least as necessary to fix the true character of governments, as of other human institutions; that experience is the surest standard, by which to test the real tendency of the existing constitution of a country; that facility in changes, upon the credit of mere hypothesis and opinion, exposes to perpetual change, from the endless variety of hypothesis and opinion; and remember, especially, that, for the efficient management of our common interests, in a country so extensive as ours, a government of as much vigor as is consistent with the perfect security of liberty is indispensable. Liberty itself will find in such a government, with powers properly distributed and adjusted, its surest guardian. It is, indeed, little else than a name, where the government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member of the society within the limits prescribed by the laws, and to maintain all in the secure and tranquil enjoyment of the rights of person and property.

I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.

This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight,) the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

It serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.

There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And, there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.
31:00  Factionalism should be fluid.

33:00  Trump

34:00  The average American dislikes the liberal political establishment in America.

35:00  Asher defends the Biden Administration but Lowell disagrees. 

39:00  Lowell's August 2021 prediction.

42:00  New York Times

43:00  Jewish conspiracy theories

44:00  Religious Muslims relating to Secular Koranism

45:00  Reforming Islam by adopting it

47:00  The alt-right

Secular Koranism is the middle way.

48:00  Education for women

50:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

54:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

55:00  36 capital offences in the Torah

56:00  The Koran hardly ever mentions the death penalty.

Old Testament punishments

57:00  Judaic methods of execution: death by fire, death by stoning, death by strangulation and death by beheading, which is the kindest way.

1:00:00  Proportionality and idolatry

1:03:00  Salem Witch Trials

1:05:00  Lowell is writing a book on the Koran.

1:06:00  Roman empire

1:07:00  Infatuation

1:10:00  The option of mercy is already in https://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=5&verse=39

1:11:00  Three strikes and you're out.

1:16:00  Lowell's book

1:23:00  The emperor has no clothes. 

1:25:00  My unique idea

1:26:00  The Trinity

1:27:00  Idolatry

1:28:00  The Fourth Estate

Saturday, 19 June 2021

The Hegelian dialectic leads us to Islam

But for Judaism, Jews would not exist. But for Jews existing, Jesus would not have been born. But for Jesus having been born, Christians would have no Jesus to worship.

Because Christianity only maintained its hold on Westerners through the Christian practice of heretic burning, it lost its power when the American Republic was established guaranteeing freedom of belief with the First Amendment.

Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe and Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. 

Judaism - Thesis
Christianity - Antithesis
Islam - Synthesis

The Hegelian dialectic leads us to Islam. 

Islam is Judaism Lite, and Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Doooovid: "I just chose Claire Khaw." You, too, can choose Claire Khaw (and Secular Koranism!)

1:00  Luke Ford and his gift of a mic to Doooovid
2:00  Doooovid: "I chose Claire Khaw."
3:00  Doooovid: "I just chose Claire Khaw."
"I didn't want to go on some Nazi channel, so I chose Claire Khaw."
Joseph Cohen wanted to stop Doooovid.
5:00  Adam Green and Christopher Bjerknes
8:00  Eric Striker and Holocaust Denial
13:00  "Monsieur"

47:00  DOMINGO complains about Doooovid.
49:00  Jews can't even deny their own Holocaust.
51:00  Who is a Jew?
52:00  Israel is not a theocracy.
54:00  Jews are both a race and a religion.
Conflating race with religion
55:00  E Michael Jones
57:00  Charles Moscowitz
58:00  Christianity
1:01:00  The First Amendment of the American Republic
1:02:00  Christianity is a necessary lesson to learn about the harm of idolatry.
1:04:00  The Anti and Pro-Jew Show with Domingo and Claire
Rabbinical Judaism
1:07:00  We want to think we are better than rest. 
1:08:00  "Cult"
1:09:00  Christianity is based on Jews.
1:10:00  Idolatry and God
1:13:00  Third Principle
1:24:00  Hinduism and Buddhism
1:25:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. 
1:26:00  Antisemitism is dependent on the existence of Jews.
1:28:00  Domingo names Jews he doesn't hate.
1:29:00  Antisemitism is a white people thing.
1:31:00  Getting rabbis to rank the four gentile religions
1:32:00  Idolatry and the Third Principle
1:33:00  Logic and majority rule
1:34:00  I have changed Domingo's life.
1:35:00  The Abrahamic God and Domingo's personal god
1:36:00  Not the Abrahamic God
1:37:00  Caesar's Messiah
1:38:00  An uncreated universe
1:39:00  Jen denies the Big Bang.
1:41:00  The construction of theocracy
1:42:00  Matriarchy
1:44:00  Pandering to the female voter
1:45:00  Narrowing the franchise
1:46:00  Thoughtcrime legislation
1:48:00  Getting rabbis to rank the four gentile religions
1:49:00  Westerners acknowledge the failure of Christianity.
1:50:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
1:51:00  One party state
1:52:00  One party theocracy
1:53:00  Cheap labour
1:54:00  Corporate America
George Washington disapproved of political parties. 
1:56:00  Secular Koranism
God instead of Santa
1:57:00  Israel
1:58:00  Religious obligation of Jews to gentiles
1:59:00  Torah, Jews, Jesus and Christian values
2:00:00  Christian values
2:03:00  Noahide laws
2:05:00  quran.com/2/256
2:06:00  Register of Jews
2:07:00  Secular Koranism
2:10:00  Trinity 
2:12:00  Domingo worships his idol of antisemitism.
2:15:00  Secular Koranism
2:16:00  Higher Power
Pursuit of Justice

2:20:00  BRUNDLE
2:32:00  Joseph Cohen
3:00:00  Alice Weidel
3:02:00  Secular Koranism
3:04:00  Jon Vance
3:05:00  Muslims tend to hate Secular Koranism.
3:11:00  First Amendment

3:18:00  The problem with Domingo
3:19:00  Why worship any deity other than the Abrahamic God?
3:20:00  Domingo and Church of Entropy are idolaters.
3:21:00  Domingo and his Idol of Antisemitism
3:23:00  Christianity is a divine practical joke.
3:24:00  Western minds corrupted by idolatry
3:25:00  Secular Koranism
3:26:00  The ratio of Orthodox rabbis to gentile political activists who want to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
3:29:00  One party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Why gentiles need Jews

Without Judaism, Jews would not exist. If Jews did not exist, there would be no Jesus whom Christians worship as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and the last three global empires have been Christian.  Incidentally, Jews and Muslims regard Christian worship as idolatry and blasphemy but are too frightened of their Christian overlords to point this out because of the burned and bloody history of Christianity. Once I have persuaded enough rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, it will become clear that the only religions acceptable to God are Judaism and Islam. It will also become clear that the reward for Jews in finally teaching the Noahide laws properly is to be rewarded with having the option of becoming Muslim which is the easier way of getting to heaven. As we know, Islam is Judaism Lite and Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.  



Otherwise they would need a Torah theocracy with its 36 capital offences to get to heaven.

Jews who believe in God should consider what their afterlife will be if they have committed any of the 36 capital offences. Because of its harshness, it means that a Jew would in his afterlife be subjected to all the death penalties he accumulated during his lifetime.  This means being subject to a death penalty, being resurrected, and then subject to another death penalty, rinse and repeat until all the death penalties he accumulated during his sinning lifetime are carried out.  


Unfortunately for Jews, there is no mention of any kind of heaven at all in the Torah. This means a terrible lifetime of being subject to the restrictions of Judaism just to avoid the death penalties that would accrue in their afterlife. 

It is for this reason that we should be grateful for the existence of Jews because they suffer so much and may even suffer some more in their afterlife. Imagine being stoned to death to be resurrected to suffer death by fire, then resurrected to suffer death by strangulation and then resurrected yet again to suffer death by beheading according to how many death penalties Jews have accumulated in their restricted lives!

The only way for the Jew to escape this terrible afterlife would be to convert to Islam which hardly mentions the death penalty and has a very consumerist paradise where its residents have nice clothes to wear, nice cushions and couches to recline on, nice gardens to walk about in with water features and beautiful waiters and waitresses to bring their delicious food and wine! 


The reward for Jews after they have properly taught the Noahide laws by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with them is to convert to Islam because it provides an easier route for them to get to a more pleasurable heaven.

Rabbis must therefore rank the four gentile religions as soon as possible so that as many Jews as possible can gain access to such an afterlife.  

If the burdens of being Jewish are too great for them, a Noahide option paves the way for living a righteous life leading to heaven in the afterlife which will also solve the problem of antisemitism in this life while improving government for Jews and gentiles too. God is wise indeed, gracious and merciful, to both Jews and gentiles, for He has ensured in His wisdom and mercy that the cure of Islam exists before the civilisational disease of intersectional feminism.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Domingo goes to a dance party and embarrasses the host Ralph because he danced too hard and fast


Host of Party: "Stop with your crazy dancing!"

Domingo: "I thought that was the point of the party!"

Host of Party: "You danced too hard and fast and made an arse of yourself. All you did was dance, dance, dance the night away!"

Domingo: "But wasn't the point of the party to dance hard and fast with the other crazy dancers?"

Host of Party: "Yeah, but you were dancing too hard and fast and it was just embarrassing how you lowered the tone of my party with your crazy dancing, which was much much crazier than the crazy dancers I invited. You, Domingo, lack self-awareness, and embarrassed me and my guests because you were clearly so off the scale with your crazy dancing!"   

'Some people should not drink and dance': Australian man is arrested after being kicked out of nightclub for bad dancing

I speak from 

4:38:00  Christianity is kaput.
4:39:00  Intersectional Feminism has replaced Liberalism.
Atheist antisemites and Islamophobes are always complaining about Jews and Judaism, people with a religion.
4:40:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
4:42:00  Muslim speaks.
4:43:00  Nonsensical to talk of being either "Pagan Christian" or a "Christian Pagan"
4:44:00  Idolatry
4:45:00  I am agreed with that liberalism is being replaced by intersectional feminism.
4:46:00  God wouldn't approve of feminism. 
4:48:00  Paganism is idolatry.
4:49:00  Muslim denounces Cultural Christian.
4:53:00  Nicene Creed

4:50:00  JORD warns the others against Secular Koranism.

5:13:00  I start to speak.
5:14:00  Jews and Muslims believe in the oneness of God, but Christians believe in the threeness of God.
5:15:0  New Testament

5:17:00  Constantine
5:18:00  Council of Nicaea
5:19:00  When did the Abrahamic God cancel His prohibition against idolatry?
5:20:00  Jeremiah and Isaiah
5:21|:00 Only the Torah and Koran are the Word of God. 
5:22:00  Christians want Jesus to have died for their sins/
5:23:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
5:24:00  Secular Koranism does not require you to be Muslim. 
5:25:00  It is moral to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished.  
5:26:00  Antisemites grateful to have a Jewvid on Ralph's channel.
5:27:00  Antisemites who worship a Jew
5:28:00  Atheists deny the existence of God the way nationalists deny my existence.
5:29:00  The purpose of Jews is to be triggered by idolatry.
5:30:00  Jews and Muslims should be triggered by idolatry.
5:31:00  Spinoza's synagogue that excommunicated him now sells his books in their souvenir shop.
5:33:00  Jews are no longer capable of teaching the Noahide laws to each other, let alone to gentiles.
5:35:00  Israel as currently an American Protectorate but the Special Relationship may soon end. 
5:36:00  When Israel becomes a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism

Unholy Missionaries! Rabbi Tovia Singer Delivers Fiery Lecture in Israel Exposing Jewish Evangelism

Monday, 14 June 2021

The idolatry of the Doctrine of the Trinity

I complain about the idolatry and ignorance of Domingo.

3:00  Definition of idolatry by Merriam Webster
9:00  Nicene creed
11:00  Third Principle of Judaism
13:00  Athanasian Creed

25:00  Different definitions of idolatry and God
31:00  Jews - what are they for?
35:00  Associating partners with God/shituf
39:00  Idolatry

42:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
47:00  Confidence trick
48:00  The Abrahamic God
53:00  Christian section of Hell
54:00  DOMINGO joins.
58:00  Definition of God
1:00:00  Idolatry
1:10:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

1:11:00  TERRON joins.
1:12:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:13:00  Omnipotence
1:14:00  The Trinity
1:20:00  Terron is riled.
1:22:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:23:00  God was a baby.
1:30:00  Virgin Birth
1:31:00  Emotional and triggered
1:40:00  Jacob Wallenberg
2:02:00  No good men in Christianity.

2:03:00  RALPH joins talking about accelerationism.
2:13:00  Idolatry
2:15:00  Jay Dyer and Sam Shimoun
2:16:00  Christianity identity
2:17:00  Muslim identity
2:18:00  First Amendment  quran.com/2/256
2:19:00  Jefferson Bible
2:20:00  Jefferson hated Trinitarianism.
2:21:00  Domingo is so effeminate!
2:22:00  Jews and Muslims acting jointly to ask Christians how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy
2:24:00  Immigrants
2:25:00  Disorganised plebs
2:26:00  Nationalists larping as Christians
2:28:00  Average age of Muslims
2:29:00  Ageing Christians
2:30:00  Terron's background
2:33:00  First Amendment destroyed belief in the Trinity.
2:34:00  Christianity is kaput.
2:35:00  Learning from immigrants
2:37:00  Globalism
2:42:00  Patricia Crone
2:44:00  Definition of idolatry
2:45:00  Noahide laws
2:46:00  Christians

2:47:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:48:00  His beliefs
2:49:00  Idolatry
2:51:00  Aliens from outer space
2:54:00  Hidden idolatry
2:55:00  Worshiping the Koran
2:59:00  Worshiping an idea
3:00:00  Christians
3:01:00  Jesus
3:02:00  Parents of Jesus
3:07:00  Virgin Birth and Jonah
3:09:00  Zachariah, Sarah
3:12:00  New Testament and Nicene Creed

3:13:00  The adoption of Secular Koranism would make me believe in God.

3:15:00  I must have faith, or I wouldn't be doing what I am doing.
3:16:00  Church of Entropy has equated God with a box of frogs that she can point to by being a pantheist.
3:17:00  Corrupt empires
3:18:00  The utility of lies
3:19:00  Truth
3:20:00  Believing in your own propaganda
3:21:00  Seven Deadly Sins
3:22:00  Confession
3:23:00  Noahide laws
3:24:00  Idolatry
3:25:00  quran.com/2/256
3:26:00  Why I am trying to get rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws

3:27:00  TERRON POOLE speaks.
3:28:00  Jews and Muslims must marginalise Christians. 
3:29:00  Even an atheist can see the benefits of patriarchy. 
3:35:00  Rabbis won't rank the four gentile religions because they don't want to lose Jews to Islam.
3:36:00  Secular Israeli Jews would choose Secular Koranism rather than a Torah theocracy if they  could only choose between the two.
3:37:00  Proposed referendum on a theocracy in Israel
3:38:00  Israel will have to be more accommodating to its Muslim neighbours once America ceases its special relationship with Israel. 
3:39:00  No scripture for Noahidism.
3:42:00  Islam, being top of the tree in the ranking of the four gentile religions, has no rivals.

3:48:00  It doesn't matter if rabbis don't find Islam Noahide enough as far as they are concerned, it is enough that they say Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Christianity the least. 

3:50:00  God made Jews His Chosen People to teach the Noahide laws.
3:51:00  Rabbis already think Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 
3:53:00  Otto Pohl's hatred of the Lebanese
3:54:00  What rabbis ought to believe
3:55:00  Antisemtism caused by bad government which Jews could alleviate.
3:57:00  George Washington's valedictory speech
4:00:00  Contradictions in the Koran
4:03:00  Islamic European Union
4:05:00  Conops claims to be able to sell Secular Koranism better than  me.
4:05:00  Secular Koranism is for Europeans. 
4:07:00  Infanticide
4:08:00  It is a badge of honour to be expelled from the BNP.
4:09:00  My blog blocked from the internet.
4:10:00  Intellectuals in the West are not fit for the purpose of honest and rational intellectual debate.  
4:11:00  Douglas Murray
4:13:00  Conops' Islamophobia
4:15:00  Aisha's age when she first had sex with Muhammad
4:16:00  Iran
4:17:00  The Pill
4:18:00  Replacement birth rates and controlling the birth rate
4:19:00  Bangalore
4:20:00  Corporate domination of your nation
4:21:00  A one-party state and ostracism in Athens
4:23:00  Secular Koranism
4:25:00  Legal systems are generic. 
4:26:00  Meritocracy and neurosis
4:27:00  Six sharia theocracies in the world
4:28:00  "Shithole Muslim countries"
4:29:00  Western imperialism
4:31:00  Shiites and Sunnis, Saudi and Iran
4:34:00  GDP
4:35:00  Consultation
4:36:00  CCP
4:37:00  Louis XIV the Sun King
4:38:00  George Washington's farewell speech
4:40:00  Jefferson and Madison
4:41:00  Optimates and populares
4:42:00  Rules are made to be broken. 
4:42:00  Morality and enforcement
4:42:00  Secular Koranism
4:45:00  Conops is a nihilist.
4:46:00  TERRON POOLE rejoins.
4:47:00  One party state
4:48:00  Xinjiang
4:49:00  Tibetans
4:50:00  Protecting the rights of party members in a one-party state
4:51:00  Mao
4:53:00  George Washington wanted a one-party state.
4:54:00  Morality
4:55:00  Morality cannot be maintained without religion. 
4:56:00  The West is without a functioning religion. 
4:57:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist. 
4:58:00  What is our group and what is its strategy?
5:00:00  DOMINGO joins.
5:01:00  Institutions

5:01:00  Comfort women
5:02:00  "Lock up your wives and your daughters!"
5:04:00  Regulated rape
5:11:00  Abu Ghraib
5:14:00  Enforced prostitution
5:16:00  Domingo is not a married father. 
5:18:00  My assessment of Domingo's failed career as a comedian
5:23:00  Pelu talked about collecting his war booty.
5:24:00  Canadian peacekeepers accused in Bosnia of raping the women.
5:25:00  Brothels with women of ill repute
5:26:00  No comfort women in the rape of Nanking
5:27:00  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
5:29:00  Slave girls in the Koran
5:32:00  Women are part of war booty.
5:33:00  Conan the Barbarian
5:34:00  Cultural exchange
5:35:00  Going native
5:36:00  Infanticide
5:37:00  The Koran
5:38:00  Islamophobes and antisemites
5:39:00  Muslims are victims of Western foreign policy for which they blame Jews.
5:41:00  The Hadith
5:42:00  Child sacrifice was ended by Abraham's tribe who worshiped the Abrahamic God.
5:45:00  Witches and witchcraft
5:46:00  Talismans and amulets
5:47:00  Small miracles
5:56:00  Ancestral hatreds
5:58:00  Pygmalion
Law is the algorithm of the human being.
5:59:00  Apatheism
6:00:00  Middle Age
6:01:00  Arrested adolescence
6:02:00  Parenthood
6:04:00  Social media and a degenerate culture
6:05:00  Rehab in Russia
6:15:00  Judas
6:16:00  LSD and ketamine
6:17:00  Bath Salts, PCP, THC, Crocodil
6:18:00  Fentanyl
6:22:00  Opium Wars and the addiction of your own people
6:24:00  The Age of Revolution
6:26:00  Feminism and Gender Relations
6:27:00  Mental illness in a matriarchy
6:28:00  Vincent Bruno and his gay breeding camps
6:29:00  Vincent's view on transgenderism
6:30:00  Phone booths
6:31:00  Phone addiction
6:32:00  ADHD and binge-watching
6:34:00  Is Domingo a pantheist?
6:35:00  Church of Entropy's pantheism
6:42:00  Gandalf
6:44:00  Church of Entropy's resilience
6:48:00  Why Jen won't talk to Margarita
6:52:00  Jen's modus operandi
6:54:00  Jen preys on vulnerable men.
6:57:00  British nationalism
7:02:00  Purgatory
7:03:00  36 capital offences in Judaism
7:04:00  Jews must have a hellish afterlife. 
7:07:00  Sam Shimoun

Talking about Jews and jewelry with Vincent Bruno

5:00  I join.

10:00  Atheism and pantheism
11:00  Flowing a debate
12:00  Dr Michael Brown
18:00  Observance and enforcement
19:00  Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion. 
21:00  Sharia
22:00  36 capital offences, shituf and avodah zarah
23:00  Jews and gentiles would be subject to the same death penalty for certain offences.
25:00  Hidden idolatry
26:00  Christianity and Hinduism
27:00  Cultural appropriation by Christianity of Judaism
28:00  Caesar's Messiah and John Gischala
29:00  Being a Noahide led to conversion to Judaism
30:00  Midrash
The Midrash is part of the Talmud.
38:00  Ethno-nationalists hate Vincent and approve of the Noahide laws.
39:00  Vincent acknowledges that not all Jews are liberal. 
40:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
41:00  Vincent's gay breeding farms
43:00  Gentiles hate Jews for acting like gentiles. 
44:00  Liberal Jews is a problem of liberalism.
45:00  Melanie Phillips

"The Noahide laws are Judaism."

48:00  Messianic Jews
50:00  Definitions of God and idolatry
56:00  Jews are supposed to know better than to practise idolatry. 
58:00 Kabbalah
1:00:00  Ein Sof - the force
1:02:00  Brahman
1:06:00  God before the Creation
Israel means wrestling with God.
1:07:00  Rule of law
1:08:00  Reincarnation
1:09:00  Atheist Buddhism
Transmigration of souls
1:10:00  The evil eye or ayin hara
1:12:00  Abel was a victim of envy.
1:13:00  Envy is a thoughtcrime.
1:14:00  Swots get bullied.
1:15:00  Talisman
1:19:00  Amulet
1:28:00  A necklace of garlic is an amulet.

1:36:00  The harm of idolatry
1:38:00  A hierarchy of religions
1:39:00  India
1:40:00  Is Chinese ancestor worship idolatry?
The last emperor
1:44:00  Secular Koranism
1:45:00  Israel
1:53:00  Vaccines

Dr. Brown explains why he took down our Noahide debate

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Discussing Judaism, Islam4Europeans, Noahide laws, comfort women and Church of Entropy's pantheism

2:00  Jews and Judaism

5:00  Rap music

6:00  Malign encouragement

7:00  Jews should at least deign to defend themselves. 

8:00  Over-representation in the professions and positions of influence

9:00  Rules are made to be broken.

10:00  The problem of Liberal Jews is a problem of Liberalism.

12:00  Koranic principles

10:00:00  Scyth accused of having an obsession with Claire Khaw with last mention of me at 11:20:00

16:00  I have the best understanding of ethno-nationalists. 

17:00  North Sound divide of British nationalism

19:00  Democrats

21:00  Blacks and Hispanics being used by the Democrats.

Pandering to the female voter who are the biggest group

23:00  The Fourth Estate

24:00  Race is a red herring.

25:00  Yin and Yang, the institution of marriage

26:00  Marriage and good parenting and who may have sex with whom

28:00  Marriage is universal and eternal. 

29:00  Degeneracy

30:00  Statistical probability of underachieving if singly parented by an unmarried mother

31:00  Marriage is the most important male and female partnership.

32:00  Slut shaming

33:00  David Starkey: "The whites have turned black." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-14513517

35:00  Apparently conservative looking Muslim women in the West who support transgenderism.

Female and male MPs who support gay marriage https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2014/02/if-you-hate-gay-marriage-blame-83-of.html

36:00  Fornication is the gateway sexual offence. 

37:00  21st century dating behaviour

40:00  Early marriage

41:00  Men have to take women as they come.

42:00  Father and son talks

44:00  The vamp, the crazy lady and the trouble making woman

The men are stupid and the women are crazy.

45:00  Senior politicians will be avoiding discussion of matriarchy.

46:00  Secular Koranism

49:00  Are immigrants to the West rats boarding a sinking ship?

51:00  The ideological war is between those who want to respect marriage ie restore the patriarchy and those who don't 

52:00  DOMINGO joins.

54:00  Saints and suckers

56:00  ROB DUFOUR joins.

57:00  Murder of a Muslim family in Toronto  https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-canada-muslim-family-hate-crime-attack-20210607-llrxy4pbf5c4li5xw2vwc4vpke-story.html

1:01:00  Minorities campaigning for free speech

1:02:00  Safe space for white converts

1:04:00  Mosque architecture

1:06:00  Great Mosque of Xian

1:11:00  Muslim for 18 years

1:12:00  Scientific miracles of the Koran

1:14:00  Romans overcoming the Persians

1:19:00  The Koran was created.

1:26:00  The age of Aisha

1:34:00  CONOPS speaks.

2:06:00  Wahhabis

2:10:00  No true Scotsman fallacy

2:11:00  Muslim rape gangs

2:15:00  Religion and politics

2:18:00  Separation of church and state

2:19:00  Providential Constitutionalism and Secular Koranism

2:21:00  Infanticide

2:22:00  Nihilism

2:25:00  Islam4Europeans

2:26:00  White Supremacists

2:27:00  "All things being equal, Jews should support [Islam4Europeans]."

2:28:00  "All things being equal, even Ben Shapiro should support Islam4Europeans."

2:36:00  Porn

2:38:00  Honour killings

2:41:00  VPN and my dangerous blocked blog on blogger 

2:49:00  Free speech

2:53:00  I am known to the authorities.


2:58:00  My agnosticism

2:59:00  Choosing to believe in God as a moral choice

3:00:00  Benefits to atheists of theocracy

3:01:00  The Noahide laws can be deduced from the Torah. 

3:02:00  TERRON POOLE rejoins. 

Taking the middle way

3:03:00  My principle is to sell Secular Koranism.

3:04:00  A theocracy is a society governed by God's laws.

3:05:00  I am a beneficiary of previous generations who practised marriage. 

3:06:00  Status reasons for practising marriage

3:07:00  Atheist from 11

3:08:00  The public and private purpose of religion

3:09:00  Spiritual needs

3:10:00  Getting what I want

3:11:00  Job

3:12:00  Principles

3:13:00  Risk-averse atheists

3:14:00  Praying for the adoption of Secular Koranism

3:15:00  Church of Entropy

3:16:00  Jen's theocracy

3:17:00  The Abrahamic God

3:18:00  Empires

3:19:00  The utility of lies

3:20:00  Valuing truth for its own sake

3:21:00  Seven Deadly Sins

3:22:00  Priesthood

3:23:00  The Noahide laws

3:27:00  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256

3:28:00  Jews and Muslims should jointly ask Christians why and how Christianity is not idolatry and b blasphemy. 

3:29:00  No fault divorce will be abolished. 

3:31:00  Chief Rabbinate

3:32:00  People of the Book

3:33:00  quran.com/18/4

3:34:00  Noahide Jews?

3:36:00  Would secular Jews in Israel choose Secular Koranism rather than a Torah theocracy if forced to choose a theocracy? 

3:37:00  Israel has to make peace with its neighbours.

3:38:00  Rabbi Kahane

3:39:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism

3:54:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God

3:55:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws

3:56:00  Forced conversions

3:57:00  Breaking their own rules

3:58:00  George Washington's farewell speech

3:59:00  Abrogation

4:00:00  Interpretation

4:01:00  Alcohol

4:02:00  Legal principles and legal traditions

4:02:00  EU Directive and an Islamic European Union

4:03:00  The best way to reform Islam is for the West to adopt it.

4:04:00  Conops thinks he can sell Secular Koranism better than me. 

4:05:00  Secular Koranism for Europeans

4:08:00  Liverpool Death Pathway and my expulsion from the BNP

4:10:00  Cognitive dissonance

4:11:00  Douglas Murray

4:12:00  Islamophobia

4:14:00  Child marriages

4:16:00  Cohabitation in Iran 

4:17:00  Your children are your wealth.

4:19:00  Hungary and Bangalore

4:20:00  Big business takes over your government under representative democracies.

4:21:00  Oligarchy and ostracism in Ancient Athens

4:22:00  Mortal and fallible men 

4:24:00  Ibadi Muslims

4:25:00  Legal systems of the world

4:26:00  Moral regeneration and the neurosis of moral decay

4:27:00  Seven theocracies in the world

4:28:00  Which country is doing better?

4:30:00  Western imperialism in the Middle East

4:31:00  Saudis

4:33:00  Empires

4:35:00  GDP and elections

4:36:00  One-party state and Louis XIV

4:37:00  George Washington's farewell speech

4:38:00  Factions

4:41:00  Rome: optimates and populares

4:42:00  Rules are made to be broken.

4:43:00  Secular Koranism as an instrument of moral regeneration. 

4:44:00  The necessity but inconvenience of change

4:45:00  Church of Entropy

4:46:00  TERRON rejoins.

4:47:00  China v The West

4:53:00  https://www.owleyes.org/text/farewell-address/read/text-of-washingtons-address

4:54:00  Morality

4:55:00  The American Republic

4:57:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist.

4:58:00  Morality is tested by the longevity of the group.

5:00:00  DOMINGO joins on prostitution.

5:01:00  Comfort women

5:02:00  Organised v Disorganised rape

5:10:00  Abu Ghraib

5:13:00  Comfort women

5:14:00  Enforced prostitution

5:18:00  My psychological assessment of Domingo

5:23:00  ICC and Pelu

5:24:00  Canadian Peace Keepers in Bosnia were accused of rape. 

5:25:00  Disorganised rape

5:26:00  Rape of Nanking

5:28:00  Public order

5:29:00  Morality

5:34:00  What rabbis should be doing

Going native

5:35:00  Infanticide

5:38:00  Muslim antisemitism

5:41:00  Hadith and the story of Abraham

5:42:00  Ending the practice of human sacrifice

5:43:00  Ram

5:44:00  A corrupt priesthood should not be given the power of absolution.

5:46:00  Voodoo dolls and talismens

5:47:00  The power of prayer

5:48:00  The power of the collective consciousness is controlled by the Fourth Estate.

5:51:00  Near death experience and divine intervention

5:54:00  Coincidence

5:55:00  Telepathy

5:57:00  Pygmalion

5:58:00  Our actions are motivated by our beliefs. 

5:59:00  Apatheism

6:00:00  Middle Age

6:01:00  Adolescence will be prolonged.

6:02:00  Parenthood

6:04:00  The culture war is about the morality of the patriarchy.

6:07:00  Parental warning about porn. 

6:09:00  Erotica

6:10:00  Do adults know the difference lust and love?

6:11:00  Dug addict at elementary school as a warning to the children

6:13:00  Police officer in class

6:14:00  Marijuana

6:15:00  Psychotropic drugs

6:16:00  LSD and Ketamine, Spice and Bath Salts 

6:18:00  THC, PCP and Crocodilo, Fentanol

6:22:00  Opium Wars and Afghanistan

6:23:00  Replacing the working class

6:24:00  No revolution if the average is too high. 

6:25:00  The national character is that of the single mother in her 40s.

6|:26:00  Matriarchy and Gender Relations

6:27:00  Degeneracy and moral decay

6:28:00  Transgenderism

6:29:00  Vincent Bruno's homosexual breeding farms

6:31:00  Addicted to our phones

6:33:00  Something in the water

6:34:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God

6:35:00  The theocracy of Church of Entropy

6:36:00  Jen's definitions

6:37:00  Jen's self-referential definitions

6:39:00  Jen's mumbo jumbo

6:40:00  An indifferent god

6:41:00  Gandalf

6:42:00  A rate white women

6:43:00  Subservience is required for interaction with Jen.

6:44:00  Jen's resilience is Jen's delusion.


6:48:00  Margarita

6:49:00  Doooovid

6:50:00  Neuroscience

6:53:00  Jen is a vulnerable child in an adult female body.

6:54:00  People leaving

6:56:00  Introvert

6:57:00  Self-imposed self-censorship causes neurosis

7:01:00  Atheists have daddy issues.


7:02:00  Hell for Jews

7:05:00  Jen's previous lives

7:06:00  TJump

7:07:00  Sam Shamoun

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...