Saturday, 26 June 2021

Jewish bankers can just turn their minds to Islamic banking after usury is banned

2:00  Secular Koranism is about pooping the sex party.
3:00  Ralph's NRX has no principles.

Methodology v Ideology

4:00  Islamophobes
5:00  Extramarital sex
6:00  Degeneracy
7:00  Denial is a feminine vice.
Liars who lie to themselves. 
Disaster and extinction
8:00  Luis and Thiorwulf
11:00  Foundational myths
12:00  Communism is a progressive ideology.
13:00  Ralph's methodology

14:00  Ralph's unprincipled instrument and my integrated moral and legal political system 

15:00  Restoring the patriarchy
16:00  Subliminal advertising

19:00  IC3 joins.
20:00  Secular Koranism

Why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism

21:00  Separation of church and state
22:00  Secular Koranism is an integrated moral and legal political system.
23:00  Christian on Christian religious persecution
24:00  The British Monarch is the Head of the Anglican Church.

25:00  Ralph's methodology is about nudging people into doing things while mine is about laying down the law.

27:00  Global empire
28:00  Neo-liberalism
29:00  Why people are unhappy
30:00  Insurrection
31:00  Management shuffle
32:00  The ruling classes fighting each other eg the Corn Laws
33:00  Environmentalism, consumerism, usury

34:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.

35:00  Apportioning power to groups
36:00  Aesthetics
37:00  Major cities of the world
38:00  Cheap housing
Civic pride
39:00  Worshiping the most powerful God
40:00  Christianity is kaput.

41:00  Man is material with spiritual and political aspirations.

42:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
43:00  Marriage and family values

Culture is the product of morality and law.

Politics is about changing the law in order to change the culture. 

44.  We are motivated by our beliefs to seek pleasure and avoid pain and the law is the algorithm of human beings. If our laws encourage the right kind and discourage the wrong kind of behaviour, our nation will prosper. If our laws encourage the wrong kind of behaviour and discourage the right kind of behaviour, then our nation will decline. The very least our laws should do is support the institutions of marriage and family values, but our degenerate matriarchy only seeks to further undermine these institutions because a matriarchy is basically a society crippled by its own intellectual and moral corruption and is a danger to itself and all who live in it.   

45:00  Secular Koranism is suitable for all societies, irrespective of race and nation allowing them to keep the best of their traditions.  

46:00  Trade would prosper under a stable governments governed by the rule of law. 

47:00  Culture is a product of law and morality.

48:00  Secular Koranism would allow you to keep the best of your traditions.  

49:00  Koranic principles would be enforced like EU Directives in Member States.

50:00  Empire and Etruscans

51:00  All great civilisations are great empires.  

52:00  All empires are acquired and lost by war. Therefore the rules of warfare must be humane. Koranic principles of warfare preceded the Geneva Convention. 


53:00  Empires collapse when they break their own rules. 

54:00  The lifespan of a star

55:00  Entailment, family trusts and cousin marriage to keep wealth in the family

1:02:00  National identity is national memory of history and national traditions. 

1:03:00  Seniority, status and culture

1:04:00  Westerners were the barbarians of old, more successful than Genghis Khan and the Vikings.

1:06:00  Social engineering for the matriarchy is bastardy, social engineering for the patriarchy is marriage. 

1:08:00  Homo sapiens who practised marriage eventually superseded matriarchy who didn't practise marriage. 

1:09:00  Most of the 36 capital offences of the Torah are sex crimes. 

1:11:00  To carry on the race with integrity and in a sustainable way, we must produce the next generation within wedlock and parent them properly. 

1:12:00  "Sovereignty", autonomy, independence, self-possession

1:14:00  Social and sexual intercourse

1:15:00  To even have a national interest to promote, we must first be a sovereign nation. 

1:17:00  There are only two religions acceptable to the most powerful God conceivable. 

1:18:00  How would the rest of the world take to Secular Koranism?

1:20:00  Military conquest is also ideological and cultural domination.  

1:21:00  The idea that an Englishman's home is his castle is in fact the sanctity of property. 

1:23:00  Marriage is no longer protected by the state.  

1:27:00  Sex ie women and booty was used to motivate men into joining the army to rape and pillage. 

1:28:00  Pliny and his proposed fire brigade

1:29:00  Secular Koranism

1:30:00  Orthodox Muslims tend to dislike Secular Koranism which is helpful in giving it clear blue water between Western Koranism and their kind of sharia.

1:31:00  DOMINGO joins. 
1:32:00  Domingo helpfully points out that Secular Koranism is not a religion and guarantees freedom of belief with
1:33:00  Secular Koranism would ban usury with

1:34:00  The status of Jews as God's Chosen People makes them the most ancient and powerful tribe.

1:36:00  Jews derive their power in the minds of gentiles whether they are theists or atheists.

1:37:00  The victim is lower status than the perpetrator until the perpetrator is punished.  

1:39:00  Who is higher status in America - blacks or whites?
1:41:00  Alison Chabloz
1:42:00  Jews have protected characteristics conferred on them by the Equality Act 2010.
1:43:00  Female victimhood v male victimhood
1:44:00  Robbing Peter to pay Paul
1:45:00  Proposed self-group for gentiles who feel they have been victims of Jews

1:46:00  Tell Mamma is an attempt by the matriarchy to infantilise Muslims.

1:47:00  Usury would be banned with
1:48:00  Jewish bankers banned from practising usury can turn their minds to Islamic banking. 

1:49:00  Domingo mimics Ralph.  
1:52:00  My cunning plan
1:53:00  Domingo mimics Ralph again.
1:55:00  The overwhelming majority of Jews are not bankers.  
1:57:00  Only the Noahide laws should be kept.
1:58:00  IC3 seeks reparations for slavery
2:03:00  Race codes
2:06:00  It is discovered that I had nodded off. 

2:07:00  Patriarchy is a system. 

I don't approve of reparations being sought for slavery. 

2:08:00  Commission on a bounty
2:09:00  No win, no fee?
2:12:00  Government in exile
2:15:00  Secular Koranism
2:16:00  Secular Koranism would allow individuals and governments to default on their debts. 
2:17:00  We all want to live in sovereign nations. 
2:21:00  Predatory lending
2:22:00  My reward for saving Western civilisation from its matriarchy
2:32:00  It is discovered that I had nodded off again. 

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