Thursday, 3 June 2021

My comments on the exchange on the Noahide laws between Dr Michael Brown and Vincent Bruno

I support Vincent Bruno in his campaign to abolish Education and Sharing Day - established in 1978 by the Carter Administration  - because it has utterly failed to teach the Noahide laws! It is not like Vincent was traumatised in his school days by Education and Sharing Day or that it stopped him from becoming a sodomite, idolater and blasphemer because that is what he now is.  He has admitted that he was not even aware of Education and Sharing Day during his school days. Vincent should ask his old school exactly how it shares and educates gentiles now with Education and Sharing Day. This Noahide "kosher certificate" by Chabad should be withdrawn from the American Repubic and withheld from all Christian nations until and unless they become Islamic States operating a sharia theocracy!

The Noahide laws would make ethical monotheism the norm.

2:00  For gentiles to be executed under the Noahide laws, they would have to living in a Torah theocracy, where Jews would be executed too for the same offences against the Noahide laws, but actually Jews in a Torah theocracy would be subject to 36 capital offences. 

4:00  Paraphrasing Vincent: "I could be an even bigger antisemite, but I am not."

6:00  "Jewish domination" is the ultimate end of Jews, says Vincent Bruno. We already know some rabbis won't say Islam is Noahide and that  only rabbinically-guided Noahidism is acceptable to God and this is because they want "Jewish domination", arguably.

8:00 Is Christianity idolatry?

8:30  Who enforces the Noahide laws - Jews or gentiles?

9:00  Decapitation and execution for breaking the Noahide laws

10:00  It is true that no Jew has declared an intention to execute Christians for being idolaters and blasphemers.

11:00  Rabbi Schneerson:

"We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher." 

3:00  My monologue ends.

9:00  I speak again.

Vincent is saying he could be even more of an antisemite, but he is not. 

11:00  I speak again.

Is Christianity idolatry?

13:00  I speak again.

Gentiles would attract the death penalty for breaking the Noahide laws is if they lived in a Torah theocracy. Jews guilty of these crimes would also attract the death penalty.  

16:00  Different methods of execution

17:00  Anne Boleyn's beheading and how she specially requested a French swordsman

20:00  I speak again.

There are only two religions acceptable to the Abrahamic God: Judaism and Islam.

21:00  Are atheism and agnosticism blasphemy?

22:00  Is associating partners with God as Christians do worse than mere idolatry?

Messianic Jews are Jewish Christians or Christian Jews.

24:00  I speak again.

Rabbis are still refusing to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws.

27:00  I speak again.

What Rabbi Schneerson actually said

28:00  Not every rabbi is Chabad.

29:00  Israel's borders are eternally defined in the Torah.

30:00  Islam is an imperial religion.

Saying "Jesus loves you is blashemy" because it means that Jesus is still alive and therefore immortal and divine, which is idolatry. 

32:00  The Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. 

33:00  The First Amendment is based on

34:00  Jews and Muslims would be agreed on the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. 

38:00  I speak again.

Gentiles would only suffer the death penalty under the Noahide laws if they lived in a Torah theocracy.
41:00  I speak again.

Who would be beheading whom?

Would Jews be beheading gentiles or would gentiles be beheading gentiles after being influenced by Jews into so doing? 

43:00  Admonition defined

44:00  I speak again.

The First Amendment allows Jews to influence gentiles and gentiles to influence Jews.

46:00  I speak again.

Education and Sharing Day

America being a righteous gentile nation

58:00  Has Education and Sharing Day worked on Vincent?

1:00:00  I support Vincent in his campaign to disestablish Education and Sharing Day since it is obviously not fit for purpose and may mislead others in thinking that America is a righteous gentile nation when it is in fact global American culture that is turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah.

1:01:00  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?

1:02:00  The last three global empires have been Christian. 

1:03:00  Jews have been given three opportunities to do what they were chosen by God to do: teach properly the Noahide laws to gentiles by ranking gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws which they even now refuse to do. Being omniscient, God if He exists would doubtless have heard of the "three strikes and you're out" rule in baseball. 

1:04:00  Our global village is being turned into Sodom and Gomorrah by global American culture.

1:05:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God

1:06:00  Education and Sharing Day has had no effect on Vincent at all. 

1:07:00  The Fourth Estate should facilitate a debate on how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy, but will they? Are not the Fourth Estate the worst practitioners of idolatry and blasphemy?  

1:08:00  Only the opinion of Orthodox rabbis is sought on whether Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy because Reform Judaism is heretical Judaism whose purpose is to allow assimilated Jews to fit into the societies of  Christian and Liberal nations, particularly in Germany

If Orthodox rabbis are too afraid to do what they were made God's Chosen People to do, Muslims must give them the moral and intellectual support they need to courageously inform their Christian overlords that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy without mincing their words and beating about the bush, which is what they have been doing for centuries. The best way of making the penny drop with Christians in denial that their religion is idolatry and blasphemy is to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. When Christians are faced with the stark fact that Christianity is even less Noahide than idolatrous Hinduism, perhaps they will repent. 

1:11:00  Beheading = death penalty

1:12:00  Catholics are the world's oldest and biggest idolaters and blasphemers. 

1:13:00  Under Secular Koranism balances the rights of idolaters with those who wish to admonish them as commanded by

1:14:00  Christians are in practice idolaters and blasphemers making them atheists and nihilists pretending to be idolaters and blasphemers. What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

1:16:00  36 capital offences of the Torah including breaking the Sabbath

1:18:00  Crucifixion as a death penalty in the Koran

1:24:00  Even if the worst happened in 50 years as Vincent fears and predicts, it would not affect him because he is unlikely to be an active homosexual worshiping the Hindu deity of lust in his 80s.
1:27:00  Chabad should support Vincent in getting Education and Sharing Day abolished because it has been such an abject failure that any self-respecting Jew would disdain to be associated with it. 

1:28:00  What Muslims could do to concentrate the minds of Orthodox rabbis still afraid of ranking the four gentile nations according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

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