Wednesday, 23 June 2021

On the theology of pantheism and the Abrahamic faiths

2:00  Being unAmerican and Church of Entropy
3:00  Idolatry
4:00  Mary Mother of God and Jesus Son of God
5:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake.
Christians barbarians were the equivalent of Mongol hordes for Jews and Muslims. 
6:00  Christianity won over non-Christians because they had no rules. 
7:00  European Wars of Religion
9:00  Are Muslims being punished for disobeying
10:00  Christianity is kaput.
11:00  Tom Holland conflates Christianity and Islam.
12:00  Matriarchy
13:00  The Thirteen Principles of Judaism
16:00  Why nationalists want to weaponise Christianity
17:00  Christianity is conflated with Liberalism.
18:00  The idolatry of Christianity
19:00  Jews and Muslims must challenge the idolatry of Christianity.
20:00  The Abrahamic God and the Noahide laws
21:00  Pantheism
22:00  An indifferent deity
23:00  An indifferent deity is the antithesis of the Abrahamic God.
24:00  People who believe in God have a higher status than those who don't.
26:00  Deists and theists
27:00  Founding Fathers
28:00  Adams Franklin Jefferson Madison Washington AFJMW
29:00  George Washington's Farewell Speech
30:00  Judging the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
32:00  Jews and Muslims
35:00  Constantine
36:00  Would Constantine have chosen Islam if it had been around instead of Christianity?
37:00  Council of Nicaea
39:00  The three global empires have been Christian.
40:00  The cure exists before the disease.
41:00  The Seven Deadly Sins
42:00  Social conservatism, patriarchy, marriage and family values
43:00  Who is part of the matriarchy?
44:00  The Fourth Estate
45:00  Repentance
46:00  The Day of Atonement
48:00  An agnostic prophetess speaking to the Ninevites

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