Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Why gentiles need Jews

Without Judaism, Jews would not exist. If Jews did not exist, there would be no Jesus whom Christians worship as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and the last three global empires have been Christian.  Incidentally, Jews and Muslims regard Christian worship as idolatry and blasphemy but are too frightened of their Christian overlords to point this out because of the burned and bloody history of Christianity. Once I have persuaded enough rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, it will become clear that the only religions acceptable to God are Judaism and Islam. It will also become clear that the reward for Jews in finally teaching the Noahide laws properly is to be rewarded with having the option of becoming Muslim which is the easier way of getting to heaven. As we know, Islam is Judaism Lite and Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.

Otherwise they would need a Torah theocracy with its 36 capital offences to get to heaven.

Jews who believe in God should consider what their afterlife will be if they have committed any of the 36 capital offences. Because of its harshness, it means that a Jew would in his afterlife be subjected to all the death penalties he accumulated during his lifetime.  This means being subject to a death penalty, being resurrected, and then subject to another death penalty, rinse and repeat until all the death penalties he accumulated during his sinning lifetime are carried out.

Unfortunately for Jews, there is no mention of any kind of heaven at all in the Torah. This means a terrible lifetime of being subject to the restrictions of Judaism just to avoid the death penalties that would accrue in their afterlife. 

It is for this reason that we should be grateful for the existence of Jews because they suffer so much and may even suffer some more in their afterlife. Imagine being stoned to death to be resurrected to suffer death by fire, then resurrected to suffer death by strangulation and then resurrected yet again to suffer death by beheading according to how many death penalties Jews have accumulated in their restricted lives!

The only way for the Jew to escape this terrible afterlife would be to convert to Islam which hardly mentions the death penalty and has a very consumerist paradise where its residents have nice clothes to wear, nice cushions and couches to recline on, nice gardens to walk about in with water features and beautiful waiters and waitresses to bring their delicious food and wine!

The reward for Jews after they have properly taught the Noahide laws by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with them is to convert to Islam because it provides an easier route for them to get to a more pleasurable heaven.

Rabbis must therefore rank the four gentile religions as soon as possible so that as many Jews as possible can gain access to such an afterlife.  

If the burdens of being Jewish are too great for them, a Noahide option paves the way for living a righteous life leading to heaven in the afterlife which will also solve the problem of antisemitism in this life while improving government for Jews and gentiles too. God is wise indeed, gracious and merciful, to both Jews and gentiles, for He has ensured in His wisdom and mercy that the cure of Islam exists before the civilisational disease of intersectional feminism.


  1. Your idea of heaven is a very primitive one. Material pleasures do not exist in G-d's realm. Spiritual pleasure is much more intense and at an infinitely higher level. It comes from closeness to the Creator as earned by passing tests inherent in life on earth and rewarded in heaven. The 70 "virgins" promised to Muslims all have syphillis and there is nothing available for women.


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