Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Domingo goes to a dance party and embarrasses the host Ralph because he danced too hard and fast


Host of Party: "Stop with your crazy dancing!"

Domingo: "I thought that was the point of the party!"

Host of Party: "You danced too hard and fast and made an arse of yourself. All you did was dance, dance, dance the night away!"

Domingo: "But wasn't the point of the party to dance hard and fast with the other crazy dancers?"

Host of Party: "Yeah, but you were dancing too hard and fast and it was just embarrassing how you lowered the tone of my party with your crazy dancing, which was much much crazier than the crazy dancers I invited. You, Domingo, lack self-awareness, and embarrassed me and my guests because you were clearly so off the scale with your crazy dancing!"   

'Some people should not drink and dance': Australian man is arrested after being kicked out of nightclub for bad dancing

I speak from 

4:38:00  Christianity is kaput.
4:39:00  Intersectional Feminism has replaced Liberalism.
Atheist antisemites and Islamophobes are always complaining about Jews and Judaism, people with a religion.
4:40:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
4:42:00  Muslim speaks.
4:43:00  Nonsensical to talk of being either "Pagan Christian" or a "Christian Pagan"
4:44:00  Idolatry
4:45:00  I am agreed with that liberalism is being replaced by intersectional feminism.
4:46:00  God wouldn't approve of feminism. 
4:48:00  Paganism is idolatry.
4:49:00  Muslim denounces Cultural Christian.
4:53:00  Nicene Creed

4:50:00  JORD warns the others against Secular Koranism.

5:13:00  I start to speak.
5:14:00  Jews and Muslims believe in the oneness of God, but Christians believe in the threeness of God.
5:15:0  New Testament

5:17:00  Constantine
5:18:00  Council of Nicaea
5:19:00  When did the Abrahamic God cancel His prohibition against idolatry?
5:20:00  Jeremiah and Isaiah
5:21|:00 Only the Torah and Koran are the Word of God. 
5:22:00  Christians want Jesus to have died for their sins/
5:23:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
5:24:00  Secular Koranism does not require you to be Muslim. 
5:25:00  It is moral to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished.  
5:26:00  Antisemites grateful to have a Jewvid on Ralph's channel.
5:27:00  Antisemites who worship a Jew
5:28:00  Atheists deny the existence of God the way nationalists deny my existence.
5:29:00  The purpose of Jews is to be triggered by idolatry.
5:30:00  Jews and Muslims should be triggered by idolatry.
5:31:00  Spinoza's synagogue that excommunicated him now sells his books in their souvenir shop.
5:33:00  Jews are no longer capable of teaching the Noahide laws to each other, let alone to gentiles.
5:35:00  Israel as currently an American Protectorate but the Special Relationship may soon end. 
5:36:00  When Israel becomes a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism

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