Sunday, 27 June 2021

Conceptual problems of antisemites about the role of Jews and obligation to teach the Noahide laws

5:00  Jews have a role to play in the advancement of human civilisation.
6:00  Gilad Atzmon
7:00  My proposed of Jews
The penalty for breaking the Sabbath for Jews is death.
8:00  Only observant Jews should be allowed to be Jews. 
9:00  Jewish emancipation
10:00  The problem of heretical Jews created by Jewish emancipation
11:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

12:00  Domingo's ever deepening identity crisis is caused by his indulgence of the Seven Deadly Sins and the fact that antisemitism can be 

a)  a learning disability of being unable to understand the concept of idolatry

b)  a character defect which causes a person to envy Jews and therefore hate them and blame them for everything or 

c)  a mental health issue


19:00  Is Domingo even Christian?

21:00  The neurosis of Domingo can be resolved by Secular Koranism.

27:00  "Semetic supremacy"
28:00  God can only communicate to us through revealed scripture.
30:00  Laws have to be written form.
31:00  Fleeing slaves are even more low status than slaves.
32:00  I do not deny Jewish identity.
33:00  Antisemites would want to deny Jewish identity.
34:00  Rabbis must rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
35:00  The New Testament is an antisemitic document.
36:00  Hatred of Jews by gentiles have their origins in ideology and genetics if antisemitism can be inherited through parentage.

39:00  The idolatry of paganism is not as bad as Christianity which is both idolatry and blasphemy.
41:00  Jews no longer allowed to tell Jewish jokes.
44:00  Is our government now as crazy as the Aztecs?
47:00  Domingo's antisemitism and Islamophobia

God is questioning the God he claims to believe in.

48:00  Secular Koranism will clear up Domingo's confusion about his religious identity.

49:00  Westerners must submit to Truth, Logic and Morality.

50:00  Israeli defence contracts

Patriarchal moral values

51:00  Unmarriageable nationalist men too embarrassed about their low status unmarriageability to agree to abolish no fault divorce. 

54:00  If Domingo had 100 hatred points to award, how would he apportion them between Jews and Muslims?

55:00  Anticipating Domingo's answers to my 16 questions

  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. What kind of God do you believe in?
  3. Are you theist, deist or pantheist?
  4. Is it the Abrahamic God you believe in?
  5. If it is the Abrahamic God you believe in, then do you accept that it is the same one that forbade idolatry and blasphemy?
  6. Are you aware that Christianity is the odd one out of the three Abrahamic faiths because Jews and Muslims are agreed on the oneness of God while Christians believe in the threeness of God?
  7. Does your antisemitism prevent you from seeing the absurdity of the threeness of God?  
  8. Do you remain Christian as a badge of showing your hatred of Jews and Muslims?
  9. Are you in fact Christian? 
  10. Is the God you pray to a personal god? 
  11. Do you believe in an afterlife?
  12. Would you like to conduct another Inquisition? 
  13. Would you like to conduct another Crusade?
  14. Out of 100, can you divide your hatred between Jews and Muslims to show which you hate more? 
  15. Is your attachment to Christianity rather like being attached to the bones of a chicken whose flesh you have already consumed? 
  16. Was your interest in Church of Entropy's pantheism motivated by your desire to find a deity easier to believe in than the Christian conception of God?
CK:  Thank you for indirectly admitting that you don't know the answer to any of my 16 questions.  I will continue to help you with your learning disability. 

DOMINGO: what learning disability?

CK:  Your inability to understand the fact that the Trinitarian God you claim to believe in is fact forbidden idolatry.  

DOMINGO:  i understand what idolatry is. Christ is God. deal with it. continue to hate Christians... you're stunted more than you realize. you're stuck in a negative emotional pit. you're a damaged person. you need therapy and healing. Christianity can provide that. you just have to open your cold dead heart. Good Luck. 🙂

CK: So you are now Christian again, Mr YoYo?  

DOMINGO: Claire... You don't even believe in God... What makes you think i'm concerned ONE IOTA with your labels and judgements? The God i believe in is the One God that can do anything it wants. That includes manifest itself as the trinity. I know this makes you angry... But that is your problem and the Jews problem and the muslims problem... Jews turned on God and Muslims turned on their own prophet and his family... 

You think Jews should rate the religions? You could not even be honest about why they are powerful. Your "victimhood" argument fell apart within seconds and you had nothing to say other than to change the subject after i exposed your jewish double standards.

You want to have your cake and eat it too just like the jews

You failed Claire... SK is a failure Claire. You're a Failure. and you want to blame Christianity for YOUR failures in life. Where as i blame jewish criminals for THEIR crimes... not MY Failures. i feel sorry for you. truly i do.

CK:  You don't have to believe in God to know that the narrative of the Abrahamic God is that He forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments.  

So you are back to being a Christian again, are you, in your revolving door of quickly changing beliefs which never settle down on one thing or another?

While God is omnipotent, He is also omniscient. Being omniscient, He will know the future. Being perfectly moral, He has given us laws to obey in revealed scripture. The New Testament - the word of mortal and fallible men - is not one of them.  

Even if the New Testament were divine, nowhere does it assert that Jesus is God.  

The first time it was ever suggested that Jesus is God was at the Council of Nicaea.  

The idea that Jesus is God was cooked by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.  

You Christians have all been conned.  

The enormity of the fraud is such that you can barely comprehend its enormity and the Christian stupidity in accepting it.  

Jews and Muslims are not required to believe such absurdities by their religion, but you hate them because you are a racist, Islamophobe and antisemite and cannot bear to admit that Christianity was at best a divine practical joke by God played on unprincipled people like you who don't care about idolatry and blasphemy while still claiming to believe in Him. 

The omnipotent and omniscient Abrahamic God created a logical universe. This means the universe God created is capable of being explained logically. He has already forbidden idolatry and blasphemy, so why would He say it is OK to suddenly start practising idolatry and blasphemy just because some loser Jew died on a stick?  

Did God say in any revealed scripture anywhere that it was OK to worship some dead Jew on a stick? Nope.  

Who said it was OK to worship some dead Jew on a stick as the co-equal of God? A bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

Are you getting it now?  

When did Jews "turn on God" and which ones?  

Which Muslims turned on Muhammad and his family? And so what if they did?  

It is indeed my thesis that Jews were made God's Chosen People to properly teach the Noahide laws, which they have not been doing for centuries.  

The reasons for rabbinical reluctance to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws is obvious, isn't it?

How was I dishonest about why Jews are powerful? Can you remember the reasons I gave?  

Can you remember my victimhood argument? If so, what was it?  

What "Jewish double standards" are you referring to?  

In what way do you think I am trying to have my cake and eat it?  

I disagree with you that Secular Koranism is a failure. Even if it is not adopted in my lifetime does not mean it will never be adopted. It is too early to say. Are you really saying Christianity is not a failure? If it isn't a failure, why aren't you Christian? And if you are Christian now, why did you say you were no longer Christian before? And if you can't make up your mind whether you are Christian, why is that? Is the reason why you cannot make up your mind whether you are Christian is because you cannot decide whether to reject the absurdity of Christianity or weaponise it to support your hatred of Jews? Am I right or am I right or am I right?

You keep referring to "Jewish criminals" who have already been arrested, charged and convicted of their crimes. Do you want them hung, drawn and quartered too because you hate them so much?

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