Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Discussing Dr Michael Brown with Vincent Bruno

Dr Michael Brown the Christian Jew

2:00  Is Christianity idolatry?
3:00  Reform rabbis v Orthodox rabbis
4:00  The authentic Jew is the observant rabbi.
5:00  Shituf - associating partners with God
6:00  Why was the concept of shituf created?
7:00  Why Jews are neurotic
8:00  Jewish-Christian business partnerships
9:00  The Third Principle of the Thirteen Principles of Judaism
10:00  Spinoza
11:00  Pantheism
12:00  Wearing a crucifix and Rabbi Schneerson
13:00  Christian is idolatry.
14:00  Hindus
15:00  No Pope of Judaism
16:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
17:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer and Noahides
18:00  Noahide courts
19:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism
20:00  Islam
22:00  Dr Michael Brown v Rabbi Singer

27:00  Noahide laws in the New Testament
29:00  Messianic Age
30:00  When Israel is a theocracy
31:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws
32:00  Christianity
33:00  The New Testament
34:00  Rabbi Schneerson
36:00  Rabbi Yaron Reuven
37:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy and Christians have been worshiping Jesus for 2000 years.
38:00  Being Noahide in Israel
39:00  Yearly Sabbath and righteous gentiles
43:00  Israel is not even Noahide.
45:00  Jew-loving Nazi
46:00  Noahides are meant to enforce the Noahide laws on each other.
47:00  Secular Jews
48:00  If Canada goes Communist and Mexico becomes Muslim 
50:00  The Noahide laws are offensive to Vincent.
51:00  First Amendment, Education and Sharing Day
53:00  The harm of idolatry

55:00  Dr Michael Brown
57:00  Ad hominem
59:00  Decapitation
1:01:00  Conspiracy theorist
1:03:00  Throwing gays off tall buildings come from the Talmud
1:04:00  Education and Sharing Day
1:06:00  Idolatry
1:07:00  Who made you boss?
1:08:00  The Vatican have accepted the Noahide laws.
1:11:00  Shituf
1:12:00  Ollie Anisfeld
1:14:00  Kohl Nidre
1:17:00  The law of contract
1:19:00  UN and the international clout of Jews
1:20:00  Motherhood and apple pie
1:21:00  Dr Michael Brown v Rabbi Tovia Singer
1:22:00  Christian Zionists and sharia
1:24:00  Idolatry
1:25:00  Theocracies
1:26:00  Messianic Jews
1:27:00  Christians and Muslim antisemites 
1:29:00  Noahides
1:30:00  Freemasonry
1:31:00  Buddhists and Hindus cannot be Masons.
1:32:00  The true purpose of Freemasonry
1:33:00  Isaiah 53

1:38:00  CONOPS joins.

1:41:00  LUIS PEREZ, the Messianic Jew
1:42:00  Maimonides
1:46:00  Rabbi Schneerson
1:47:00  3 options according to Luis Perez
1:49:00  Rabbinical authority
1:50:00  Thomas Aquinas
1:53:00  Superiority complex of Jews
1:54:00  Noahide laws
1:56:00  Shituf
1:57:00  Why rabbis won't rank the gentile religions, according to Luis Perez
1:59:00  Islam is a Noahide religion.

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