Monday, 7 June 2021

Real Talk with Claire Khaw: Secular Koranism

1:00  What is Secular Koranism?
2:00  Oxymoron
3:00  Agnostic
4:00  Legal training
5:00  Noahide laws
6:00  Definitions of murder, theft, sexual immorality etc
7:00  Manual amputation, shop lifters and violent robbers
8:00  Three strikes and you're out.
9:00  Unmarried parents
10:00  Sam Gerrans
11:00  Grassroots
12:00  National neurosis
13:00  Denial and matriarchy
14:00  Patriarchy
15:00  Children of unmarried parents
16:00  Offspring are the unwanted side effect of sex.
17:00  Childless and unmarriageable
18:00  Where there's a will, there's a way.
19:00  Rabbinical support for Secular Koranism
20:00  Noahide laws
21:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
24:00  Ahmed Deedat, Mohammed Hijab, David Wood, Shabir Ali
25:00  Jews and Muslims> Christianity
26:00  Israel and Judaism
27:00  God's Chosen People

Judaism is divine ethno nationalism and Islam is divine civic nationalism.

28:00  Unmarried parents
29:00  A culture of excuses and entitlement
30:00  Immigration
31:00  Welfare state
33:00  Muhammad's methods
34:00  How to bring about the spiritual transformation of the disbeliever 
35:00  Spirituality
36:00  Agnosticism
37:00  Gender relations and Gender Studies
38:00  Marriage is for sex and children. 
39:00  Successful children and a successful next generation
40:00  Motivating atheists to support Secular Koranism
41:00  U turns
42:00  Collective effort
43:00  Liberalism and Christianity no longer works.
44:00  Seven Deadly Sins
45:00  The envious ego
46:00  Immigrants and their group solidarity
48:00  Big families
49:00  Islamophobes and Secular Koranism
50:00  Western values, liberal values, feminist values, intersectionality
52:00  Mother in law jokes and the price of sex
53:00  Married men
54:00  Dowries and expensive weddings
55:00  MGTOW
56:00  Marriage is a bad bargain of men.
No fault of divorce
57:00  Nikkah
58:00  Stigmatising divorce
1:00:00  Adultery
1:01:00  Stoning
1:02:00  Crime of passion
1:04:00  Ramadan and the First Amendment
1:11:00  Muhammad and the Meccan Revolution
1:14:00  British contribution
1:15:00  Slavery
1:16:00  Workfare
1:17:00  Government owns the slave and hires them out.
1:18:00  Department of Works, Pensions and Manumissions
Slave Visitors
1:20:00  Slaves can be educated people too. 
1:21:00  Slavery was never abolished by the Bible or the Koran.
1:24:00  Prisons are very expensive.  
Corporal punishment
1:25:00  Stocks, pillory and public humiliation
1:28:00  Anjem Choudary
1:30:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
1:32:00  Secular Koranism
1:34:00  Matriarchy
1:38:00  Moral systems and the Noahide laws
1:39:00  Israel
1:41:00  Gay parades in Tel Aviv
1:43:00  If Canada became Communist and Mexico became Muslim
1:44:00  Edward Said
1:45:00  Pride Month

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