Friday, 4 June 2021

A flowing debate

2:02:00  I arrive.
2:03:00  Unrefined character and communication failure of Jen
2:04:00  Doooovid points out Jen's tendency to curse.
2:05:00  Jen agrees not to use curse words or use violence and murder.
2:06:00  Homily by Doooovid
2:08:00  I try to make conversation with Jen.
2:09:00  Going over streams
2:11:00  Logical Possible Probable described as "Chinese water torture".
2:12:00  Failure to communicate the message
2:15:00  Jen accuses me of going for her jugular.
2:18:00  No one wants to be taught.
2:19:00  The debates are of such bad quality that there is nothing to review except the bad character of the participants. 
2:20:00  Sammish Benseid ragequitting on WiR
2:23:00  Doooovid tells Jen off for always trying to score points off me.
2:26:00  Ragequit or jumping before one is pushed
2:27:00  Being women
2:28:00  Separating ideas from selves
2:29:00  Idolatry

2:31:00  Decapitation was the subject instead of whether Christianity is idolatry.
2:39:00  Domingo 
2:40:00  Submitting an argument to the judge
2:43:00  Wanting to kill each other should be substituted by our ideas trying to "kill" each other.
2:45:00  Logical Possible Probable
2:46:00  Modern Day Debates
2:47:00  Doing the post debate show
2:50:00  A woman asserting authority
2:51:00  Doorman or rabbi?
2:54:00  Hostility, fighting and violence
2:56:00  Bad karma and hostile situations
2:57:00  A friendly conversation is not a "debate".
2:59:00  Martyrdom
3:02:00  Working a crowd
3:03:00  Pretty girls are probably not going to go to a party with drunk and crazy people.
3:04:00  People are dumb.
3:06:00  Doooovid's visit to a mosque
3:08:00  Being a good hostess
3:09:00  Dysfunctional friends
3:11:00  Freewill
3:12:00  Men forced into having a woman as a teacher
3:13:00  Handler
3:14:00  Bullies
3:17:00  Dissident minority opoinions
3:18:00  Ideas
3:19:00  Word salads and JF
3:21:00  TJump
3:23:00  Secular Koranism
3:24:00  TJump's recurring topics
3:26:00  Lowell
3:27:00  Not clear whether they agreed on my view on the Noahide laws and Christianity
3:28:00  "Interesting karma"
3:30:00  Jen's comments
Charles Moscowitz uses his guests as prompts for his own spiel.
3:32:00  Curt Doolittle
3:33:00  Pretending to be interested 
3:34:00  Dr Michael Brown
3:35:00  Education and Sharing Day
3:36:00  Madman
3:40:00  Flowing a debate
3:44:00  Doooovid tries to explain flowing.
3:47:00  Argument map
3:50:00  You cannot flow non sequiturs.
3:53:00  Coherent productive conversations
3:55:00  Transcript, outline, flow

4:05:00  A demo of a flow
4:08:00  Doooovid hates repeating himself!
4:10:00  Cool Hand Luke
4:11:00  Failing to communicate how to flow a debate.
4:12:00  I am now antisemite!
4:14:00  Violence
4:15:00  Sub par debate

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