Monday, 14 June 2021

The idolatry of the Doctrine of the Trinity

I complain about the idolatry and ignorance of Domingo.

3:00  Definition of idolatry by Merriam Webster
9:00  Nicene creed
11:00  Third Principle of Judaism
13:00  Athanasian Creed

25:00  Different definitions of idolatry and God
31:00  Jews - what are they for?
35:00  Associating partners with God/shituf
39:00  Idolatry

42:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
47:00  Confidence trick
48:00  The Abrahamic God
53:00  Christian section of Hell
54:00  DOMINGO joins.
58:00  Definition of God
1:00:00  Idolatry
1:10:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

1:11:00  TERRON joins.
1:12:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:13:00  Omnipotence
1:14:00  The Trinity
1:20:00  Terron is riled.
1:22:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:23:00  God was a baby.
1:30:00  Virgin Birth
1:31:00  Emotional and triggered
1:40:00  Jacob Wallenberg
2:02:00  No good men in Christianity.

2:03:00  RALPH joins talking about accelerationism.
2:13:00  Idolatry
2:15:00  Jay Dyer and Sam Shimoun
2:16:00  Christianity identity
2:17:00  Muslim identity
2:18:00  First Amendment
2:19:00  Jefferson Bible
2:20:00  Jefferson hated Trinitarianism.
2:21:00  Domingo is so effeminate!
2:22:00  Jews and Muslims acting jointly to ask Christians how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy
2:24:00  Immigrants
2:25:00  Disorganised plebs
2:26:00  Nationalists larping as Christians
2:28:00  Average age of Muslims
2:29:00  Ageing Christians
2:30:00  Terron's background
2:33:00  First Amendment destroyed belief in the Trinity.
2:34:00  Christianity is kaput.
2:35:00  Learning from immigrants
2:37:00  Globalism
2:42:00  Patricia Crone
2:44:00  Definition of idolatry
2:45:00  Noahide laws
2:46:00  Christians

2:47:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:48:00  His beliefs
2:49:00  Idolatry
2:51:00  Aliens from outer space
2:54:00  Hidden idolatry
2:55:00  Worshiping the Koran
2:59:00  Worshiping an idea
3:00:00  Christians
3:01:00  Jesus
3:02:00  Parents of Jesus
3:07:00  Virgin Birth and Jonah
3:09:00  Zachariah, Sarah
3:12:00  New Testament and Nicene Creed

3:13:00  The adoption of Secular Koranism would make me believe in God.

3:15:00  I must have faith, or I wouldn't be doing what I am doing.
3:16:00  Church of Entropy has equated God with a box of frogs that she can point to by being a pantheist.
3:17:00  Corrupt empires
3:18:00  The utility of lies
3:19:00  Truth
3:20:00  Believing in your own propaganda
3:21:00  Seven Deadly Sins
3:22:00  Confession
3:23:00  Noahide laws
3:24:00  Idolatry
3:26:00  Why I am trying to get rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws

3:27:00  TERRON POOLE speaks.
3:28:00  Jews and Muslims must marginalise Christians. 
3:29:00  Even an atheist can see the benefits of patriarchy. 
3:35:00  Rabbis won't rank the four gentile religions because they don't want to lose Jews to Islam.
3:36:00  Secular Israeli Jews would choose Secular Koranism rather than a Torah theocracy if they  could only choose between the two.
3:37:00  Proposed referendum on a theocracy in Israel
3:38:00  Israel will have to be more accommodating to its Muslim neighbours once America ceases its special relationship with Israel. 
3:39:00  No scripture for Noahidism.
3:42:00  Islam, being top of the tree in the ranking of the four gentile religions, has no rivals.

3:48:00  It doesn't matter if rabbis don't find Islam Noahide enough as far as they are concerned, it is enough that they say Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Christianity the least. 

3:50:00  God made Jews His Chosen People to teach the Noahide laws.
3:51:00  Rabbis already think Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 
3:53:00  Otto Pohl's hatred of the Lebanese
3:54:00  What rabbis ought to believe
3:55:00  Antisemtism caused by bad government which Jews could alleviate.
3:57:00  George Washington's valedictory speech
4:00:00  Contradictions in the Koran
4:03:00  Islamic European Union
4:05:00  Conops claims to be able to sell Secular Koranism better than  me.
4:05:00  Secular Koranism is for Europeans. 
4:07:00  Infanticide
4:08:00  It is a badge of honour to be expelled from the BNP.
4:09:00  My blog blocked from the internet.
4:10:00  Intellectuals in the West are not fit for the purpose of honest and rational intellectual debate.  
4:11:00  Douglas Murray
4:13:00  Conops' Islamophobia
4:15:00  Aisha's age when she first had sex with Muhammad
4:16:00  Iran
4:17:00  The Pill
4:18:00  Replacement birth rates and controlling the birth rate
4:19:00  Bangalore
4:20:00  Corporate domination of your nation
4:21:00  A one-party state and ostracism in Athens
4:23:00  Secular Koranism
4:25:00  Legal systems are generic. 
4:26:00  Meritocracy and neurosis
4:27:00  Six sharia theocracies in the world
4:28:00  "Shithole Muslim countries"
4:29:00  Western imperialism
4:31:00  Shiites and Sunnis, Saudi and Iran
4:34:00  GDP
4:35:00  Consultation
4:36:00  CCP
4:37:00  Louis XIV the Sun King
4:38:00  George Washington's farewell speech
4:40:00  Jefferson and Madison
4:41:00  Optimates and populares
4:42:00  Rules are made to be broken. 
4:42:00  Morality and enforcement
4:42:00  Secular Koranism
4:45:00  Conops is a nihilist.
4:46:00  TERRON POOLE rejoins.
4:47:00  One party state
4:48:00  Xinjiang
4:49:00  Tibetans
4:50:00  Protecting the rights of party members in a one-party state
4:51:00  Mao
4:53:00  George Washington wanted a one-party state.
4:54:00  Morality
4:55:00  Morality cannot be maintained without religion. 
4:56:00  The West is without a functioning religion. 
4:57:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist. 
4:58:00  What is our group and what is its strategy?
5:00:00  DOMINGO joins.
5:01:00  Institutions

5:01:00  Comfort women
5:02:00  "Lock up your wives and your daughters!"
5:04:00  Regulated rape
5:11:00  Abu Ghraib
5:14:00  Enforced prostitution
5:16:00  Domingo is not a married father. 
5:18:00  My assessment of Domingo's failed career as a comedian
5:23:00  Pelu talked about collecting his war booty.
5:24:00  Canadian peacekeepers accused in Bosnia of raping the women.
5:25:00  Brothels with women of ill repute
5:26:00  No comfort women in the rape of Nanking
5:27:00  Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
5:29:00  Slave girls in the Koran
5:32:00  Women are part of war booty.
5:33:00  Conan the Barbarian
5:34:00  Cultural exchange
5:35:00  Going native
5:36:00  Infanticide
5:37:00  The Koran
5:38:00  Islamophobes and antisemites
5:39:00  Muslims are victims of Western foreign policy for which they blame Jews.
5:41:00  The Hadith
5:42:00  Child sacrifice was ended by Abraham's tribe who worshiped the Abrahamic God.
5:45:00  Witches and witchcraft
5:46:00  Talismans and amulets
5:47:00  Small miracles
5:56:00  Ancestral hatreds
5:58:00  Pygmalion
Law is the algorithm of the human being.
5:59:00  Apatheism
6:00:00  Middle Age
6:01:00  Arrested adolescence
6:02:00  Parenthood
6:04:00  Social media and a degenerate culture
6:05:00  Rehab in Russia
6:15:00  Judas
6:16:00  LSD and ketamine
6:17:00  Bath Salts, PCP, THC, Crocodil
6:18:00  Fentanyl
6:22:00  Opium Wars and the addiction of your own people
6:24:00  The Age of Revolution
6:26:00  Feminism and Gender Relations
6:27:00  Mental illness in a matriarchy
6:28:00  Vincent Bruno and his gay breeding camps
6:29:00  Vincent's view on transgenderism
6:30:00  Phone booths
6:31:00  Phone addiction
6:32:00  ADHD and binge-watching
6:34:00  Is Domingo a pantheist?
6:35:00  Church of Entropy's pantheism
6:42:00  Gandalf
6:44:00  Church of Entropy's resilience
6:48:00  Why Jen won't talk to Margarita
6:52:00  Jen's modus operandi
6:54:00  Jen preys on vulnerable men.
6:57:00  British nationalism
7:02:00  Purgatory
7:03:00  36 capital offences in Judaism
7:04:00  Jews must have a hellish afterlife. 
7:07:00  Sam Shimoun

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