Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Non-white gentiles living in the West should care about Jewish and white identity

1:00  Justice Brewer on whether America is a Christian nation
2:00  The importance of theology in framing the nationalist narrative
3:00  WW3 would affect non-whites
4:00  Our identity is our parental religion and nationality.
5:00  The problem of unfit parents
6:00  Whingeing white people and their religion incapable of Reformation
7:00  The junk in the heads of white people
9:00  Tidying up our room with Jordan Peterson
10:00  Migrant workers
11:00  The unquestionable chain of command of a patriarchy
12:00  While patriarchy has an unquestionable chain of command, matriarchy is passing the buck.  
13:00  We are the Children of the egalitarianism of the French Revolution.
14:00  The Gondoliers by Gilbert & Sullivan
15:00  Doublethink
16:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
17:00  Antisemites who worship a Jew
18:00  Jews too afraid of antisemitism to tell Christians that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 
18:00  Muslims too afraid to obey quran.com/=18/4
20:00  Building your religion on sand
21:00  The problem of Christianity whether or not God exists
22:00  Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury unable to defend the idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity
23:00  The English, American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of monarchy and Christianity
24:00  The Glorious Revolution 1688
25:00  Historical materialism
26:00  Hegelian dialectic
27:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
28:00  Intersectionality will destroy itself.  
28:00  Married fathers are bottom of the heap in a matriarchy.
29:00  Married fathers who are atheists and nihilists
30:00  Rejecting the malign encouragement of Islamophobes
31:00  The hatred and fear of antisemites and Islamophobes are the necessary fuel to their antisemitism and Islamophobia.
32:00  People suffering from a phobia are regarded as irrational by people who do not and will always lose the argument to people who are more rational than them.  
34:00  Christianity was always meant to fail. 
35:00  Tovia Singer
36:00  What else is there?

About Us
What We Believe
Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious challenges the Western World faces in the 21st century.

The problems of race cannot be solved without adequate understanding. Attempts to gloss over the significance of race or even to deny its reality only make problems worse. Progress requires the study of all aspects of race, whether historical, cultural, or biological. This approach is known as race realism.

We also believe that whites, like all racial groups, have legitimate interests that must be defended. The defense of those interests is white advocacy. We seek to advance only those interests that we recognize and would defend for all other racial groups. We seek no advantages as whites — only the expression of preferences for our own people and culture that are taken for granted by people of other races but denied to us.

42:00  Holocaust Denial
Jews are a different race to gentiles. 
43:00  The delicate intellects of white nationalists
44:00  WW2 was about race,

What does race realism say about Jews being a different?

45:00  Northern Ireland
46:00  Secular Jews objecting to mass immigration
47:00  Religion is more divisive than race.
48:00  What are the "legitimate interests" of white people who reject Islam?
50:00  The reason for Jewish supremacy
51:00  I am the best white advocate around even though I am not white. 
52:00  The enormity of the realisation that Christianity is a spent force
54:00  The consequences of not having an unquestionable chain of command in your society
55:00  Am I the closest thing to being the alpha male to beta males of the West?
56:00  Will Trump be promoting Secular Koranism soon?

57:00  Are immigrants Muslims like rats who clamber on board a sinking ship?
59:00  Are white people doing the equivalent of climbing into their coffins before they are dead?
1:00:00  White people are senile and patients who have lost the will to live
1:02:00  Liberalism has destroyed Jewish and gentile identity.
1:03:00  The supremacy of Islam

Isn't this evidence that Israel is the 51st state of America?

"The situation [of Christian missionaries Jews for Jesus ensconced in Jewish communities] is horrific in Israel."

Isn't this evidence that Israel is the 51st state of America?

Jews are not really as smart as people think they are.  

The souls of helpless and vulnerable Israeli Jews are a resource for Christians to convert to Christianity to trigger the Second Coming of Jesus.  

Even in their own country, they cannot stop these Christian missionaries who swoop like birds of prey on souls of Jewish liberal democrats.  

Did you know Jews are not allowed to deny their own Holocaust?  

Do they not know that the British government is more invested in forbidding Holocaust Denial than Jews themselves are?

Jews have got their homeland and have settled into being an American Protectorate. It is the British who lost their world empire who wonder what the hell happened who must be stopped from asking questions.

Once upon a time, to keep asking the priesthood how Jesus is God as the Trinity requires Christians to believe could result in being burned at the stake as a heretic.

That was when Christianity was operating at full throttle and that is what is required for Christianity to operate again, "Christian nationalists", please note.    

The British government does not want its citizens to deny the narrative that Britain gave up its world empire to save the Jews from Hitler, even the grandchildren of British soldiers who lost their lives in WW2.  

This is the post-War narrative that has now become sacred to the British government, which must not be questioned.

To question it would be to question the sacred cow that is representative democracy.

Monday, 28 November 2022

Why Israel is hated

Israel is hated because Jews are the servants of American globalism and Israel is a an American protectorate or, if you prefer, Israel is an American colonial outpost. Can you imagine how the Americans would feel if Canada became Communist and Mexico Muslim?

That is basically what the Arabs feel about Israel's liberal democracy in their midst. 

They pretend that it is about a territorial dispute, but it is more a question of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". When in the Middle East where the overwhelming majority are Muslims, liberal democracy is a cat amongst pigeons.  

Only when Israel is a theocracy following sharia will Muslims allow Israelis peaceful enjoyment of their homeland.

If Islam is Judaism Lite, then in theory submitting to Koranic principles of governance would be a walk in the park for observant Jews. 

The problem is that most Israelis are not observant Jews and want to live in Israel as secular liberal democrats.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Talking to Vincent Bruno about Secular Koranism, the Noahide laws, licensed brothels and polygamy

6:00  Bryan Ellison
12:00  Judas Fly

15:00  Sexual morality under Secular Koranism

27:00  Arbitrary justice
28:00  Bestiality 
29:00  Necrophilia
31:00  Marital rape

34:00  Seven laws of Secular Koranism

42:00  Methodology of Secular Koranism
52:00  Republicans v Democrats
1:01:00  Banned from Grinder!
1:04:00  Noahide laws
1:08:00  Theocracy
1:09:00  Problems of people changing their laws until the Torah
1:10:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
1:12:00  Ahmed Deedat
1:13:00  American Republic
1:14:00  Jefferson Bible is Red Letter Bible
1:15:00  Milo
1:16:00  QVC
1:17:00  Lauren Southern
1:18:00  Proud Boys
1:21:00  Arthur Goldberg
1:23:00  Ir nidachat
1:25:00  Why Jews should become Muslims
1:27:00  Rabbi Chananya Weissman interviewing Arthur Goldberg
1:30:00  Jews liberal and eugenics traditional
Jews traditional and eugenics liberal
1:32:00  Noahide laws
1:36:00  Slavery and prostitution
1:37:00  Roman brothel
1:42:00  Pascha
2:03:00  Domestic violence
2:04:00  Matrimonial Disputes Tribunal
2:05:00  Rebbitzen
2:07:00  Diet
2:08:00  Exercise

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Logic of Polytheism vs Monotheism

4:00  The logic of the Abrahamic God
5:00  Zeus, King of the Gods
6:00  Supreme Being who is the Uncaused First Cause
7:00  A moral supreme being would be more powerful than an immoral supreme being.
8:00  Infinite regression
9:00  Uncaused First Cause
10:00  Creating God
11:00  Aten and the parasitic priesthood
12:00  Abrahamic God
14:00  A Universal God to make us good and keep us safe
15:00  We acknowledge the necessity of God.
16:00  If we need laws, we need our laws to be based on an efficacious moral system.
20:00  Ancient Egyptians
24:00  The Koran is a mercy and guidance to humanity.
50:00  Exorcism
56:00  Logical to worship the most powerful being conceivable
1:01:00  Global majority v global minority
1:03:00  Welfare state
1:04:00  Bastardy not discouraged by the matriarchy.

Jinns and angels
1:08:00  Vaccines and sudden death
1:09:00  Democracy
1:13:00  The drive for AI
1:15:00  What is the Western moral system?
1:17:00  The idolatry of democracy
1:18:00  Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad.
1:19:00  Unwritten constitution of the British
1:20:00  Doctrine of the Parliamentary Supremacy
Maritime law
1:21:00  Master
1:22:00  Common law
1:23:00  Magna Carta
1:24:00  Duress
1:25:00  Justice delayed is justice denied.
1:26:00  Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
1:27:00  Abortion
1:31:00  Infanticide
1:33:00  One child policy
1:39:00  Midwife
1:41:00  Victoria Derbyshire Show
Death Pathway
1:43:00  Care of the elderly
1:44:00  Respect for parents
1:45:00  Culture of Youth and Beauty
1:46:00  Capital offence of being drunk and rebellious son
1:49:00  Jihad
1:53:00  Gay marriage and transgenderism being taught to primary school children
1:56:00  Vincent gay at 5
Vincent becoming a father
1:59:00  The gaification of men
2:00:00  Men holding each other's hands and kissing each other
2:01:00  Ban on smoking
2:02:00  Ads for drinks
2:04:00  Ads for junk food
Drinking in public
2:06:00  Drinking in private
2:09:00  Cannabis
2:11:00  Drinking and gambling responsibly
2:13:00  The price of sex
2:15:00  Chastity
Global majority v Global minority
2:18:00  Mark Collett
2:20:00  India
2:21:00  Becoming a victim of your own success
2:22:00  One party theocracy
2:23:00  Mark Collett and Tommy Robinson
2:24:00  Circumcision performed on male members of the British Royal Family 

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

On Noah's Ark discussing theology for 10 hrs with Vincent Bruno, Judas FlyChai, Mujahid and Spacepan

3:00  Noahide laws
4:00  Vincent's Agenda for Accelerationism
5:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism favoured by Vincent


7:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

8:00  Mohammed Hijab and Jordan Peterson

10:00  Why people participate in religious rituals without believing in them
11:00  Marriage and family values
15:00  Michael Servetus
16:00  The bargain with God
17:00  Idolatry
18:00  Measuring the efficacy of a religion compared to others
19:00  Status of Christians
20:00  How many Noahides are there?
21:00  Malcolm Muggeridge
23:00  Love thy enemy.
24:00  Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill
25:00  The Aeneid by Virgil
26:00  Propaganda was Augustus
28:00  New Testament
Council of Nicaea
29:00  Arianism and Jehovah's Witness
30:00  Edict of Thessalonica
31:00  I solve the Mystery of the Trinity.
32:00  The Reformation
33:00  The Founding Fathers of the American Republic
The Jefferson Koran and the Jefferson Bible
36:00  G A Parwez and N J Dawood
38:00  The Unlettered Prophet
40:00  Hidden idolatry
41:00  Hindu Noahides?
42:00  Secular Jews v Orthodox Jews
44:00  Doctrine of Papal Infallibility
45:00  SCOTUS appointments
47:00  Just must be seen to done.
49:00  Revolution linked to average age of the nation
51:00  Fatima Mawas
53:00  The official narrative as opposed to the narrative of individuals
54:00  The problem of the cook not following the recipe is not throwing away the cook book. 
56:00  Better stories in the Old Testament than the Koran.
58:00  Law against murder
1:00:00  Secular Koranism
1:00:00  National Supreme Court of Secular Koranism
1:02:00  Pope Francis
1:03:00  No one takes Noahides seriously.
1:04:00  Antisemitism
1:06:00  Noahide laws are not part of the rabbinical core curriculum.
Time of concealment of Jews
1:09:00  The Founding of the American Republic
1:11:00  The Sanhedrin and liberal democracy in Israel
1:12:00  Noah's Flood
1:13:00  Jews
1:14:00  Righteous gentiles are Noahides.
1:16:00  Resident gentiles in Israel
1:17:00  When Romans took over Ancient Israel
1:18:00  Jesus turning the tables
1:19:00  quran.com/2/256
The end of the time of concealment was 1948,
1:20:00  God if He exists would disapprove of antisemitism and Islamophobia.
1:21:00  Rabbis fear to rank the four gentile religions.
1:22:00  Banning usury
1:23:00  Edict of Expulsion 1290
1:24:00  Secular Koranism would ban usury.
1:25:00  Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany
1:26:00  Noahidism does not ban usury.
Communism appeals to the poor.
1:27:00  Patricians v Plebeians
1:28:00  Why Moses left Egypt
1:29:00  Using the Koran as a political manifesto
Daniel Haqiqatjou saying Muslims are peasants.
1:31:00  Was it the Torah or the Koran that was the basis of the American Republic?
1:33:00  Education and Sharing Day
1:34:00  Talmud and Koran
1:35:00  Jewish power v Muslim power
1:40:00  The Koran is the final edition of the Book of Rules for Humanity.
1:43:00  Rule by Rabbi in a Torah theocracy in Israel
1:44:00  Consultant
1:45:00  Noahide Judges
1:47:00  Christians worship a Jew.
1:48:00  People who break their own rules
1:48:00  Written scripture
1:50:00  Luis Perez
1:51:00  Dr Michael Brown

1:55:00  Conversion of the Jews
1:57:00  Jews or liberal democrats? Judaism or liberal democracy?
1:58:00  Time of concealment
1:59:00  Muslims will crush Noahidism.
2:00:00  God would disapprove rabbinically-guided Noahism favoured by Islamophobic rabbis and gentiles.
2:01:00  Usury
2:02:00  Capitalism
2:03:00  Hitler couldn't resist usury without Islam.
2:06:00  Official statement and the White House Koran
2:07:00  Jews are the servants of American imperialism.
2:09:00  Gentiles culturally appropriated the God of Israel.

2:19:00  Priestly class of rabbis in rabbinically guided Noahidism
2:20:00  Noahidism v Islam
2:21:00  Usury forbidden to Christians by Luther but approved by Calvin.
2:22:00  Capitalism cannot operate without usury.
2:23:00  quran.com/2/275
2:25:00  Usury
2:28:00  Hitler would not have been voted in but for the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.
2:30:00  Islamic finance would bring about greater economic stability.
2:32:00  The Great Depression and WW2
2:33:00  The origins of WW1
2:34:00  America is the New Rome.
2:35:00  The Berlin to Bagdad Railway
2:36:00  America's marine empire v China's belt and road drive
2:37:00  Nuclear Armageddon
2:39:00  Mercantilism started out when Calvin said usury was OK for Christians.
2:45:00  Drug dealer and drug user
2:47:00  Islam facilitates commerce but bans usury.
2:49:00  Slavery will have to be reintroduced.
2:50:00  Deuteronomy 28
2:51:00  Crazy, stupid and evil
2:52:00  British foreign policy
2:53:00  Communism
2:55:00  Human trafficker
2:56:00  Gambling
2:57:00  Noahide courts
2:58:00  Karens
2:59:00  Promoting sharia as a non-Muslim
3:00:00  Matriarchy and patriarchy are societies.
3:01:00  Sharia
3:02:00  Noahides v Muslims
3:03:00  quran.com/2/256
3:04:00  quran.com/18/4
3:06:00  Sodomy
3:09:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics
3:10:00  National and International Court of Sharia
3:11:00  New religions
3:12:00  Noahides
Secular by Design by Alan Cecil
3:14:00  Newness is not an advantage for a religion.
3:15:00  Noahides will become offensive as they become more powerful.
3:16:00  Many Christian antisemites are offended by the Noahide laws.
Dr Michael Brown
3:17:00  Muslims would see Noahidism as a rival to Islam.
3:18:00  Low status white Muslim converts
3:19:00  Usury
3:20:00  Islam is not a made-up religion if the Koran came from God.
3:21:00  Vincent's analogy of Islam as a violent ex-boyfriend
3:22:00  John Gischala
3:23:00  Alexander Nelson the Islamophobic Noahide
3:24:00  Rabbi Khaw
3:25:00  Jewish view on lost property
3:26:00  Supreme Court
3:27:00  Noahide courts are like the Beth Din and sharia councils
3:28:00  Constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of the Allah the supreme law of the USA
3:29:00  Rabbi Yakov D Cohen
3:30:00  Mohammed Tawhidi
3:33:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
3:36:00  Muslims afraid to ask for sharia.
3:37:00  Antisemitic Muslims who won't engage with Jews
3:38:00  Noahidism doesn't ban usury.

3:43:00  JUDAS joins to discuss usury.
3:44:00  John Calvin
3:45:00  "There are reasons to dislike Islam."
3:46:00  Death penalties of Noahide laws
3:49:00  Idolatry

3:51:00  REACTIONARY joins.
3:58:00  Capitalism without usury is impossible.
4:02:00  Time of Concealment
4:04:00  The Koran
4:05:00  4 groups of verses: Category 1 - Belief, Category 2 - Law, Category 3 - Stories
4:08:00  Noahide laws v Sharia
4:12:00  Age of Concealment
4:14:00  Babylonian Talmud
4:15:00  Nobody's stopping people from reading the Torah.
4:16:00  The Koran does not punish idolatry and blasphemy.

4:17:00  MUJAHID joins
8:56:00  Idolatry
9:09:00  Infinite regress
9:10:00  Ten marbles of God
Quantum physics
9:19:00  Uncaused First Cause

9:26:00  SPACEPAN
9:30:00  Pantheism
9:33:00  Big Bang

9:50:00  Noahide laws
9:58:00  Maimonides the second Moses
9:59:00  Taxes
10:03:00  Misandry
10:09:00  I am accused of taqiyya!
10:00:00  Jizya
10:25:00  Punishment for theft
10:32:00  I am accused of taqiyya.
10:36:00  Male circumcision
10:42:00  I am accused of taqiyya.
10:44:00  I have a good range of associates.

Monday, 21 November 2022

10 questions for Christo-Atheists

1.  Do even confirmed Christians believe Jesus is the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?

2.  If they do not, why do they claim they do?

3.  Don't Christians know idolatry is forbidden by God in His Commandments?

4.  If they know idolatry is forbidden why have the been practising it for nearly 2000 years?

5.  If they don't know Christianity is idolatry, why don't Jews and Muslims point this out to them?

6.  If it has been pointed out to them, why do they not desist?

7.  Is it because they suffer from a learning disability being unable to conceptualise idolatry?

8.  Or do they know very well they are practising idolatry but are indifferent to this fact because they do not believe God exists to punish them either in this life or the next?

9.  If they don't believe God exists to punish them for idolatry, why do they pretend to believe in God?

10.  If they believe God exists to punish them for idolatry, why do they persist?

The BBC is the Voice of Sodom and Gomorrah

1:00  BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour
2:00  Radio 3
4:00  Facebook
5:00  The existence of God
6:00  50 years of feminism has destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 of Christianity.
8:00  Men fear loss of sexual access to women.
9:00  Ethnography
10:00  Secular Koranism
11:00  Is Britain a Christian country?
12:00  Cultural Christians are not believing Christians.
15:00  Global spiritual unease
16:00  The nature and purpose of faith
17:00  Global matriarchal monster
18:00  The Abrahamic God
19:00  Are we the slaves of God?
20:00  God if He exists knows our hearts and minds and can detect the thoughtcrime of idolatry.
21:00  What is the best religion?
23:00  China
24:00  India
25:00  The principle of the thing and foreign policy
26:00  Christendom is extinct. 
27:00  The Jefferson Bible and the Jefferson Koran
29:00  Jews and Muslims have been chosen God.
30:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia is the idolatry of worshiping your own dumb opinions.
31:00  Both God and liberal legislation protects Jews and Muslims against antisemites and Islamophobes.
33:00  Atheists have to understand the nature and purpose of God before denying Him. 
34:00  Those who reject the Noahide laws would be antisemites. Atheists who reject Islam are Islamophobes.
36:00  Hierarchy is the path to status.
37:00  Christo-Liberalism is conclusive evidence that Christianity has been superseded by liberalism and liberalism in the 21st century means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.
38:00  Why the American Republic was founded
39:00  Christianity is a failed ideology.
40:00  Constantine would have chosen Islam if that option had been available to him.
41:00  The Koran is a divine book of rules. 
43:00  Talking politics to a trusted person
45:00  Neanderthals v Homo Sapiens

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Explaining the Trinity and why Jews mustn't build their Third Temple to an ex-Jehovah's Witness

1:00  OV
2:00  Immigrants in rural America
3:00  Transnational Progressivism
4:00  Declining birth rate in post industrial societies
5:00  Government making as many people to die childless and warehousing people for extinction
6:00  Rearing the next generation and the employees of the future
7:00  Anti-immigration parties blaming the Jews
8:00  Contraception
10:00  Representative democracy
11:00  Aztecs
12:00  Democracy and Fascism
13:00  Sacred cows
15:00  Right v Left
16:00  Secular Koranism
17:00  Theocracy for social conservatism
18:00  Hidden idolatry
20:00  The Koran > Rabbis
21:00  Antisemitism
22:00  God's Chosen People not fit for purpose
23:00  Noahide laws
24:00  Koraniyule 2022
26:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
28:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
30:00  Culture War
32:00  Christianity
34:00  E Michael Jones
35:00  How I solved the Mystery of the Trinity
36:00  Edict of Thessalonica
42:00  Vincent argues that Noahide scripture is the Old Testament.
44:00  I say the Old Testament was created for Jews while the Koran is for gentiles and the rest of humanity. 

The Torah and Koran are complementary.

45:00  Two Jews, three opinions.
46:00  National Schools of Sharia with a Supreme Court resolving all disputed issues at least in their own country and perhaps an International School of Sharia.  

A rabbinical contact of mine said Rule by Rabbi in Israel would be a nightmare.

47:00  A two-state solution is required in Israel just for the Jews.

48:00  Israeli elections
49:00  Israeli government importing gentiles for cheap labour
50:00  Rabbinical Islamophobes refuse to rank the four gentile religions because they don't want to say Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions.
51:00  Eschatology
52:00  Judaism, Noahidism or Islam?
53:00  36 capital offences
54:00  Vincent's cultural and literary preoccupations are irrelevant to the utility of the moral system to be chosen.
55:00  Idolatry
56:00  Why do people convert to Islam?
57:00  Something very powerful must have created the Universe.
58:00  The Koran refers to the Torah.
59:00  If Israelis had to choose between a Torah theocracy and Koran-based theocracy, they would have to choose the one without 36 capital offences.
1:00:00  Vincent Bruno describes his political views.
1:01:00  Liberalism has radicalised people into fascism.
1:02:00  Vincent is talking like a Jew!
1:03:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:04:00  Western attitudes towards the death penalty
1:05:00  Rabbis unprincipled about the Noahide laws.
1:06:00  Muslims will not let Noahidism take over the West without doing dawah.
1:07:00  Noahides will keep referring to rabbis when asked difficult questions.
1:08:00  No more making up the rules as we go along.
1:09:00  Hypothetical situation
1:10:00  Noahide judges < Sharia
1:11:00  Third Temple
1:12:00  Al Aqsa Mosque
1:13:00  The Third Temple is a poisoned chalice.

Tel Aviv is Sodom and Gomorrah.

1:14:00  Should sodomites be stoned?
1:15:00  Throwing sodomites off a tall building comes from the Talmud.
1:18:00  People tend not to take sexual offences seriously.
1:21:00  Weimar Republic and Lebensborn
1:23:00  Ir nidachat
1:26:00  There will be a state channel.
1:27:00  quran.com/2/256 protects freedom of belief.
1:28:00  The abolition of gay marriage under Secular Koranis
1:29:00  Vincent Bruno invited to Secular Koranism.
1:33:00  Stone, strangle, burn and behead.
1:38:00  Secular Koranism is analogous to flyover-country.
1:40:00  Vincent is too invested in Secular Koranism.

Fame for Vincent as a Secular Koranist

1:41:00  Jon Vance
1:44:00  Nicene creed
1:45:00  African Christians
1:49:00  Jay Walker
1:52:00  Stable relationships
1:55:00  Noahides < Islam

Andrew Tate

1:56:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:57:00  Theology
1:58:00  G A Parwez

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

The 95 Theses of Claire Khaw

  1. The concept of the Abrahamic God exists and this cannot be denied.
  2. Even if it the Abrahamic God does not in fact exist, it is enough that the idea of Him exists.
  3. Even if the Abrahamic God does not in fact exist, there are enough people who want to believe in Him to make persuading them a legitimate political objective.
  4. Patriarchy must be supported by theocracy.
  5. Theocracy is a society governed by the laws of God.
  6. A society governed by the laws of the Abrahamic God is a society that supports marriage and family values.
  7. The family is the most basic human grouping capable of teaching children hierarchy, authority and reason.
  8. The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality for all of humanity.
  9. Idolatry is also blasphemy.
  10. Blasphemy is anything other than bowing before idols that would be offensive to God if He exists. 
  11. The existence of God cannot be detected by empiricism, but His existence can be deduced, if you accept that the Big Bang happened and believe God must have caused it.
  12. Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God and God cannot take any material or physical form.
  13. Pantheism is idolatry because the Universe is material and physical.
  14. Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God and the idolatry of Christianity.
  15. Associating partners with God is blasphemy.
  16. Idolatry and blasphemy are forbidden by God in His Commandments. 
  17. If the Abrahamic God exists, everything happens for a reason.
  18. If everything happens for a reason, suffering is punishment for sin.
  19. If suffering is punishment for sin, then the cessation of sin should result in the cessation of suffering.
  20. Sin is disobedience to God's laws including the Noahide laws.
  21. Christianity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer. 
  22. According to the Christian narrative, Jesus was convicted and crucified for blasphemy.
  23. According to Christian history, Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for nearly two millennia. 
  24. God if He exists in His wisdom created a Universe in which the sin is its own punishment.
  25. God's prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy were not so much to protect Himself from being offended but us from disbelief and disobedience.
  26. If a benevolent God exists, then so must the afterlife. 
  27. Faith is a choice we have because we have free will.
  28. Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that hey are idolaters and blasphemers.  
  29. Christianity was used by absolute monarchs to support their divine right to rule.
  30. Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Charles I, Louis XVI and Nicholas II to not be victims of regicide.
  31. The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles because the First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256
  32. The American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity - in order to reject monarchy - as the official religion of the American Republic. 
  33. Western rejection of Christianity was confirmed in the French Revolution and reconfirmed in the Russian Revolution. 
  34. Laïcité, Communism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Fascism, Nazism and Socialism are secular political ideologies unlikely to outlast the five world religions because they do not assume an afterlife assigned for its adherents by an almighty God. 
  35. Religions that assume the existence of an afterlife and an almighty God support the patriarchy while secular political ideologies do not.
  36. Whether God exists or not and whoever wrote it, the Koran is the best available guide to humanity. 
  37. Christianity is the least Noahide of all the gentile religions because of its idolatry and blasphemy.
  38. Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions because it is Judaism Lite.
  39. Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.
  40. Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.
  41. All healthy and advanced civilisations are patriarchies.
  42. All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 
  43. The perfect patriarchy has 100% married parents.
  44. The perfect matriarchy has 100% unmarried parents.
  45. Marriage is eugenic because marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions ie children should be reared by their two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship.
  46. Bastardy is dysgenic because the bastard whose parents are both sex offenders is more likely to suffer neglect and abuse in a fatherless home managed by its unmarried mother than in a home with its two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship.
  47. Marriageability is the trait married parents tend to pass on to their legitimate offspring.
  48. Unmarriageability is the trait unmarried parents tend to pass on their illegitimate offspring.
  49. Unmarriageable people who do not support marriage should have their political opinions dismissed.
  50. Unmarriageable people who support marriage are to be treated as higher status than unmarriageable people who do not support marriage.
  51. Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders to discourage widespread illegitimacy.
  52.  Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity towards the light of Islam.
  53. Christians have acquired three global Christian empires and started two World Wars.
  54. To be an idolater is to deprive oneself of the guidance of the Torah and Koran.
  55. Unlike the Torah, the Koran does not have 36 capital offences. 
  56. Rational believing Jews would choose the Koran as a basis of their theocracy to accommodate righteous gentiles rather than a Torah theocracy with its 36 capital offences.
  57. The Seven Noahide laws should be used for the purpose of ranking the four gentile religions.
  58. Christianity is worse than Hinduism the way shituf is worse than avodah zarah
  59. To be an idolater is to willingly pay the opportunity cost of not being rightly guided by the Koran amounting to evil, if evil is the inflicting of unnecessary suffering. 
  60. God allowed Christians to prosper and conquer the world so that when their empire collapses, Islam will quickly fill the moral vacuum of Christianity.
  61. Jews have shown themselves not to be fit for the purpose God made them His Chosen People because they never properly taught the harm of idolatry and blasphemy..
  62. Muslims never in their 1400 years of  history admonished those who claim God has begotten a son as commanded by quran.com/18/4
  63. Feminism is the bribing of men with extramarital sex to keep them quiescent under their oppressive matriarchy. 
  64. Everything about feminism undermines marriage, the patriarchy, society and civilisation. 
  65. While matriarchy is the eternal sea, patriarchy is sea defences.
  66. Gender equality causes gender confusion and gender confusion gender dysphoria. 
  67. Hierarchy sets God above Man to prevent Man assuming God's role.
  68. Theocracy and monogamy is more likely to produce social stability than egalitarianism and casual sex.
  69. Gender roles are necessary for a more efficient society.
  70. Islam sees the logic of our laws being in harmony with our chosen moral system.
  71. Principles come from moral principles, moral principles come from religious principles and religious principles come from religion. 
  72. The best religion is the one with the most powerful being conceivable protecting the world's most ancient and powerful tribe with divine revelation for humanity. 
  73. The purpose of men is to defend principles and territory, the purpose of women is to create the desire in men to do so.
  74. The Reformation was inevitable because it was only a matter of time before the barbarian kings of Europe would cease to follow the orders of the Pope.
  75. Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
  76. The New Testament was not even by Jesus, let alone God.
  77. Theocracy would give us fewer laws and lower taxes compared to a matriarchy operating under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy.  
  78. A one-party state consulting the governed that never fought elections would be less divisive than a representative democracy on an election cycle. 
  79. Liberty is what we ought to have after all the necessary laws are in place.
  80. The judiciary should be the closest thing to a priesthood operating under the rule of law.
  81. A judge is more accountable than a priest.
  82. Hierarchy is necessary for accountability.
  83. Truth is necessary for a sound decision, but only sound decisions that do not offend against the Noahide laws should be implemented. 
  84. The extended family are self-help groups created to police its members' morals.
  85. Before the disease, the cure exists. Before the global disease of Christo-Liberalism, the cure of Islam existed. 
  86. Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
  87. Theocracy is necessary for patriarchy because only belief in an all-seeing God would discourage men and women from having extramarital sex with each other. 
  88. Sound arguments are based on undisputed truths.
  89. Truth is what is not in dispute.
  90. Remorse for 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy must be demonstrated in order for it to be corrected. 
  91. The harm of idolatry is that it causes the idolater to not be rightly guided by the Koran.
  92. The harm of blasphemy is that it causes the blasphemer to break the other laws of God.
  93. The harm of atheism is that it lowers moral standards.
  94. The lowering of moral standards means a rise in crime.
  95. Standards of sexual morality are linked to a general inclination to obey the law. 

Is idolatry evil?

Not believing in God makes you stupid because you will be more likely to break the Noahide laws thereby causing yourself and others easily avoidable harm.

If evil is inflicting unnecessary harm, then being an idolater must be evil.

Idolatry carries the opportunity cost of being rightly guided by the Koran.

The Wars of the Reformation inflicted terrible suffering on Europeans. Conditions were so bad for them they were excused for their practice of cannibalism in the Thirty Years War.

Would the Wars of the Reformation have been necessary if Europeans had already been Muslim?

WW1 and WW2 were fought for unIslamic reasons with the consequence that European power has now moved across the Atlantic. 

Do Westerners even know that the First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256?

Rationalism allows God to be deduced but empiricism can never reveal God

You are much less likely to go wrong if you always use deductive reasoning than if you always use inductive reasoning.


"I don't know for sure that I will die if I jump off the tall building, so I will, just to see what happens, and call it empiricism."

"I can deduce that God exists because something must have caused the Big Bang that both theists and atheists are agreed on." 

I can deduce that those who refuse to make their minds up about the existence of God will continue to suffer bad government but be too stupid and scared to do anything about it. They will keep pretending not to understand what I am saying but sometimes give themselves away when they say what I propose will never be implemented. In their fear and cowardice, they have already assumed failure, confusing what is popular with what is feasible, confusing what is likely to happen with what is right in principle.

The Noahide laws confirm Islam

Inductive reasoning: "I'll believe in God when I see Him."

Deductive reasoning: "If the Big Bang was caused by anything, it must have been the Abrahamic God."

If the Abrahamic God exists, He wants humanity to obey the Noahide laws.

If God specially made laws for humanity, we can deduce that punishment will follow if the laws are broken.

Even if we do not believe in God, we can deduce that obeying the Noahide laws would lead to social stability while flouting them would lead to chaos, criminality and the decline and fall of our civilisation. 
If God is said to have made two revelations, it would make sense even for a Jew to choose the scripture without 36 capital offences if it does not offend against the Noahide laws.

That would be the Koran.

Jews, the British and the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism and social conservatism means forbidding and punishing extramarital sex. Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput. 

If Christians start a Third World War, Jews and Christians will also suffer. Isn't it time for Jews and Muslims to tell Westerners to get themselves a better religion and moral system instead of making up the rules as they go along?

Don't both Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn and advise those who keep making up the rules as they go along?

Interestingly, both Israel and Britain are governed by the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy which means Parliament has the right to pass and repeal any law, in effect giving the legislature a woman's prerogative to change her mind, and a very immoral woman at that.

Egotism prevents clarity of vision and action; moving towards Islam and social conservatism again

3:00  Believing in an afterlife means believing in the Abrahamic God and obeying His laws.
5:00  Political problems are problems of morality.
6:00  The logic of worshiping the most powerful deity conceivable
7:00  The God of Israel has been culturally appropriated by Christians and Muslims.
8:00  If you hate the globalists, your only option is to obey God's laws. 

Even if we don't believe in God, we can deduce from His characteristics what His view would be on what we should do to solve our political problems of government. 

9:00  Hierarchy is the way to deal with Muslims.
10:00  Democratic Koranism or Khavian Koranism?
11:00  Secular Koranism has a distinct methodology.
12:00  Your ego obstructs your field of vision. 
15:00  Secular Koranism for white people
18:00  Defeating Conservatives and Liberals with Secular Koranism
19:00  Western Islamophobia
20:00  Islam is the best religion for gentiles.
22:00  Culture War
Is liberalism kaput?
23:00  Dare to use my arguments.
24:00  Basing your laws on your moral system which is in harmony with the Noahide laws
25:00  The Trinity and E Michael Jones
26:00  Islam
27:00  Even a Jew would choose the Koran rejecting the Torah with its 36 capital offences if he had to base a theocracy on revealed scripture. 
28:00  Who won the Wars of the Reformation?
29:00  Iran and atheists pretending to be Christian
30:00  E Michael Jones is not a theologian. 
31:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
32:00  Christian idolatry
33:00  Protestantism
34:00  Why there is no social conservatism left in the West

Saturday, 12 November 2022

The political views of unmarriageable bachelors

My solution of a one-party theocracy would restore the patriarchy, but feminised Western men no longer feel up to the responsibility of being married fathers because female behaviour has made it unprofitable to the extent of being financially ruinous for men to be married fathers. 

If you're not a married father, you must be an unmarriageable man whose political views should be dismissed. Only marriageable men should be listened to or respectable married fathers who by definition submit to Truth, Logic and  Morality.

Why would any married father wishing to remain a married father or a marriageable man wishing to become a married father listen to anything umarriageable men have to say on gender  relations and the price of sex? Of course they would want the price of sex to be cheap and low!

I will throw a bone to them: licensed brothels where they can perhaps find a prostitute prepared to marry them, if they are capable of forming the intention of taking a wife and are capable of providing for one and any children of the marriage.

Single women who are "dating" - and we know what that means! - are already fornicating for free, so why not fornicate with a goal in mind through these licensed brothels which can also double as government sex selection centres for the unmarried and lonely. 

Remember, potential ladies of the night, Rahab was a prostitute who married a prophet!

Relationship advice will be offered and marriage contracts drafted once the Great Reset heralding the Great Age of Secular Koranism begins when sins will be forgiven at the very reasonable price of penitence.

Friday, 11 November 2022

My public letter to E Michael Jones on how to address the JQ

America is the exceptional and indispensable nation for spreading Islam globally after it adopts my proposed constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America. That is how righteous gentile Americans can defeat Jewish liberals. When America returns to its Islamic roots, Americans will no longer be divided by the outcome of the Wars of the Reformation. If Europe had already been Muslim, there would have been no need for the Wars of the Reformation. If Henry VIII had been Muslim, there would have been no need for him to annul his marriage to Katherine or behead Anne Boleyn before marrying Jane Seymour to sire a son.

Did you know Henry II threatened to convert to Islam? https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/king-henry-ii-muslim-monarch-england-convert-islam/

King John was rumoured to have been considering doing the same. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-king-who-wanted-sharia-england-np8g0xx7mqz


has my arguments on why Jews should become Muslim, if they believe in their own scripture.

I think you and Muslims would have so much fun challenging Orthodox rabbis about this!

Thursday, 10 November 2022

Unmarriageable men tend to be libertarian who are socially liberal

Libertarians are degenerate unmarriageable men no rational woman would want to marry calling themselves social liberals. They are fundamentally unprincipled and confused because libertarianism does not have an official handbook, nor, interestingly, does liberalism. These ideologies are therefore analogous to cushions that bear the imprint  of the buttocks of the last politician that sat on it whose deities are invariably expediency and mendacity. 

Why do some men call themselves libertarians? Because they think liberalism is now oppressive, but lack the courage to say so for fear of being cancelled by the women from whom they seek sexual access. 

Liberalism in the 21st century means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, and this explains why it has now rotted into intersectionality.  

You know you are marinating in the moral sewage of intersectionality when parents are afraid of their children and men afraid of women.

The descendants of the children of the French Revolution

Westerners are still living out the consequences of the French Revolution. 

Chou Enlai was right when he said in 1974  that it was too early to tell if the French  Revolution had been a good thing. 

Liberalism originated from the French Revolution, of course. 

We know it was to be the new religion of the French Republic because we know they changed their calendar and subject their weights and measurements to metrication. 

Napoleon actually saw the light and converted to Islam, but then forgot about it.

Imagine if he had done the sensible thing and converted the rest of Europe to Islam after conquering so much of it.

And to think Hitler who followed him wanted to ban usury. 

He would have been far more successful if he had converted Germany to Islam and if the skills of Dr Goebbels had been directed to more Islamic objectives. 

Two lost opportunities so far. 

Perhaps the West will be third time lucky?

Discussing the hijab crisis in Iran and solving the Mystery of the Trinity with E Michael Jones

1:00  CIA-manufactured crisis to overthrow the government of Iran
2:00  Anarchy or tyranny?
EMJ would abdicate in favour of Ahmadinejad if he were  Supreme Leader.
4:00  New constitution
Revolution ended in 1989.
Did theocracy die in 1989?
6:00  Iranian women were put on the pill in 1989.
7:00  Currently is below the replacement rate.
8:00  A logos to sexuality
9:00  Iranian women infected with feminism
10:00  My proposal to control the supply of the pill
11:00  I have violated the logos of sexuality, apparently.
12:00  Copycatting America
13:00  Birth control
14:00  Yvonne Ridley's Stockholm Syndrome and feminism
16:00  Malthus
17:00  Irish Potato Famine
18:00  A silver lining in every cloud
19:00  Vikings and the Highland Clearances
20:00  Go forth and multiply.
Differential fertility
21:00  Pope still forbids birth control.
22:00  Christians should all become Muslim so they don't have to worry about whether Catholics or Protestants are having more children. 
24:00  Persian nationalism
25:00  Persian parents
26:00  William of Occam and nominalism
27:00  Categories of the mind and reality
Martin Luther
28:00  Catholics and Protestants both affirm the Trinity
29:00  Protestants blamed for the Reformation.
30:00  Taxes
31:00  If Europeans had been Muslim, there would have been no need for a European Wars of Religion. 
32:00  Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God, making Christians the odd one out. 
32:00  Nestorianism
34:00  St  Peter
35:00  Why choose Christianity if you can have Islam?
36:00  Book of John on logos
37:00  Constantine and his son were Arians.
38:00  The Council of Nicaea
Edict of Thessalonica 380
39:00  Arianism was easier to believe.
41:00  Trinitarianism and pi
42:00  Rounding up and rounding down
43:00  I solve the Mystery of the Trinity!
44:00  Jehovah's Witnesses < Catholics/Protestants
45:00  How to obey God
46:00  Maimonides
47:00  quran.com/2/256 on which the First Amendment was based  not mentioned by E Michael Jones.
48:00  Farsi
49:00  Sex as a distraction.
51:00  Regulate the supply of the pill
52:00  1964 was the Year of the Pill.
53:00  There is a logos to sexuality.
54:00  EMJ has 21 grandchildren.
55:00  Feminism

"Catholic women now vote like Jews."

57:00  "Abortion is a fundamental Jewish value"

140 Jewish organisations

58:00  "Abortion is a Jewish sacrament."
59:00  Idolatrous Jews were executed.
1:00:00  Jews do not have a Pope.
Roe v Wade
1:01:00  Ben Shapiro
1:02:00  Reform Jews are regarded by Orthodox Jews as heretics.
1:03:00  "White is a category of the mind that gets imposed for political purposes, Jew is a category of reality."
1:04:00  Sanhedrin or the ADL?
1:05:00  Jeremy Corbyn

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

The theological origins of the Trinity

Christians flipped from Arianism to Trinitarianism because they got tired of losing arguments to Jews and Noahides who would predictably point out that while Jesus was crucified, the God of Israel lived on. You have to feel sorry for these people who have been injected with this nonsense for 1642 years and 102 generations.

An inquisition of the Trinity

The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality and gentile religions can be ranked according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

Gentiles who reject this idea can be accused of antisemitism and atheism.

Jews and Muslims should invite the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury to attend an Inquisition about the Trinity under the watchful eyes of global media.

They could either make an attempt to defend the Trinity or resign their posts immediately as an act of penitence.

Could I be a Process Server to Jews, Christians and Muslims?

I have to stand my ground and deliver my message where I am. If Muhammad was the final Messenger of God, perhaps I am some kind of Process Server to Christians and Post-Christians in the West as well as to Jews and Muslims who have not done what they were supposed to do. 

Unfortunately, the lights are on but nobody's in.

I can hear dogs barking and children playing though, but it does not appear that there is a responsible adult in charge.

If only people in a position to help me would just do what I ask. It is not like I am asking them to climb Mount Everest or anything!

Torah, Politics And Reality - Israeli elections 2022

3:00  Israel is like a tooth that needs root canal surgery.
4:00  40 members of the Knesset shomer shabbat.
Liberal Heaven is over and Liberal Hell is about to begin.
6:00  Politics is Torah. Everything is Torah.
Chief Rabbis decide government policy.
7:00  Liberal Israeli Supreme Court will be dealt with. 
8:00  Hametz in hospitals
9:00  Forbid judicial activism against Torah principles.
10:00  Liberal judges begging Netanyahu to save  them. 
11:00  Outside interests may be bribing Netanyahu to go liberal.
12:00  Religious parties have been told to distance themselves from Netanyahu unless he accedes to this demand. 
14:00  New Israeli Foreign Minister
15:00  "Where were you?"
17:00  Americans now calling Netanyahu racist.
19:00  Saudi 
20:00  Free oil
21:00  Saudis hate Democrats. 
22:00  History curriculum in US yeshivas
25:00  When Russian rabbis stood by their principles and the Russian government closed down their yeshiva
When Rabbi Mizrachi was cancelled in the UK
27:00  What doesn't kill you makes stronger.
34:00  When one door closes, another opens.

Ignorant Jews

57:00  In 1989 when Rabbi Mizrachi was working in a bakery
1:02:00  Speaking the truth without fear or favour
1:26:00  Breaking the Noahide laws entail execution.
1:27:00  Shem
1:36:00  The New Generation of Israel
1:39:00  Nimrod
1:40:00  Idolatry
1:48:00  Kurdistan
1:55:00  Potiphar
1:28:00  Avodah zarah
1:31:00  What to do with zealots
1:58:00  Interest rates and Kristallnacht
2:00:00  Kanye's confession
2:07:00  GPS and its Israeli inventor
2:11:00  Sarah

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Talking about Corporate America, the Hindu caste system and slavery with Jack O'Radio and Kameth

People who won't engage because they fear to lose the argument.
2:00  Catholic talking like an agnostic. 
3:00  I am very good at what I am doing!
4:00  We want to feel well-governed.
5:00  Stupid, evil or mad?
7:00  Philosophy graduates
8:00  Lying politicians
9:00  Democracy
10:00  Ancient Athens and Ancient Rome
11:00  Corrupt voters voting for corrupt politicians
12:00  China
13:00  Sex and shopping, restaurants and bars
14:00  Consumer culture
15:00  Welfare state
16:00  Slavery and Albanians
18:00  Labour making Asians think the Tories are the BNP.
19:00  George Washington's farewell speech
21:00  Corporate America
23:00  Hindu Caste System
25:00  Freemasons
27:00  Definition of troll
28:00  Christianity is kaput. 
29:00  Idolatry
30:00  Freemasons
31:00  Masons forced to take transgender women
32:00  TV killed masonry
35:00  Catholics not supposed to join masonry.
36:00  The Reformation
37:00  Anti-Mason Etonian
38:00  Anti-Mason Muslims
39:00  Hindu Masons
40:00  Rotary Club
41:00  Masonry is an important wheel in the machinery of patriarchy.
42:00  The IRA was Catholic.
43:00  Pope Francis: "Everyone has a reasonable chance of getting to heaven."

46:00  KAMETH joins.
47:00  Pre-Vatican II and Novus Order
50:00  Slavery
53:00  Department of Work, Pensions and Manumissions
55:00  Mental health issues
56:00  Welfare State
58:00  Forced  and voluntary slavery
59:00  Workfare
1:00:00  The Victorian workhouse
1:01:00  A day in the life of a banker slave
1:04:00  Runaway slaves
1:05:00  Human traffickers
1:07:00  Slave Retirement Homes
1:08:00  Definition of a slave
1:10:00  A slave doing a sickie
1:11:00  Indentured servitude
1:14:00  Runaway slaves with no references
1:16:00  Looking around for a better slave ship and the Slave Visitor
1:17:00  The Modern Slavery Act 2014 and the Slave Directive
1:18:00  Indebtedness leads to slavery.
1:19:00  Moses
1:20:00  Deuteronomy 28
1:21:00  Trolls

Monday, 7 November 2022

Discussing the Noahide origins of Freemasonry with Doooovid

5:00  Who can join?
7:00  Slavery
11:00  Freemasonry
12:00  Higher Power and Hindus
14:00  God's divine plan through masonry
16:00  Who can be a mason?
17:00  The Abrahamic faiths
19:00  Masonic Hindus and female freemasons
21:00  Systems of degrees and initiation
22:00  Non-transferable degrees
23:00  Being given the third degree
24:00  Governments are inconsistent in their attitude towards masonry.
25:00  1650 - 1800 Masonry in the UK
26:00  Matriarchy, The Magic Flute and women in lodges
29:00  Scottish rite
30:00  Catholics forbidden masonry.
31:00  Napoleonic France
Compromised freemasonry
Transgender men to be admitted into lodges.
32:00  Kanye West
33:00  Henry VIII and rabbis who told him he could divorce his wife
34:00  Annulments replaced by divorce
35:00  The Talmud justified his divorce
36:00  Annulments created illegitimacy.
Charles I and Oliver Cromwell
37:00  Allowing the Jews back to England
38:00  Why Catholics were forbidden to become masons
39:00  Why governments were schizophrenic about masonry
40:00  A secret society with the king as a member
41:00  Mock executions
42:00  Boy Scouts
43:00  Masonic knowledge
44:00  Henry VIII, Charles I and Cromwell
58:00  America was built on masonry.
59:00  Masonry part of the machinery of patriarchy.
1:00:00  Anti-masonic movement and parties
1:01:00  Number of masons fell after WW2
1:02:00  When masonry became degenerate
1:03:00  Scottish rite and KKK
1:04:00  Trade union, country club
1:10:00  A God-ordered hierarchy
1:11:00  The Freemasonry Religion
1:12:00  Meritocratic Masonry
1:16:00  Gyms in lodges?
1:19:00  Masonry in a post-apocalyptic world
1:23:00  Trajan, Pliny the Younger and the firemen
1:26:00  Assassinations, secret service, mafia, initiation rites
1:29:00  Zoubaida and Pelu of Sierra Leone
1:32:00  The real purpose of masonry
1:36:00  Vincent Bruno
1:37:00  Albert Pike on the Noahidism of Masonry
1:39:00  Christianity
1:43:00  Shituf or avodah zarah - which is worse?
1:48:00  Masons and Jews
1:49:00  Joseph Smith was a Jew and so was the man who initiated him.
1:51:00  Is masonry key to a high trust society?
1:53:00  "We will renegotiate when we get to that point."
1:57:00  Orthodox rabbis say worse things about Jews than antisemites. 

Theocracy is more libertarian than liberal democracy

Theocracy based on a book of rules would actually protect our rights better than trusting our corrupt and incompetent politicians to pass and repeal our laws under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy. 
What European kingdoms had was not a theocracy but an ecclessiocracy ie rule by priesthood. Priesthoods not bound by a book of rules accessible to everyone would have absolute power. As we know, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

The Emperor's New Clothes was Christianity

Christianity was supposed to protect the so-called divine right of absolute monarchs to be absolute monarchs. Has it worked at all for any European monarch? Forget the peasants, let's just talk about monarchy.

Did it work for the Roman Empire after Constantine established Christianity in Europe?
Did it work for Charles I?

George III?

Louis XVI?

Nicholas II?

Don’t constitutional monarchs have fewer rights than their subjects now? If any monarch could sue the church, wouldn’t it be for breach of contract and total failure of consideration?

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...