Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Jews, the British and the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism and social conservatism means forbidding and punishing extramarital sex. Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput. 

If Christians start a Third World War, Jews and Christians will also suffer. Isn't it time for Jews and Muslims to tell Westerners to get themselves a better religion and moral system instead of making up the rules as they go along?

Don't both Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn and advise those who keep making up the rules as they go along?

Interestingly, both Israel and Britain are governed by the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy which means Parliament has the right to pass and repeal any law, in effect giving the legislature a woman's prerogative to change her mind, and a very immoral woman at that.

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