Sunday, 6 November 2022

The existence of God cannot be conclusively falsified

Because of His attributes, the existence of the Abrahamic God cannot be conclusively falsified. For this reason, agnosticism is the most intellectually respectable position. Since the existence of God cannot be falsified, it is reasonable to believe in Him, particularly as there are already moral reasons for obeying God’s laws even if we doubt His existence.

The moral reason for obeying God’s laws is the continuing existence of your tribe, nation, empire and civilisation. 

Jews are the world’s most ancient and powerful tribe.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.

If you are going to worship a deity, worship the most powerful deity conceivable. Jews and Muslims worship the most powerful deity conceivable. 

Christians however worship an absurdity.

Once Jews and Muslims jointly inform Christians that they have been guilty of the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer, they should repent and adopt a Koran-based theocracy if they know what’s good for themselves, but it is probable that they do not, because they are suffering from trauma and dementia after being lied to for centuries by their corrupt church.

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