Wednesday, 16 November 2022

The 95 Theses of Claire Khaw

  1. The concept of the Abrahamic God exists and this cannot be denied.
  2. Even if it the Abrahamic God does not in fact exist, it is enough that the idea of Him exists.
  3. Even if the Abrahamic God does not in fact exist, there are enough people who want to believe in Him to make persuading them a legitimate political objective.
  4. Patriarchy must be supported by theocracy.
  5. Theocracy is a society governed by the laws of God.
  6. A society governed by the laws of the Abrahamic God is a society that supports marriage and family values.
  7. The family is the most basic human grouping capable of teaching children hierarchy, authority and reason.
  8. The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality for all of humanity.
  9. Idolatry is also blasphemy.
  10. Blasphemy is anything other than bowing before idols that would be offensive to God if He exists. 
  11. The existence of God cannot be detected by empiricism, but His existence can be deduced, if you accept that the Big Bang happened and believe God must have caused it.
  12. Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God and God cannot take any material or physical form.
  13. Pantheism is idolatry because the Universe is material and physical.
  14. Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God and the idolatry of Christianity.
  15. Associating partners with God is blasphemy.
  16. Idolatry and blasphemy are forbidden by God in His Commandments. 
  17. If the Abrahamic God exists, everything happens for a reason.
  18. If everything happens for a reason, suffering is punishment for sin.
  19. If suffering is punishment for sin, then the cessation of sin should result in the cessation of suffering.
  20. Sin is disobedience to God's laws including the Noahide laws.
  21. Christianity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer. 
  22. According to the Christian narrative, Jesus was convicted and crucified for blasphemy.
  23. According to Christian history, Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for nearly two millennia. 
  24. God if He exists in His wisdom created a Universe in which the sin is its own punishment.
  25. God's prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy were not so much to protect Himself from being offended but us from disbelief and disobedience.
  26. If a benevolent God exists, then so must the afterlife. 
  27. Faith is a choice we have because we have free will.
  28. Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that hey are idolaters and blasphemers.  
  29. Christianity was used by absolute monarchs to support their divine right to rule.
  30. Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Charles I, Louis XVI and Nicholas II to not be victims of regicide.
  31. The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles because the First Amendment was based on
  32. The American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity - in order to reject monarchy - as the official religion of the American Republic. 
  33. Western rejection of Christianity was confirmed in the French Revolution and reconfirmed in the Russian Revolution. 
  34. Laïcité, Communism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Fascism, Nazism and Socialism are secular political ideologies unlikely to outlast the five world religions because they do not assume an afterlife assigned for its adherents by an almighty God. 
  35. Religions that assume the existence of an afterlife and an almighty God support the patriarchy while secular political ideologies do not.
  36. Whether God exists or not and whoever wrote it, the Koran is the best available guide to humanity. 
  37. Christianity is the least Noahide of all the gentile religions because of its idolatry and blasphemy.
  38. Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions because it is Judaism Lite.
  39. Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring.
  40. Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.
  41. All healthy and advanced civilisations are patriarchies.
  42. All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 
  43. The perfect patriarchy has 100% married parents.
  44. The perfect matriarchy has 100% unmarried parents.
  45. Marriage is eugenic because marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions ie children should be reared by their two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship.
  46. Bastardy is dysgenic because the bastard whose parents are both sex offenders is more likely to suffer neglect and abuse in a fatherless home managed by its unmarried mother than in a home with its two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship.
  47. Marriageability is the trait married parents tend to pass on to their legitimate offspring.
  48. Unmarriageability is the trait unmarried parents tend to pass on their illegitimate offspring.
  49. Unmarriageable people who do not support marriage should have their political opinions dismissed.
  50. Unmarriageable people who support marriage are to be treated as higher status than unmarriageable people who do not support marriage.
  51. Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders to discourage widespread illegitimacy.
  52.  Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity towards the light of Islam.
  53. Christians have acquired three global Christian empires and started two World Wars.
  54. To be an idolater is to deprive oneself of the guidance of the Torah and Koran.
  55. Unlike the Torah, the Koran does not have 36 capital offences. 
  56. Rational believing Jews would choose the Koran as a basis of their theocracy to accommodate righteous gentiles rather than a Torah theocracy with its 36 capital offences.
  57. The Seven Noahide laws should be used for the purpose of ranking the four gentile religions.
  58. Christianity is worse than Hinduism the way shituf is worse than avodah zarah
  59. To be an idolater is to willingly pay the opportunity cost of not being rightly guided by the Koran amounting to evil, if evil is the inflicting of unnecessary suffering. 
  60. God allowed Christians to prosper and conquer the world so that when their empire collapses, Islam will quickly fill the moral vacuum of Christianity.
  61. Jews have shown themselves not to be fit for the purpose God made them His Chosen People because they never properly taught the harm of idolatry and blasphemy..
  62. Muslims never in their 1400 years of  history admonished those who claim God has begotten a son as commanded by
  63. Feminism is the bribing of men with extramarital sex to keep them quiescent under their oppressive matriarchy. 
  64. Everything about feminism undermines marriage, the patriarchy, society and civilisation. 
  65. While matriarchy is the eternal sea, patriarchy is sea defences.
  66. Gender equality causes gender confusion and gender confusion gender dysphoria. 
  67. Hierarchy sets God above Man to prevent Man assuming God's role.
  68. Theocracy and monogamy is more likely to produce social stability than egalitarianism and casual sex.
  69. Gender roles are necessary for a more efficient society.
  70. Islam sees the logic of our laws being in harmony with our chosen moral system.
  71. Principles come from moral principles, moral principles come from religious principles and religious principles come from religion. 
  72. The best religion is the one with the most powerful being conceivable protecting the world's most ancient and powerful tribe with divine revelation for humanity. 
  73. The purpose of men is to defend principles and territory, the purpose of women is to create the desire in men to do so.
  74. The Reformation was inevitable because it was only a matter of time before the barbarian kings of Europe would cease to follow the orders of the Pope.
  75. Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
  76. The New Testament was not even by Jesus, let alone God.
  77. Theocracy would give us fewer laws and lower taxes compared to a matriarchy operating under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy.  
  78. A one-party state consulting the governed that never fought elections would be less divisive than a representative democracy on an election cycle. 
  79. Liberty is what we ought to have after all the necessary laws are in place.
  80. The judiciary should be the closest thing to a priesthood operating under the rule of law.
  81. A judge is more accountable than a priest.
  82. Hierarchy is necessary for accountability.
  83. Truth is necessary for a sound decision, but only sound decisions that do not offend against the Noahide laws should be implemented. 
  84. The extended family are self-help groups created to police its members' morals.
  85. Before the disease, the cure exists. Before the global disease of Christo-Liberalism, the cure of Islam existed. 
  86. Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
  87. Theocracy is necessary for patriarchy because only belief in an all-seeing God would discourage men and women from having extramarital sex with each other. 
  88. Sound arguments are based on undisputed truths.
  89. Truth is what is not in dispute.
  90. Remorse for 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy must be demonstrated in order for it to be corrected. 
  91. The harm of idolatry is that it causes the idolater to not be rightly guided by the Koran.
  92. The harm of blasphemy is that it causes the blasphemer to break the other laws of God.
  93. The harm of atheism is that it lowers moral standards.
  94. The lowering of moral standards means a rise in crime.
  95. Standards of sexual morality are linked to a general inclination to obey the law. 

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