Wednesday, 2 November 2022


whose ingredients are

1. the desire for expression, which is presumably why birds sing

2. the desire to receive an answer, which is presumably why birds sing

3. the desire to receive a favourable response to what is being asked, which is presumably why birds mate and embark on the joint enterprise of chick-rearing

So we have an emotional need of leaving something of ourselves behind, which we either acknowledge or do not.

For those of us who are no longer spring chickens, the enterprise takes a different form.
The political expression of an emotional and spiritual need is the desire for justice through good government.

If we suffer bad government, it must be because our ruling classes are incompetent or corrupt.

We instinctively feel that those who rule over us should be less incompetent, evil or corrupt than ourselves.

If we are ourselves incompetent or corrupt, we can correct ourselves. And when we have corrected ourselves, we can prevail on our ruling classes to do better. Presumably, this is what is meant by

Only when we have struggled through enjoining good and forbidding evil after separating good from evil harmonising our laws with Koranic principles - or at the very least proposing that this be done - will we have our spiritual needs of feeling that God is in His Heaven and all is well with the world.

Even if we do not know that we will succeed in our lifetimes, we would at least know that we have tried, to give a better account of ourselves should we be made to do so in our afterlife.

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