Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Egotism prevents clarity of vision and action; moving towards Islam and social conservatism again

3:00  Believing in an afterlife means believing in the Abrahamic God and obeying His laws.
5:00  Political problems are problems of morality.
6:00  The logic of worshiping the most powerful deity conceivable
7:00  The God of Israel has been culturally appropriated by Christians and Muslims.
8:00  If you hate the globalists, your only option is to obey God's laws. 

Even if we don't believe in God, we can deduce from His characteristics what His view would be on what we should do to solve our political problems of government. 

9:00  Hierarchy is the way to deal with Muslims.
10:00  Democratic Koranism or Khavian Koranism?
11:00  Secular Koranism has a distinct methodology.
12:00  Your ego obstructs your field of vision. 
15:00  Secular Koranism for white people
18:00  Defeating Conservatives and Liberals with Secular Koranism
19:00  Western Islamophobia
20:00  Islam is the best religion for gentiles.
22:00  Culture War
Is liberalism kaput?
23:00  Dare to use my arguments.
24:00  Basing your laws on your moral system which is in harmony with the Noahide laws
25:00  The Trinity and E Michael Jones
26:00  Islam
27:00  Even a Jew would choose the Koran rejecting the Torah with its 36 capital offences if he had to base a theocracy on revealed scripture. 
28:00  Who won the Wars of the Reformation?
29:00  Iran and atheists pretending to be Christian
30:00  E Michael Jones is not a theologian. 
31:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
32:00  Christian idolatry
33:00  Protestantism
34:00  Why there is no social conservatism left in the West

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