Saturday, 19 November 2022

Explaining the Trinity and why Jews mustn't build their Third Temple to an ex-Jehovah's Witness

1:00  OV
2:00  Immigrants in rural America
3:00  Transnational Progressivism
4:00  Declining birth rate in post industrial societies
5:00  Government making as many people to die childless and warehousing people for extinction
6:00  Rearing the next generation and the employees of the future
7:00  Anti-immigration parties blaming the Jews
8:00  Contraception
10:00  Representative democracy
11:00  Aztecs
12:00  Democracy and Fascism
13:00  Sacred cows
15:00  Right v Left
16:00  Secular Koranism
17:00  Theocracy for social conservatism
18:00  Hidden idolatry
20:00  The Koran > Rabbis
21:00  Antisemitism
22:00  God's Chosen People not fit for purpose
23:00  Noahide laws
24:00  Koraniyule 2022
26:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
28:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
30:00  Culture War
32:00  Christianity
34:00  E Michael Jones
35:00  How I solved the Mystery of the Trinity
36:00  Edict of Thessalonica
42:00  Vincent argues that Noahide scripture is the Old Testament.
44:00  I say the Old Testament was created for Jews while the Koran is for gentiles and the rest of humanity. 

The Torah and Koran are complementary.

45:00  Two Jews, three opinions.
46:00  National Schools of Sharia with a Supreme Court resolving all disputed issues at least in their own country and perhaps an International School of Sharia.  

A rabbinical contact of mine said Rule by Rabbi in Israel would be a nightmare.

47:00  A two-state solution is required in Israel just for the Jews.

48:00  Israeli elections
49:00  Israeli government importing gentiles for cheap labour
50:00  Rabbinical Islamophobes refuse to rank the four gentile religions because they don't want to say Islam is the most Noahide of all gentile religions.
51:00  Eschatology
52:00  Judaism, Noahidism or Islam?
53:00  36 capital offences
54:00  Vincent's cultural and literary preoccupations are irrelevant to the utility of the moral system to be chosen.
55:00  Idolatry
56:00  Why do people convert to Islam?
57:00  Something very powerful must have created the Universe.
58:00  The Koran refers to the Torah.
59:00  If Israelis had to choose between a Torah theocracy and Koran-based theocracy, they would have to choose the one without 36 capital offences.
1:00:00  Vincent Bruno describes his political views.
1:01:00  Liberalism has radicalised people into fascism.
1:02:00  Vincent is talking like a Jew!
1:03:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:04:00  Western attitudes towards the death penalty
1:05:00  Rabbis unprincipled about the Noahide laws.
1:06:00  Muslims will not let Noahidism take over the West without doing dawah.
1:07:00  Noahides will keep referring to rabbis when asked difficult questions.
1:08:00  No more making up the rules as we go along.
1:09:00  Hypothetical situation
1:10:00  Noahide judges < Sharia
1:11:00  Third Temple
1:12:00  Al Aqsa Mosque
1:13:00  The Third Temple is a poisoned chalice.

Tel Aviv is Sodom and Gomorrah.

1:14:00  Should sodomites be stoned?
1:15:00  Throwing sodomites off a tall building comes from the Talmud.
1:18:00  People tend not to take sexual offences seriously.
1:21:00  Weimar Republic and Lebensborn
1:23:00  Ir nidachat
1:26:00  There will be a state channel.
1:27:00 protects freedom of belief.
1:28:00  The abolition of gay marriage under Secular Koranis
1:29:00  Vincent Bruno invited to Secular Koranism.
1:33:00  Stone, strangle, burn and behead.
1:38:00  Secular Koranism is analogous to flyover-country.
1:40:00  Vincent is too invested in Secular Koranism.

Fame for Vincent as a Secular Koranist

1:41:00  Jon Vance
1:44:00  Nicene creed
1:45:00  African Christians
1:49:00  Jay Walker
1:52:00  Stable relationships
1:55:00  Noahides < Islam

Andrew Tate

1:56:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:57:00  Theology
1:58:00  G A Parwez

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