Wednesday, 2 November 2022

The conditions of prophethood

When Westerners are cured of their neurosis of Islamophobia, they will recognise that they have no choice but to submit to Koranic principles of governance. 

Not long now!

Should I be considered some kind of prophetess when I am merely stating the obvious?
It is surely the easiest thing in the world to deduce that once enough influential and honourable people realise that they will get better government in a theocracy with fewer laws, lower taxes and more justice, they will choose theocracy.

If you want to worship the most powerful being conceivable, then you only have the choice of following laws in the Torah or laws in the Koran. 

If you are a believing Jew, you would choose the Koran if you were rational because it would be irrational to choose a legal system with 36 capital offences. 

Obviously, you would choose a Koran-based theocracy if you were Muslim, but what if you are neither Jewish nor Muslim?

Would you in your constitutional monarchy governed by the principle of parliamentary supremacy still choose to submit to your incompetent and corrupt legislature who have the power to pass and repeal any law and even change the definition of marriage? This means that your incompetent and corrupt legislature in effect  has the power of an absolute monarch over you, your children, grandchildren and descendants and is bound by no moral or political principle.

Would you as an American citizen give up your constitutional rights without a fight and refuse to acknowledge any error on your part or that of past and present US governments?
I am only pointing out what is obvious and undeniable: that the Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim because they believed in the Abrahamic God while denying the divinity of Jesus.

Degeneracy is a civilisational disease whose symptoms are displayed through denial of that condition or indifference to it. 

You know you are degenerate when your individual and national status is lower than that of your parents, grandparents and ancestors. 

Degeneracy is also displayed through amnesia and dementia and the denial of Truth, Logic and Morality.  

It can only be cured by submission, correction and penitence.

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