Monday, 23 September 2024

How Secular Koranism would help people get and stay married

2:00  White nationalist men are low status low information low education low income people who do not know how to talk nicely to each other, let alone the women of their own race whom they already know despise them for being low information low education low income and low status.

4:00  What men want

5:00  Women need to maintain standards of sexual morality. 

7:00  What men really want from women

8:00  Fornication

9:00  Virgin brides or sluts?

10:00  Jews

11:00  Bad foreign policy led to feminism.

12:00  Men and women objectifying each other.

14:00  Men fear marrying a woman who will make them unhappy.

15:00  Restraint

16:00  Queen Bees

19:00  If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. 

20:00  Men must not be distracted from their work. 

Drama queens

22:00  Women past child-bearing age

23:00  BNP logo blurred at the edges in the shape of a heart intended to appeal to children and women

25:00  Bad gender relations

26:00  The biggest group of women who supply sex to men are fornicatresses who are not prostitutes.

27:00  By only marrying and having sex and children with men they consider marriageable and only having sex and children with them after marriage, white women can be the moral leaders of white nationalism. 

28:00  Andrew Tate

30:00  Men need to change the rules.

31:00  Women of easy virtue

32:00  The Amish 

Mary Wollstonecraft

34:00  Patriarchy is supported by all the five world religions but Christianity is the weakest link.

36:00  The Seven Deadly Sins

37:00  Christian nationalism

38:00  Ethno-nationalism


40:00  Christian imperialism

41:00  E Michael Jones on race

42:00  Puritans

43:00  Sweden

46:00  High IQ individuals

47:00  Ingmar Bergman

49:00  Only the divine narrative is powerful enough to change hearts and minds. 

50:00  Divine revelation

51:00  Uncivilised countries

Representative democracy

53:00  Patriarchy is enforced by religion.

54:00  India

Low IQ Africans

56:00  O level and GCSEs

57:00  Youth bulge in Africa

58:00  Clever women are more likely to die childless.

59:00  Jane Austen

1:00:00  If the cats of cat ladies could talk.

1:01:00  Scientific achievements of blacks

1:02:00  The English Language

Nobel Prizes

1:04:00  1984

Why Caliphates crashed and burned

1:05:00  The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

1:06:00  How history is taught as being mostly about Hitler

1:07:00  Peanut butter was invented by blacks.

1:08:00  People who claim to believe in God but are nevertheless criminals

1:09:00  Paying properly judges and the police to prevent corruption

1:10:00  Owning an idea if you understand  it

1:11:00  Meritocracy is best.

1:12:00  Clever people are not necessarily moral. 

1:13:00  The criteria for a national leader: a married father with adult children who are a credit to him.

1:14:00  Stolen train rails in South Africa

1:15:00  Zimbabwe

1:16:00  Degeneracy and religion

1:18:00  Male crime


1:19:00  Chinese statecraft

1:20:00  Liberalism

1:21:00  Free speech

1:22:00  Divine revelation

1:23:00  Christianity

1:24:00  Polygamy


1:25:00  The Abrahamic God is the policeman in our mind.

1:26:00  Using the rules to measure righteousness

1:27:00  Idolatry

1:28:00  Following the recipe book

1:29:00  Skeletons of different races

1:30:00  IQ and education

1:31:00  Crime statistics

1:32:00  The Stolen Generation

1:36:00  Corruption

1:37:00  Culture informs our beliefs.

Liberalism is our religion, hate speech is heresy.

1:38:00  Black and white crime

1:39:00  Is black synonymous with poor in the West?

1:42:00  White collar crime

1:43:00  The Welfare State

1:44:00  Wage levels

1:46:00  Slavery is an institution like marriage and prostitution.

1:47:00  The Welfare Trap and the UBI

1:48:00  Vested interests in the status quo

1:50:00  Protestant work ethic is all but gone.

1:51:00  Slaves

1:52:00  Being useful

1:53:00  Gender relations

1:54:00  Secessio plebis

1:55:00  Trump

1:56:00  Nick Griffin on the NHS

1:59:00  The General Strike 1925 and the Miners' Strike 1974

2:00:00  Religion regulating behaviour 

2:02:00  Islamic precedents and  history

2:03:00  Race traitors

2:04:00  Do even female graduates know how to choose a husband wisely?

2:06:00  Sex before marriage or not?

2:07:00  LURKER joins to discuss gender relations.

2:09:00  Women should decide amongst themselves whether to have sex before marriage.

2:11:00  Marriage and family values

2:12:00  Sanctuary of the family

2:14:00  Gay marriage, transgenderism and euthanasia

2:16:00  The distinction between extinction and existence

2:19:00  Women can be moral leaders.

2:20:00  Men can be drama queens too.

2:21:00  Social retards are not effective political activists.

2:22:00  Nigel  Farage

2:24:00  Pauline Hanson

2:26:00  Italian Australian

2:28:00  Soft-coded anti-immigration parties

2:30:00  National Front votes were taken away from them by Margaret Thatcher.

2:31:00  White people are mean to each other for no good reason. 

2:34:00  Joel Davis, Blair Cotterill and Thomas Sewell

2:36:00  Australians selling their house to a Chinese millionaire.

2:38:00  Patronage and protection

2:39:00  Ballot paper

2:40:00  UK Labour Party most threatening to white working classes.

2:41:00  CCP

2:42:00  Democracy is just a pretend consultation.

2:43:00  A one party state is a Washingtonian idea. 

2:46:00  Bataclan 

2:48:00  JAY joins.

2:50:00  Pogrom

2:55:00  Gender relations

2:57:00  Amputation of gangrenous leg

2:58:00  Iran

3:00:00  Is Islam really Arab-centric?

3:03:00  Belief in God

3:04:00  Yemeni Muslim

3:07:00  Intergenerational conversations

3:08:00  MAGA hat

3:09:00  Secular Koranism

3:10:00  Caliphs are not kings. 

3:11:00  Islamic scholars and rabbis can say what they like with no one to correct them because neither Sunni Islam nor Judaism are organised religions with an official religious leader. 

3:12:00  White people do not have a functioning religion.

3:13:00  Culture is a product of religion, morality and law.

3:14:00  We need an organising principle.

3:15:00  Background

3:17:00  The truth is sacred.

3:18:00  Catholicism

3:19:00  Failure of Christianity

3:20:00  Divine right of kings

3:22:00  The Act of Settlement 1701

E Michael Jones

3:24:00  Pontifex

3:27:00  SAIJMU joins.

3:28:00  Pagan

3:30:00  Africans as bio-weapons

Afghans in Iran deported

3:33:00  "Remigration"

3:34:00  "Fuck off, we're full."

3:37:00  Insufficient numbers of men  of fighting age would make it difficult to rebel.

3:38:00  Producing the next generation

3:39:00  26

3:40:00  Labour shortage caused by gender relations

3:41:00  Representative democracy causes unnecessary divisions.

3:42:00  Slavery was the ancient welfare state.

3:43:00  The Romans changed from monarchy to republic and back again.

3:44:00  Marriage is eugenic.

3:46:00  "One does not know true happiness until one hears the laughter of children."

Gen X father

3:48:00  Government does not support marriage.

3:50:00  Sexual act

3:51:00  Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption leading to dementia.

Hard times created strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men. 

Westerners are more likely to become Muslim than return to absolute monarchy.. 

3:53:00  Middle class people in working class jobs.

3:54:00  Plumbers and bricklayers can get up to £400 a day.

3:55:00  Public service

3:57:00  Any form of religion is better than progressive liberalism. 

3:58:00  £100 a month on special dog food

4:01:00  Sending the boats back

Global empire

4:03:00  Suella Braverman

4:04:00  Dishonest anti-immigration parties

4:05:00  Which political party is a Jew to vote for if he is against immigration?

4:06:00  Only previous generations know the past.

4:07:00  Our cult of youth and beauty has no respect for our elders.

4:08:00  Rude children

4:09:00  Unsupportive women 

The demise of religion protecting the patriarchy goes against the nation state.

4:10:00  Only old people in church.

4:11:00  Vincent Bruno's artificial wombs

4:12:00  Vincent is a product of progressive liberalism. 

Stephen J James and his negativity

4:13:00  We have to talk about the problem.

4:14:00  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

4:16:00  "Can't live with them, can't live without them."

"All change, please, all change." 

4:18:00  The middle classes

4:19:00  Genteel poverty

4:21:00  Indebted architects

4:22:00  Bathroom repairs

4:23:00  B&Q

Inheritance tax

4:24:00  Banning usury

Nearly a quarter of US GDP is used to service their debt.

4:25:00  Chancellor of the Exchequer

Winter fuel

4:26:00  Kamala Harris CGT

4:28:00  Trump

Money laundering regulations

4:30:00  Khalid Safir

4:32:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
4:33:00  Jay's view on SJJ's streams
4:34:00  David Yorkshire
4:37:00  Moaning, whingeing and streaming
The respectable Dissident Right
4:46:00  Biarkey the poisonous toad
4:48:00  Hypergamy
4:50:00  The rules

Secular Koranism is not anachronistic, Christian nationalism is. 

4:52:00  I am compared to Joel Davis and Thomas Sewell who are being used as agents provocateurs.

Secular Koranism is compared to National Socialism. SJJ makes the category error of confusing what works in theory with what is likely to happen. It has already been conclusively shown that National Socialism was a failure in theory and in practice whose originator committed suicide. Secular Koranism has never been tried. Something cannot be said to have failed if it has never been tried.  

4:54:00  National Action
Margaret Thatcher
4:55:00  Hopeless young men wanting to bond with each other in a safe space for white men
4:56:00  Nationalism requires respectability that only religion gives. 

4:57:00  It would be rational to appeal to whoever or whatever is above our oppressor. If our oppressor is the global hegemon, we are only left with the Hypothetical Supreme Authority. 

4:58:00  Islamic scholars have been demonstrating that it is illogical not to believe in God to Vincent Bruno.
4:59:0  The Uncaused First Cause
5:00:00  Over 6 billion people are supposed to believe in the afterlife ie Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.

5:01:00  Even atheists can see the nature and purpose of religion. 

How do we know God cares about us?

How do we know He does not care about us?

The narrative of an omnipotent and perfectly moral God is pretty much foolproof since people want to believe in God and it is hard to prove a negative. 

Good people want to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next.

Only evil people committing evil prefer to believe that they will get  away with their sins and crimes. 

5:02:00  All five world religions support patriarchy which can only be supported by religion. Secular political ideologies always stray away from strictly observing the sanctity of marriage because there will not be a general belief in God in a secular society where there will always be more people doubting the existence of God than believing in Him. In a theocracy, there will be a general belief in God making it more likely for people to obey what are believed to be God's laws from generation to generation. 

Because the sex act can be accomplished in minutes and nothing much happens immediately after we have had extramarital sex, the harm of that will not be noticed until much later. When it is noticed, people will be so corrupted that they routinely deny the truth. 

Social technology

5:03:00  There will always be dissidents in any society.
5:04:00  Secular Koranism is described as "anachronistic". Christianity would be even more anachronistic if Westerners decided to adopt the policies of Christian nationalists because the logic of Christian nationalism requires the restoration of absolute monarchy. Only an absolute monarchy would be able to return Westerners to Christianity by making blasphemy a capital offence again reintroducing the practice of heretic burning. 

Obviously, an absolute monarchy would mean the abolition of the First Amendment if Americans decide to establish a monarchy with an absolute Christian monarch making all his subjects adopt his religion under the principle of cuius regio eius religio

They are more likely to adopt sharia or Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. 

5:04:00  Soft power
5:05:00  Political, economic and social stability
5:06:00  George Washington warned Americans against political parties. 

5:07:00  Why did absolute monarchies become constitutional monarchies? To avoid regicide. 

Dutchman ESTIVAL SOLSTICE joins to ask about Secular Koranism.
5:08:00  Liberals don't want rules.

"We live under inverted fascism corporatism."

The Merchant Classes call the shots instead of the priesthood or the judges or the kings. 

5:09:00  Representative democracy
5:10:00  The status quo needs to be overturned.
5:11:00  The British do not have a constitution.
The Dutch monarchy
5:12:00  Napoleon and the Rothschilds
A people's democratic dictatorship
5:13:00  The Netherlands never was a monarchy before the republic.
5:14:00  Spain, Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire
Viking Realm
80 year war
The Republic of the Seven Provinces
5:16:00  Powerful royal families
5:17:00  Prince Philip
The War of the Roses
William and Mary
5:18:00  The Angles and Teutons
The Franks
5:19:00  The King of the Netherlands

5:20:00  "We are a province of the European Union - a monstrosity."

The EU is a CIA project to keep the European vassals of the US under control. 
Europe is an occupied country occupied by America and America is in turn controlled by Israel, according to Estival.
5:21:00  Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders do not know they are still British.

Governor General 


5:22:00  The US is a business enterprise.

5:23:00  Halloween is also celebrated in Holland.

"Hollywood is Jewish."

5:24:00  Secular Koranism

Pre-Christian paganism

5:25:00  Christianity is a Jewish religion.

5:26:00  The political orthodoxy of the West does not support patriarchy. 

5:27:00  Fixed term parliaments
5:28:00  Snap election in 2024
5:29:00  Liberal Democrats
5:30:00  Trump/Harris, Israel First
Republic and Direct Democracy
5:31:00  A narrowed franchise
Voting by household
5:32:00  General election would be abolished under Secular Koranism.
Guild system
5:33:00  The wage slave must be represented. 
5:34:00  Slaves should be have their own representatives. 
Secular Koranism would morally regenerate the degenerate. 

5:35:00  The operation of representative democracy surrenders our supposedly inalienable rights to the merchant classes.

5:36:00  Jews
Christianity has been replaced by liberalism. 
5:37:00  The least our religion can do for us is support the eugenic practice of marriage. 
5:38:00  The marriage licence licenses parties to the marriage to have sex and children with each other. 
5:39:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

5:40:00  The Church has always been a Creature of the State. Since the State is Liberal, the Church now tells Liberals that they also go to heaven despite the Satanic policies of Sodom and Gomorrah they support. 

5:40:00  Muslims are more likely to have legitimate children.
5:41:00  The matriarchy subverts the patriarchy.
5:42:00  Is it possible to take marriage seriously without a political orthodoxy of believing in God?
I am a political and moral philosopher.
5:43:00  Religion is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
5:44:00  Neocons and neoliberals are the Governor Generals of European nations.
5:45:00  The patriarchy will encourage better parenting in the West.
5:46:00  Ed Dutton on Islam
5:47:00  Gender relations between white men and white women

5:48:00  What women have to do to incentivise men to become more marriageable: remain chaste.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll
5:49:00  The music industry
Frankfurt School, Adorno, 1968 Student Riots, Jewish intellectuals
5:51:00  LGBT and the Ummah
5:53:00  Jewish double standards
The rule of law
5:54:00  Religion is about law and war.
5:55:00  "Islam is a death cult."
5:56:00  Secular Koranism
The Talmud
5:57:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

5:58:00  Islam dispenses with the need for a priesthood and uses the judiciary to enforce Koranic principles. 

5:59:00  Most people are mindless drones. 
6:00:00  Secular political ideologies erode the principle of marriage. 
6:01:00  Muta marriage
6:02:00  Secular Koranism supports licensed brothels in red light districts.
6:03:00  Most people are irrational hypocrites.
6:04:00  Saving face
6:05:00  Islam is medieval.
6:06:00  Pre-Christian paganism
6:07:00  "Islam and logic do not mix."
6:08:00  We must not preach to the converted.
6:09:00  We must test our ideas to destruction.
6:10:00  Religion and secular political ideologies
6:12:00  Secular Koranism
Dutch politicians the target of Muslim assassins
6:13:00  Pim Fortuyn
6:14:00  Law and order
6:15:00  We cannot vote our way out of it. 
I am accused of being a doomer.
6:16:00  A big idea is necessary to change beliefs.
6:17:00  Has read and hates the Koran.
The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West
6:18:00  The Roman Empire
6:19:00  Christianity took over when the Roman Empire had been weakened.
Pre-Christian deities are now extinct.

6:23:00  Multiverse?
6:24:00  Buddhism
6:26:00  Distinguishing between religion and spirituality
6:27:00  Presentism
6:29:00  The main utility of religion is to regulate sexual behaviour
Spirituality is the desire for justice.
6:30:00  Our inverted pyramid of morality
6:32:00  Numerology
6:33:00  The Bible
6:34:00  Cosmology
Pattern recognition
6:37:00  Justice

6:38:00  The belief that good will be rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next can only be true if the Abrahamic God exists.

6:39:00  The Abrahamic God is a moral system that is most likely to bring about heaven on earth where the punishment fits the crime in societies where the laws believed to be from God enforced.

Atheists and nihilists only think in terms of YOLO and cannot be trusted to do anything for the principle of the thing, being atheists and nihilists who might murder, rob or rape if they thought they could get away with it.

6:40:00  Atheists and nihilists have very low standards of sexual morality.

6:41:00  Belief is required for martyrdom.

6:43:00  Pre-Christian paganism
6:44:00  The Ice Man
6:47:00  Acupuncture
6:50:00  Paganism is identified white nationalism.
6:51:00  Anglo Saxon and Old English
6:53:00  Zeus and the Abrahamic God
Celtic Christianity < Roman Catholicism
6:55:00  The New Star War Trilogy
6:56:00  The Consumers' Guide to Religion
6:58:00  A good enough life plan
A beautiful lie?
6:59:00  Secular Koranism is singularly secular.
7:00:00  Secular Koranism is a transitional arrangement. 
7:01:00  I am a beneficiary of patriarchy.
7:02:00  We want our ruling classes to feel a duty to govern in the national interest.
7:03:00  Islamophobia is white genocide.
7:04:00  The Pill and the Sex Revolution
7:05:00  Bad gender relations causes bad labour relations.
7:06:00  Patriarchy was always a burden even for men. 
7:07:00  Anti-natalism has replaced natalism.
7:08:00  Patriarchy is bound to be resisted in a matriarchy. 
7:10:00  Men and women have to be marriageable to  be comfortable in a patriarchy.
Dating apps are geared towards women.
7:11:00  Fornication was the gateway sexual offence.
7:12:00  Courtship, marriage and the abolition of no fault divorce
7:13:00  Women will only put up with men if men earn significantly more than they do. 
7:14:00  Licensed brothels in red-light districts
7:15:00  Women who are neither wives nor prostitutes are the biggest group of women supplying sex.
7:16:00  Marriage is an honourable estate as described in the Book of Common Prayer.

7:17:00  A woman choosing wisely her husband and the father of her children for life requires forethought and good advice from family and friends reinforcing the family structure.
Internet harems
7:18:00  High IQ men and women are dying childless in a matriarchy.
7:19:00  All the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation will be enforced.
7:20:00  Polygamous and Islamic Britons would have enabled the British to quickly replenish their racial stock within two decades after WW1 and WW2 casualties. 

Under Secular Koranism there would be marriageability classes, a marriage bureau, marital counselling, Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals, Matrimonial Disputes Appeal Tribunals and a Divorce Courts granting only fault-based divorces. 

7:24:00  Arranged marriages are not burdened with unrealistic expectations. 
7:26:00  The female graduate becomes the careerwoman who has the higher probability of dying childless.
7:27:00  Female students who marry their professor and women who sleep their way to the top
7:28:00  Treadmill
7:29:00  High IQ men and women dying childless would have the effect of lowering the IQ of the race.
7:30:00  Changing social attitudes through the Fourth Estate
7:31:00  The divine narrative
7:32:00  Surrogacy
Artificial wombs
7:33:00  Vincent Bruno
7:34:00  Payment of the surrogate
Elton John and his wife
7:35:00  Dysgenic or eugenic?
7:36:00  Human experimentation
7:37:00  Edward Jenner
7:38:00  How many parents?
7:39:00  Grandmothers
7:40:00  Dynasties
7:41:00  Breeding humans under patriarchy or matriarchy
7:42:00  Women's sexual preferences on or off the pill
7:43:00  Pragmatism a virtue?
7:44:00  Rules
7:46:00  Hobbes and Locke and the social contract
7:47:00  Re-pricing the cost of sex for men and women by licensing brothels and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
7:48:00  Fornicatresses are spoiling the market for sex.
7:49:00  The price of sex should be paid for upfront. 
Secular Koranism would ban porn.
7:50:00  MGTOW, volcels and incels
7:51:00  The opportunity cost being paid by matriarchy is all the desirable employees that could have been produced under patriarchy.
7:53:00  There are significantly more sperm than there are eggs.
7:54:00  Rape and adultery
Secular Koranism offers a free DNA test to every married father after his wife gives birth to a child. 
7:56:00  Firtzcarraldo
8:00  The Night Porter

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