Saturday, 21 September 2024

The real reason why God made Jews His Chosen People: to become Muslim 

1:00  The logic of believing in Allah

2:00  Vincent Bruno's views are antithetical to mine.

3:00  Vincent Bruno's belief that artificial wombs used by specially selected sodomites would be more eugenic than leaving it to heterosexuals to produce the next generation.

4:00  Extended family v creche 

5:00  Degeneracy

6:00  The Abrahamic God is the policeman in our minds.

7:00  The afterlife and the purpose of this life

8:00  Belief in God and the afterlife would make people more likely to do the right thing and be quicker to correct themselves if they find themselves in error.

I am sliding into belief.

9:00  I promote the understanding of the utility of a general belief in God

10:00  I seem to be talking myself into belief because the more I talk to clueless people who do not understand or pretend not to understand what I am saying, the more I believe belief should become the political orthodoxy.


11:00  The bonnet

12:00  Hijab crisis

13:00  Married Jewesses wearing wigs

14:00  Shabbos Goy

17:00  Vincent Bruno wants hard polytheism.

18:00  God created the Universe.

19:00  A committee of gods created the Universe.

20:00  You would like to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished, wouldn't you?

We must believe in both the Abrahamic God and the afterlife to have the benefit of the Abrahamic moral system that punishes evil and rewards good in this life or the next. 

21:00  Why rabbis hate me

25:00  Scapegoating

28:00  The Afterlife
29:00  Pantheism
30:00  Spinoza
Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
31:00  Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques but forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised.
32:00  Teshuvah
34:00  Being a born again Christian
36:00  Catholic Confession
Two mortal sins to every Christian
37:00  Once the first two Commandments are broken, the other sins are more easily committed.
38:00  Why has God allowed Christians to acquire three global empires?

40:00  It is easier to get to heaven atheist than Christian! 

41:00  Jews do not have the objective of converting everyone to Judaism because if that ever happened,  no one would be chosen any more.

42:00  God, having give us His Commandments, now waits to see how long it takes the penny to drop with idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer. 

43:00  Reincarnation is how idolaters eventually get to heaven when they work out how the Universe   is run.  

45:00  Magellan agrees that worshiping the Son of God is idolatry.

48:00  Book of Common Prayer

50:00  Schism
51:00  Baptism
52:00  Anabaptists
Orthodox Christian
54:00  Male circumcision, Brit, Bar Mitzvah
55:00  Catholicism
56:00  Baptist Church
Paedo-baptism and credal baptism
57:00  The Anglican Church controls the most territory.
58:00  WASP supremacy after the Spanish American War in 1898
1:01:00  Catholics put on the best show.
1:02:00  Paganism

1:06:00  Christians do not have a codified religion.  

Palestinians suffer because Islamic scholars are not even thinking of solving their problems using theology.

1:08:00  Passover requires Jews to sell or destroy their hametz.

1:11:00  Israeli Jews should live under sharia.
1:12:00  Boer War
1:13:00  Labour relations in the West
1:14:00  Plebeians of Rome were marginalised when wealthy Romans preferred slave labour to the labour of freemen. 

If we consider the first cause of the collapse of the Roman Empire we shall find it merely due to the hiring of Goth mercenaries, for from that time we find the Roman strength begins to weaken. All the advantages derived from the Empire fell to the Goths.

1:15:00  Edward Gibbon on the Decline and Fall of Rome being caused by the corruption of Christianity

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