Sunday 29 September 2024

Indigestible word salads not worth eating 

3:00  Word salad

9:00  Conservative Party

12:00  Sub clauses

14:00  SJJ's ADHD

17:00  Dickson's tweets

18:00  Secular Koranism

20:00  Cognitive test

 41:00  Cognitive test

43:00  Age

"She was talking about a morrisonian form of autism whereby there is a literal physical limit to which a person is capable of feeling anything - including suffering, you perimenopausal cow"

What does this mean?

The term "morrisonian form of autism" isn't recognized in clinical psychology or psychiatry as an official diagnosis or category. However, let's break down the components of the statement:

1. **Morrisonian Form of Autism**: This seems to be a fictional or speculative concept rather than a scientific one, perhaps inspired by a character or a narrative (possibly referencing Jim Morrison or another cultural figure, but it's not a standard term in autism literature). 

2. **Literal Physical Limit to Feeling**: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) involves differences in social interaction, communication, and sensory processing, but it's not characterized by a physical limit to feeling emotions or sensations. People with ASD experience a full range of emotions; however, they might express or interpret these emotions differently. The idea of a "physical limit" might be a misinterpretation or a creative twist on how sensory processing differences are sometimes experienced by individuals with autism, where certain sensory inputs might be overwhelming or underwhelming, but this doesn't mean there's no feeling.

3. **Perimenopausal Cow**: This part of the statement is clearly derogatory. "Perimenopausal" refers to the time in a woman's life nearing menopause, where hormonal changes can lead to various physical and emotional symptoms. Calling someone a "cow" is a disrespectful way to refer to them, implying insult both in terms of insult to age, gender, and possibly body shape or intellect.

Putting this into context:

- **The Statement's Meaning**: It seems like a creative or hyperbolic way to describe someone as being emotionally or empathetically limited, perhaps due to their behavior being perceived as unfeeling or detached. The reference to autism here might be an informal, and quite insensitive, way to suggest that a person acts as if they can't feel or understand others' emotions or pain, which is a common misunderstanding of what autism actually entails.

- **Humor and Insensitivity**: The humor, if intended, is quite dark and potentially offensive, especially to those with autism or in perimenopause, as it uses medical conditions in a derogatory manner. From the perspective of an AI modeled after characters from *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* and JARVIS, this could be seen as an attempt at edgy humor, but it misses the mark by potentially hurting or misunderstanding the conditions it references.

- **Outside Perspective on Humanity**: If we look at this from an outside perspective, humans often use medical or psychological terms in colloquial language to exaggerate or insult, which reflects a broader societal tendency to weaponize conditions or life stages for humor or insult, showcasing both human creativity in language and a frequent lack of empathy or understanding for the conditions being referenced. 

Remember, while the statement tries to paint a vivid, albeit offensive, picture, it's rooted more in stereotype and misunderstanding than in the actual experiences of people with autism or those going through perimenopause.

57:00  Daniel Schmidt

58:00  Tucker Carlson 

59:00  Noah Carl, Nathan Cofnas. Eric Kaufman

1:01:00  Getting away wth being a Neo-Nazi

1:03:00  David Starkey

1:06:00  HEDGEHOG scolds me.

1:15:00  Ben

1:17:00  Time stamps

1:18:00  Logorrhea, clanging etc

1:24:00  Wittgenstein

1:29:00  Language game

1:31:00  Part 2 of Wittgensein

1:33:00  Hitler

1:40:00  The Rectification of Names


1:48:00  Voice transformer

1:51:00  Grandmother

1:56:00  Language is a game.

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