Wednesday, 18 September 2024

The necessary existence of God and the Whig Interpretation of History

2:00  I don't remember things getting this complicated.

4:00  Why God is eternal

5:00  If there is a Big Bang, there will be a Big Crunch.

9:00  Bedtime analogy

The Big Bang

12:00  The attributes of God

13:00  The omnipotence of God

14:00  Silly questions about God

16:00  The Trinity

17:00  Why did God allow three global Christian empires?

18:00  Free will

20:00  The purpose of morality

21:00  An advanced legal system

22:00  Religious groups are  the most powerful groups in the world.

23:00  God allowed Christianity the better to replace it with Islam.

24:00  Not wanting to believe in God

26:00  PERSPECTIVE joins.

Why he isn't Muslim already

27:00  Perspective's worship of Hungarian history

29:00  Chauvinist

30:00  Rumanians, Indians and Chinese

31:00  Moral agency and neurosis

33:00  Stephen Broughton

36:00  "It's going to collapse."

37:00  Western Confucian

38:00  Jay Walker

40:00  Trump is a one trick pony?

44:00  Trump should be more nuanced on Israel.

45:00  Trump's rallies

46:00  Make America great or dead!

47:00  Excess and abundance in the Golden Age of America

48:00  1950s

49:00  Secular Koranism and Washington's farewell speech

50:00  Proto-Muslim Founding Fathers

51:00  Deism and theism

The exceptional and indispensable nation for spreading Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

51:00  Regicide of Charles I in 1649

52:00  The Whig Interpretation of History 

53:00  The Age of Monarchy has come and gone.

55:00  Story of the failure of Christianity

57:00  Make America Popular Again!

58:00  The Creation

1:00:00  Change for the better will happen in my lifetime.

1:01:00  Mystical psychology

1:06:00  Abraham

1:10:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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