Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Learning a new word and working to the deadline of Yom Kippur 2024

Gay black Jew

5:00  Not a black Hebrew Israelite

9:00  Halachically Jewish

11:00  Female rabbi

12:00  Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic Community

13:00  Rabbi Dweck replaced by Rabbi Aharon Bassous.

16:00  Jews and Muslims inside and outside America

17:00  Divided Jews 

19:00  Race

21:00  "It's not nuanced, it's fucking deceptive!"

Richard  Fan on Dooovid

25:00  Georgia shooting

27:00  Single sex secondary schools

Trophy boyfriend/girlfriend

29:00  Stable relationship


37:00  George Washington's farewell speech

38:00  The Grand Narrative of the American Empire

India, Pakistan, Caribbean, Vietnam and Korea

Muslims in Detroit

44:00   Admitting mistakes

45:00  Book of Jonah

46:00  Global Secular Koranism

47:00  Latin Mass

48:00  Ancient religion

49:00  Scientology

50:00  Nation of Islam

52:00  Paganism

Beyondism v Secular Koranism

54:00  Marriage will morally regenerate white people.

Artificial wombs

56:00  Messiah Substitute

57:00  Narcissism

58:00  Margarine?

59:00  Casual sex and usury

1:00:00  October 12

Kohl Nidre

1:02:00  Promises made to God

1:05:00  Scapegoating

1:06:00  Kapparrot

1:08:00  Quality over numbers

1:09:00  Consiberal

1:11:00  Trump supporter or not?

1:12:00  Men's mental health


1:13:00  All women are feminist.

1:14:00  Mary Wollstonecraft

1:17:00  Elliott Blatt

Men fear women.

1:19:00  Americans should pursue justice.

1:20:00  Happiness

1:23:00  St James' Palace and Richmond Park

1:24:00  Native American and Black Americans

1:25:00  Poor huddled masses

1:26:00  Blaming the Jews is a religion now.

1:27:00  Our character defects are the entry points of sin.

1:28:00  Determining causation

1:29:00  Reasons for Britain declaring WW1  and WW2 unIslamic

To the glory of God

1:30:00  Parents lying to their children about Santa so they can larp as High Priest and High Priestess to Santa

1:34:00  Britain is nominally Christian.

1:36:00  Jewish festivals

1:37:00  Passover

1:38:00  Day of Atonement

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...