Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Vincent Bruno the imperfect gay prophet of Secular Koranism?

2:00  Space begins with an Indian born in California who is a born again Christian.

3:00  Noahide laws

4:00  "Christ follower, not idol worshipper" 

5:00  Not sure if she is Trinitarian or about the Holy Spirit

6:00  Monotheistic Hinduism

7:00  Shituf

8:00  Spiritual and political alliance


Blending Vedanta and Kabbalah

9:00  Zionism is an American and Secular Imperial Project.

10:00  Rabbis just say anything they like about their religion and no one calls them out because they have no central authority. 

I am missing out a sea of nuance.

11:00  The real purpose of Noahidism

Soft polytheism

12:00  Here today and gone tomorrow chief rabbis

Ten Commandments

13:00  Idolatry

14:00   "Christ follower"

Noahide laws

15:00  Veganism is not prescribed by any of the Abrahamic religions.

16:00  Essene or Nestorian Christian, Adamites, Jains blah blah

17:00  Parents disowned

18:00  Shituf

19:00   Jesus was the Second Adam.

20:00  Jacob wrestling with God

The Abrahamic Universe

22:00  Devas

24:00  Chatgpt is being consulted! 

25:00  Religious qualifications lacking in Satya

Organised religion

26:00  Is Hinduism shituf?

27:00  The role of divine revelation

28:00  The purpose of declaring Hindus to be Noahides

Which is worse - shituf or avodah zarah?

29:00  Israel needs an Indian labour force.

30:00  Alan Cecil

31:00  Idolatry

32:00  Divine revelation

33:00  Christian Zionism

34:00  The Bible supports veganism?

35:00  The Book of Isaiah, Hosea

36:00  Blood of rams and goats

38:00  Avodah zarah

Bowing before idols

39:00  Church fathers with difficult names

40:00  James the elder brother of Jesus

Book of Matthew

41:00  The trouble with me

42:00  Muslims don't  care about the Noahide laws.

43:00  What are Muslims waiting for?

Waiting for a cataract or a problem to ripen before dealing with it

44:00  Rabbis don't want to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles.


45:00  Richard Fan Chinese Noahide

46:00  Definition of Judaism

"Abortion is a Jewish value"

47:00  Heretical Jews are Reform, Liberal, Conservative.

48:00  Jewish Emancipation

Benjamin Israeli

49:00  William Gladstone

50:00  Anthropomorphism

Was Paul of Tarsus inciting communities to practise idolatry?


53:00  Should Vincent call himself the imperfect prophet?

Messiah Substitute

The problem with polytheism

54:00  Thor and deities of lightning

55:00  Making polytheism make sense

56:00  The Abrahamic narrative is the easiest to understand and explain.

Polytheism doesn't have a problem with theodicy.

58:00  Greek gods taking sides

59:00  Christian on Christian and Muslim on Muslim violence

1:00:00  Iran-Iraq War

God supported the most obedient Islamic republic.

1:02:00  Yemeni Civil War

1:04:00  Shias knew not to be monarchists after overthrowing the Shah of Iran.

1:05:00  Republic >  Monarchy

1:06:00  King Solomon

1:07:00  The Restoration

American Revolution

1:08:00  King Charles has no First Amendment rights.

China and India are republic.

1:09:00  Republicanism 

1:10:00  The purpose of the king was to lead his men into battle.

Defining morality

1:11:00  The Noahide laws

The principle of reciprocity

1:12:00  No idolatry, blasphemy and sexual morality

1:13:00  Noahide laws do not forbid prostitution. 

Ultra vires

1:14:00  Vincent  supports licensed brothel.


1:16:00  Sports massage woman in the Fulham/Chelsea area

1:17:00  Rearing the next generation in optimum conditions with their two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship

1:18:00  Male cleaners not used in male changing rooms at his gym.

Would female changing rooms be cleaned by male cleaners?

Vincent was complaining about female cleaners in gay resorts.

1:19:00  Skinny dipping

1:20:00  Sex with prostitutes

1:21:00  Book of Jeremiah

1:22:00  Presstitutes

1:23:00  Jews are the bride of god being openly adulterous behaving like prostitutes.

1:24:00  Getting Muslims to shame rabbis

Sunni Muslims are not an organised religion.

1:25:00  Sunni-Shia rival

1:26:00  Syria

1:27:00  The rightly-guided Caliphs were  not kings.

1:28:00  People who break their own rules

A road map, GPS, satnav

1:29:00  Wouldn't you like to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished?

What kind of a person wouldn't want to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished?

A person who doesn't want to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished must be a bad person who wants to get away with his wickedness and criminality.

1:30:00  We are all sinners.

1:31:00  The nature and purpose of religion

1:32:00  Labour government

1:36:00  Our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes
1:37:00  Is Christianity kaput?
Do people need a religion?
1:38:00  Secular Koranism
1:40:00  The nature and purpose of religion
1:41:00  Gobshite
1:42:00  Wes Streeting on overseas climate aid
1:44:00  Boat people
1:46:00  Bouncers and gatekeepers
Marching for refugees
1:47:00  Jay disguised as migrant streaming
1:48:00  Homeless migrants
1:49:00  Welfare state and the welfare trap
1:50:00  Essential services
1:51:00  Baristas and Deliveroo
1:53:00  NHS workers
Childless white men
1:54:00  Religion
1:55:00  Israel and Palestine
1:56:00  It doesn't make sense!
1:57:00  Jews
1:58:00  We are the disturbed children of unfit parents.
1:59:00  Trump
2:00:00  Kamala Harris, female and black
2:02:00  Rigged elections, don't vote.
2:04:00  Trump rally music
Jay's MAGA hat
2:05:00  Swing states
2:06:00  Presidential debate
2:07:00  Is Trump being blackmailed not to win?
Elliott Blatt
I would be better than Kamala if I was  running, Jay seems to be saying. 
2:08:00  Labour Day
2:10:00  Democrats
2:14:00  Samosas
2:18:00  Trump threatening the Jews
2:20:00  Stew Peters and Sneako
2:21:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins to discuss elections.
English-speakers should get American voters to vote Trump..
2:23:00  Neocon
2:24:00  Isaac Cade
2:25:00  Ukraine
2:26:00  Anglo Saxon Empire
2:27:00  Soviet Union casualties in WW2
The Duran, Peter Lavelle and George Szamuely
2:28:00  British Empire falling into its Thucydides Trap twice.
2:30:00  NATO expansionism
2:31:00  J D Vance on Ukraine
2:34:00  Ukraine is Russia's backyard
2:35:00  Battle of Waterloo
2:36:00  Falklands War
2:37:00  Kremlin talking points
Men in white vans admire Putin.
2:38:00  Trump has decided to represent the interests of the American proletariat.
2:39:00  Iraq War
The business model of neoconservatism is to ship Muslims as cheap labour into the West.
ISIS, Syria, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra
2:43:00  US State Department
2:44:00  Steven Spielberg-like ISIS movies
Machiavelli on mercenaries
2:46:00  Decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Mercenaries of the Roman Empire.
Colour Revolution
Representative democracy
2:47:00  The power of Western media and the English language
2:48:00  Dead Ukrainians
Ukraine is Russia's backyard.
2:50:00  Richard Spencer
2:51:00  Putin 
2:53:00  Is nationalism Nazism?
2:54:00  All empires are civic nationalist.
2:55:00  Russophobia
2:57:00  Being fathers
2:58:00  Technology
Quality humans
2:59:00  Khalid Safir's attempt to find a second wife in Ghana
3:01:00  Marriage contract
3:02:00  Khalid's grandfather's school
3:03:00  SJJ agreed with my intervention re Gemma/Britgirl and Pete North.

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...