Thursday, 19 September 2024

Vincent Bruno proposes that the Universe was created by a committee of gods

3:00  Necessary being

4:00  Beardman is a pantheism.

8:00  Buddhism by Alan Watts

9:00  Stephen J James prefers pantheism to ethical monotheism.

10:00  Bill Hicks American comedian

The difference between necessary and contingent

11:00  We cannot know if the Universe had a beginning.

12:00  Big Bang


Or an endless series of Big Bangs and Big Crunches

13:00  To be a pantheist, you have to believe that God is also the Universe and that the Universe itself was the Uncaused First Cause.

15:00  The Uncaused First Cause is the exception that everything was created. 

There are exceptions to every rule.

16:00  Red Shift

18:00  Flat earther AKA geocentrist

20:00  MARTY JUICEMAN joins.

 Flat earth discussion

29:00  Beardman does not have a science background.

34:00  White Nationalist Flat Earther

36:00  Atheist Buddhist

38:00  Cause and Effect

44:00  Brutus

46:00  BENNY PAIN joins.

47:00  Pantheist?

48:00  Agnostic

Feelings ...

51:00  Abrahamic God

52:00  Sexual relations

53:00  Torah and Koran

54:00  Law and order in the  UK

55:00  I am a political philosopher promoting Secular Koranism.

56:00  Gnosticism

57:00  Demiurge

59:00  I am a saleswoman of Secular Koranism.

1:00:00  Benny says he respects me for being a non-Muslim promoting Secular Koranism.

1:01:00  Religion is about frightening men of fighting age and women of childbearing age into becoming married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring.

1:02:00  David Starkey saying the whites have become black during the 2011 England riots.

1:03:00  The nature-nurture debate has never been settled.

1:04:00  Marriage is a child-protection scheme.

1:06:00  Quarrelling parents

1:08:00  "We survived!"

1:09:00  Making the best of things

1:10:00  JAY WALKER joins.

1:11:00  Views on parenting


1:12:00  "Go fuck a fat girl."

1:13:00  Inside gay Vincent is a straight man crying to get out.

1:15:00  Courtship advice from SJJ to Vincent

1:17:00  Selective breeding programme

1:18:00  Dress size

1:21:00  Gay son

1:22:00  India

1:23:00  Surrogacy price deals

1:26:00  Property prices

1:27:00  Babysitting and nannying

1:28:00  Geniuses come out of disturbed families.

1:29:00  Geniuses and depression

1:30:00  Benny's writing

1:31:00  Don't give children everything. 

1:33:00  Hand me downs and branded shoes

1:34:00  Educational opportunities

1:35:00  Trashy trailer

1:36:00  Kosher phone

1:37:00  Khalid Safir

1:42:00  Conversion therapy

1:44:00  White Nationalist and Flat Earther

1:45:00  Low status ideologies

1:46:00  Average female voter

1:50:00  Eclipses

1:55:00  RAKE'S REVENGE promotes idolatry.

1:59:00  Big Bang

2:00:00  The God

2:09:00  Noahide laws

2:10:00  Divine countenance

2:12:00  Rules are made to be broken.

Conduct and rules

2:13:00  Slavers and traffickers

2:15:00  Going to the top and getting Americans to vote Trump

2:16:00  Cancel representative democracy.

Accountable leadership

2:17:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

2:18:00  Jihadi bomb

2:19:00  "Jews are desecrating the divine countenance."

2:21:00  "Abrahamic totem"

2:23:00  Jews - killers  of Christ

2:25:00  Idolatry

2:28:00  Christians culturally appropriated the Old Testament and the God of Israel.

2:31:00  An official moral system

2:33:00  Marriage

2:36:00  Restoring the patriarchy

2:39:00  The enemy is within.

2:41:00  Polytheism

2:42:00  The Abrahamic God is one stop shopping.

2:45:00  Occam's  Razor

2:46:00  Pantheism

2:48:00  A committee of deities created the Universe?

2:50:00  Logical

KEBBZ joins.

2:51:00  Argument from silence

2:52:00  Pantheism

2:53:00  Sufi

2:55:00  God and His Creation are separate.

2:56:00  Revelation is necessary to correctly understand  God.

2:58:00  Catholicism and heresy

2:59:00  Does the Koran say Allah has hands?

3:01:00  Catholic position

3:03:00  Catholic argument

3:04:00  Submission

3:05:00  Obey

3:08:00  Flat earther

3:10:00  Laws change constantly.

3:12:00  We all think our god is real.

3:16:00  Multiple deities

3:18:00  Occam's Razor

3:19:00  Space time

3:20:00  God is separate from His Creation.

3:22:00  Vincent gets angry.

3:24:00  Why worship a lesser god?

3:28:00  A definition of God

The law of non-contradiction

3:30:00  Whose definition is correct?

3:33:00  Can God cease to exist?

3:34:00  God is not illogical?

Figments of imagination

3:36:00  Impossibility and irrational

3:37:00  Flat earther

3:40:00  Forcing Vincent to be rational

3:42:00  Can Vincent's god defend himself against other gods?

3:44:00  Limited deities

3:46:00  A fluid moral system

3:47:00  Pick and mix

3:49:00  Monotheism v Polytheism

3:51:00  God created this world to have problems.

3:54:00  The logic of Vincent's beliefs

4:01:00  A committee of gods created the Universe

4:03:00  Vincent was 5 or 6.

4:06:00  One stop shopping is more advanced than going shopping.

4:09:00  Naturalistic pantheism

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