Sunday, 8 September 2024

The Boer Wars and the other wars of British imperialism

1:00  Scorched earth tactics used by the British against the Boers would have been against Islamic principles of warfare.  

3:00  Zulus
6:00  Apartheid
8:00  Wealthy British in South Africa
9:00  Boers were very organised compared to the British.
11:00  Kitchener
Emily Hobhouse
12:00  Concentration camp
13:00  Colin Liddell
Jacob Rees-Mogg
History is written by the victor.
14:00  Queen Victoria was alive for the first Boer War but not the second.
Nelson Mandela
F W De Klerk
16:00  Ian Smith
17:00  British propaganda
18:00  Eugenics and Jim Crowe laws
19:00  Scandinavian eugenics
Is gay marriage and transgenderism eugenic precisely because it is dysgenic?
20:00  Race mixing
22:00  Reform and Orthodox Jews
23:00  Marriage preparation class
Bhagavad Gita
24:00  The role of the church in the 21st century is to say liberals also go to heaven.
25:00  Christianity
26:00  The mystique of the British monarchy
27:00  Obeying the law
28:00  Liberalised Catholicism welcomed by most Catholics.
29:00  E Michael Jones on Michael Voris
30:00  Pope John Paul
31:00  The role of the Chief Priest
32:00  Hindu caste
33:00  Saudi Islamic scholars are imprisoned for the wrong interpretation of the Koran.
34:00  Galileo and Copernicus, heliocentrism v geocentrism
35:00  The Old Testament was culturally appropriated by Christians.
37:00  The Trinity
38:00  Zeus was King of the Gods.
40:00  The Abrahamic God is the least divisive deity.
41:00  We are natural born believers in God.
42:00  Atenism
44:00  Post-Cleopatra religion of the Egyptians

What was the religion of Egyptians after the death of Cleopatra?

After the death of Cleopatra in 30 BCE, Egypt underwent significant political and cultural changes as it became a province of the Roman Empire. Here's a brief overview of the religious landscape in Egypt during that period and afterwards:

1. **Traditional Egyptian Religion**: For centuries after Cleopatra, many Egyptians continued to practice their traditional polytheistic religion, which included worship of gods like Isis, Osiris, Horus, Amun, and others. Temples remained centers of worship, although they increasingly came under Roman influence and control.

2. **Greco-Roman Influence**: The Ptolemaic dynasty, which Cleopatra was a part of, had already introduced Greek gods and cults, which often syncretized with Egyptian deities (e.g., Serapis, a combination of Osiris and Apis with Greek elements). This trend continued under Roman rule, where Roman gods were also sometimes syncretized with Egyptian ones.

3. **Christianity**: By the 1st century AD, Christianity began to spread in Egypt. The early Christian communities in Egypt were among the first outside of Palestine. Over time, Christianity gained more followers, especially after it was embraced by the Roman Empire in the 4th century. The Coptic Church, which developed its own distinct practices and liturgy, became the dominant form of Christianity in Egypt.

4. **Transition Period**: The transition from traditional Egyptian religion to Christianity was gradual. There was a period of coexistence where both pagan and Christian practices were observed. However, by the 5th and 6th centuries, Christianity had largely supplanted the traditional religion, although some pagan practices might have continued in more rural or isolated areas.

5. **Islam**: After the Muslim conquest of Egypt in the 7th century (around 641 AD), Islam began to spread. Over several centuries, the majority of Egyptians converted to Islam, although the Coptic Christian community remained significant.

In summary, immediately after Cleopatra's death, traditional Egyptian religion mixed with Greco-Roman elements was predominant. Over the following centuries, this gradually gave way to Christianity, which in turn was largely replaced by Islam after the Arab conquest. However, each of these religious phases in Egypt's history had periods of overlap and syncretism.

45:00  Why the religion of the king had to be enforced on his subjects

46:00  The Ten Commandments seemed reasonable enough to be adopted by the Romans.

47:00  Judaism is the most heterosexual religion of all with the most sexual offences and the harshest punishments.

48:00  Unprincipled are cattle or sheeple.

49:00  Jesus had to be a Jew because he was found guilty of blasphemy.

50:00  Richard Fan justifying the vagueness of the afterlife in Judaism.

51:00  Doooovid

The logic of having Commandments is to obey them.

52:00  Jewish emancipation - a good thing for Jews or not?

53:00  Avigdor Miller

Hitler was not only sent by Heaven, but was sent as a kindness from Heaven... Because assimilation and intermarriage are worse than death ... and the German Jews and others ignored the Torah-teachers and refused to desist from their mad race into assimilation, the Nazis were sent to prevent them and rescue them before they were swallowed up by the nations.


55:00  What were Jews chosen to do?

56:00  Jewish emancipation by Napoleon

57:00  Jewish rules

58:00  Empathy


59:00  Do European gentiles feel empathy for each other?

1:00:00  Compassion and empathy is expected in women.

1:01:00  Western men may appear more empathetic because they have been encouraged to be more feminine by feminism.

Feminism encourages the internal and external enemies of the West.

1:02:00  Sheeple, NPCs, normies, cattle and people with no principles

Violent crime

1:03:00  Racial attitudes towards offspring

1:04:00  Charles Booth

1:06:00  Shouldn't child prostitution gangs be run by the white criminal classes?

1:07:00  Daddy and mummy issues of illegitimate offspring

1:09:00  The Bikini

1:10:00  Respecting female power

1:13:00  Joan of Arc, Queen Victoria  and Queen Anne

1:14:00  Shiksa

Anita Brookner

1:17:00  White women

1:18:00  Men not being able to say no to immoral women

1:20:00  Women are the filter of the next generation.

1:21:00  Religion most effectively supports marriage. 

1:22:00  Atheist, nihilist and narcissistic men do not care what happens after they are dead.

1:24:00  White guilt

1:25:00  Feminist legislation eg equal and maternity pay

1:26:00  Women will have to give up their rights for future generations.

1:29:00  Parenting

1:30:00  Creative and inventive women

1:31:00  Female graduates

1:33:00  Non-parent national leaders


1:34:00  J F Gariepy

1:35:00  Having religion to avoid being cattle

1:36:00  Agnostic Jew at Speakers Corner

1:38:00  Fundamental British Values is religionlessness sexual liberation.

1:39:00  Judaism is archaic.

1:40:00  People who pretend to believe are hypocrites.

Stephen J James on Nazi apologists

1:41:00  Empire for us, but not for you!

1:42:00  Hyperinflation

My Last Appeal to Great Britain


By ADOLF HITLER, Chancellor of Germany

Speech made to the Reichstag, July 19, 1940

1:44:00  It is time for the British to take responsibility for WW1 and WW2.

Merchant of Venice

The Jew of Malta

Oliver Twist

1:46:00  Edict of Expulsion 1290

Death camps with swimming pools?

1:47:00  The narrative of any self-respecting empire

1:48:00  The narrative of virtue

WW1 and WW2  was a failure of the Europeans as a whole.

1:49:00  EEC, EC and EU


1:50:00  Xi Jinping said he would prefer Britain to remain in the EU.

1:51:00  Churchill
1:53:00  Hitler was kind to children and animals
1:55:00  David Irving
1:57:00  Mrs Hitler
1:59:00  Robert Faurisson
2:00:00  The British must acknowledge their mistakes to avoid repeating them.
2:02:00  Holocaust Denial and dementia
2:04:00  Holocaust narrative
2:05:00  Dugin's Fourth Political Theory
2:06:00  Seven Noahide laws
2:07:00  The raud of democracy
2:08:00  The punishment must fit the crime.
2:09:00 supports the First Amendment.
2:10:00  Being assumed to be Christian as soon as one is born
2:11:00  The logic of Islam is irresistible.
2:12:00  Banning usury
2:13:00  God and Creation
2:14:00  Adam and  Eve

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