Friday, 6 September 2024

Nationalism, interfaith dating, Christianity, cannibalism, presentism

3:00  Space begins with Vincent complaining about Telegram group.

4:00  Noahide laws 

6:00  Public indecency

7:00  Definition of sodomy

8:00  The Koran covers it.

9:00  Being top or bottom

10:00  What if someone in  your own home rats on you about your indecent sexual act on your same sex sex partner?

13:00  It is not a crime to be gay.

You have to go past civic nationalism to get to ethno-nationalism.

17:00  Black Jew

18:00  Consiberal 

20:00  Heretical Jews whose rabbi is female accept gay Jew

21:00  Female rabbi confusing everyone

24:00  Reading between the lines

25:00  "I want him to be consistent."

26:00  Jews are annoying."

28:00  "This is not a casual sex encounter."

29:00  "It's either God or me!"

32:00  Would I date a Christian?

36:00  Vincent's concern about the Consiberal's immortal soul

39:00  Dating a cultural Muslim

40:00  A Shul-attending Jew

Can someone's beliefs make them repellent?

42:00  "I am not playing second fiddle to Hashem!"

Everything comes from God?

43:00  Doublethink

44:00  Could he be a hermaphrodite?

Social experiment

46:00  Everything is yes and no!

A person following his principles would be more high status than someone who does not.

48:00  Excommunication

49:00  Hypocrites

Nick Fuentes on Trump legalising weed in Florida

50:00  Taxing pot in Florida

55:00  Darryl Cooper on Tucker Carlson

Brutus is Hare Krishna

56:00  Are we a democracy or totalitarian?

57:00  Doubt is more destructive than loss.

58:00  Doubt causes paralysis

Lonely and suicidal Jehovah's Witnesses

1:00:00  The Bible does not explicitly forbid suicide or abortion.

1:01:00  Constant and variables in algebra

Our principles should be our constant. 

If we have no principles, we should act on truth and logic.

1:03:00  A reputation for honesty

1:04:00  Not having to lie to ourselves

1:05:00  Being a shallow gay man

"Interesting discussions about politics and religion make you depressed."

1:06:00  The power of positive thinking

1:07:00  Belief in the afterlife makes us more likely to do the right thing ie act on truth and logic. 

1:08:00  Meeting the Republicans

1:09:00  Is anyone else having theological and philosophical discussions?

1:10:00  I believe I am right.

1:11:00  A compulsion is an expression of certainty.

1:12:00  I have taken on the trauma of white people traumatised by Christianity and think of heretics burned at the stake.

1:13:00  Are Michael Servetus, Edward Wightman and Thomas Aikenhead Muslim Martyrs?

1:14:00  Arnold Bushnell

1:16:00  Candace Owens

1:17:00  Self-hating Jews

1:18:00  All change, please, all change.

1:19:00  Noahide laws

1:20:00  Vincent and I could help people make up their minds. 

1:21:00  Cults and quack cures

1:22:00  Following doctor's order

Messiah Substitute


1:25:00  The marriage license

1:26:00  Christianity was cooked up in Councils in Nicaea.

1:27:00  Transitional arrangements and condemned buildings

1:30:00  You have to pass Oregon (civic nationalism) if you want to get from Idaho to the Pacific (ethno-nationalism).

1:33:00  Repenting of our sins before death

1:35:00  Condemning people for atheism

1:36:00  Deism and Theism

1:37:00  Hinduism and Christian bullshit

Spacetime continuum

1:39:00  Brahman is outside spacetime/universe.

1:40:00  Singing from the same hymn sheet.

1:41:00  Noahide laws

1:42:00  Maintaining standards of sexual morality is crucial in avoiding degeneracy.

Those whom the gods wish to destroy the gods make mad. 

1:43:00  Khalid Safir being a passport bro

1:47:00  Every woman is a feminist.
1:48:00  Balancing human rights with the national interest

1:49:00  ABU ROOSEVELT joins,
1:50:00  Hazardous women are Jewesses and Christian women.
1:52:00  Ghanaian wife
1:53:00  Tiger moms
1:56:00  Good women
Correlation and causation
1:57:00  Artificial wombs for women and gay men
2:00:00  Repenting of our sins
2:02:00  Birth control
Social technology
2:03:00  Sex and drugs
2:06:00  White women of easy virtue
2:10:00  Values and ideas
Mary Baker Eddy
2:12:00  Jehovah's Witnesses were never racist.
2:13:00  Mormons were openly racist.
2:14:00  Evangelical Christianity
Black Muslims
2:16:00  Vedanta is not quantum mechanics.
White converts to Buddhism
2:17:00  Hare Krishna

Is culture downstream from race?

2:18:00  Race plays a part in culture.
Cultural differences
2:19:00  Japan
Wars made the Japanese more organised.
2:20:00  Genetic differences
Black Jehovah's Witnesses
2:22:00  Shallow response of black Jehovah's Witnesses to being excommunicated
2:23:00  Class explains behaviour.
2:37:00  Genetics, culture and race
2:38:00  Christianity is liberal.
2:39:00  Breeding docile and vicious humans
2:41:00  Christians of different races
2:42:00  Tabula rasa
White culture
2:43:00  America will become weaker with immigrants.
2:44:00  Latinos converting to Islam
2:46:00  Catholicism

The American ruling classes are more corrupt towards its own people now.

2:49:00  "Muslims cancelled gay classes."
2:53:00  Why Communism spread to Eastern Europe
2:54:00  Social services
2:55:00  Nazism
2:56:00  Slavs more susceptible to Communism?
2:57:00  Prussians, Czechs and Poles
2:59:00  Things change anyway.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
3:00:00  Vincent is always denying that marriage is eugenic. 
3:03:00  Racist ads in China against blacks
3:07:00  White people in temperate climates
3:08:00  Neurotic white people
3:09:00  Being on time is white, being scientific is white.
3:10:00  Oreos and when they made Cleopatra black
3:11:00  Russia assimilated Muslims in Chechnya
3:12:00  Wahhabis and Salafists
3:13:00  Eskimos
3:15:00  Afghanistan
3:17:00  1940s
3:18:00  Christianity
3:19:00  Protestants and Catholics
3:21:00  Russia is a utopia of race mixing?
Racial temperament
3:22:00  Africa is undeveloped.
3:23:00  Is culture downstream from race?

3:24:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
3:25:00  Indians and whites don't agree with each other.
3:26:00  White and black people converting to Islam
3:27:00  Condemned building analogy
3:28:00  White people are mostly Christian.

Are Communism and Liberalism a religion? They are certainly a belief system.

3:30:00  Different races have different cultures making different religions after different historical experiences. 

"Religion and culture is downstream from race."

3:31:00  Gentiles copycatted Judaism.

Religion spreads more quickly with empire.

3:32:00  The Majapahit Empire

3:33:00  Religion in India
3:34:00  Caste system
3:35:00  Indian Christians do follow the caste system.
3:36:00  Why don't Dalits leave Hinduism?

3:37:00  Don't most people hold on to their religion out of lack of principle and fear of offending their parents, family and community?

People should imagine themselves to be orphans who have to run a country. 

Which religion would Vincent choose?

3:38:00  Jen Scharf rejected Buddhism.
3:39:00  Gaudy idolatry in Hinduism
3:40:00  Race and religion

3:41:00  KEBBZ joins.
3:42:00  Secular Koranism
3:43:00  Marriage and family values are supported by the five world religions.
3:44:00  God created humanity to worship Him.
3:46:00  Religion can be divided into public and private morality.
3:47:00 supports the First Amendment. 
3:48:00  Mortal prophets are sent to guide us.
3:49:00  Adam was a prophet of God.
3:50:00  Muhammad's miracle was the Koran.
3:51:00  Composition of the Koran had to be divine. 
3:52:00  The Big Bang
3:54:00  The Koran is not a book of science but a book of signs. 
3:55:00  Muhammad was illiterate.
3:56:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity. 
3:57:00  The Hadith
3:58:00  Rulings in the Koran
3:59:00  23 years of revelation
4:00:00 is the Big Bang verse.
4:01:00  Hindu cosmology
4:02:00  Prophecies
4:04:00  Legal system of the Koran and its threats of hell
4:06:00  People who deny gravity
4:07:00  Koranists
4:08:00  Prophecies
4:29:00  Who wrote the Koran?
4:31:00  Memorising the Koran
Christians who memorise the Bible
4:42:00  Only one Koran
4:45:00  The fact that Muslims memorise the Koran does mean God exists.

4:46:00  CLAIRE KHAW asks Vincent if he would like to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished.
4:47:00  What kind of a person does not want to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished?

Vincent denies that he is a bad person just for not believing that good will be rewarded and evil punished. 

Good people would want to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished even if they are not sure if it is true.

4:49:00  Vincente proposals are Satanic.

4:50:00  KAWKAB joins and declares Vincent's objection to believing in God to be valid.

4:54:00  Don't people want to be considered good?
4:55:00  Isn't truth and logic good?
4:56:00  Consequentialism
Drinking and smoking weed
4:58:00  What if gay people have access to artificial wombs?
4:59:00  Noahide laws
5:01:00  Arbitrary standards of morality
5:02:00  Coprophilia
5:07:00  Hudud
5:11:00  Deviant Muslims
5:12:00  The purpose of the Hadith
5:13:00  Filtration system
5:14:00  The Hadith System
5:15:00  Basra, Kufar, Yemen and Mecca
5:16:00  Multiple attestation
5:19:00  Access to unseen knowledge
5:22:00  Tall buildings
5:23:00  Manifest destiny
5:28:00  Jews
5:29:00  Christians
5:31:00  Anachronisms
5:32:00  Pharaoh and Rosetta Stone
5:33:00  When the Torah was written
5:34:00  Babylonian captivity
5:38:00  Joseph
5:52:00  Christians cannot be expected to be logical or reasonable. 
5:54:00  The Book of Mormon
5:56:00  Rosetta Stone
5:57:00  Joseph (not the stepfather of Jesus)
6:02:00  Ockham's Razor
6:06:00  God or preserved linguistic information?
6:10:00  Rosetta Stone

6:15:00  MAGELLAN joins.
6:16:00  The Koran corrected a historical error in the Bible.
6:20:00  Scientology
6:21:00  Tom Cruise and John Travolta
6:22:00  Whites and Latinos
6:23:00  Black Scientologists in South Africa
6:23:00  Dianetics
6:24:00  OT7 and OT8
6:25:00  Christian Science was intellectually rigorous.
Some lies are more attractive to whites than others.
6:26:00  Mohammad and Aisha
6:27:00  Aisha and the practice of child betrothal
6:29:00  The age of consent was 7 in 1871 and Delaware
6:31:00  Presentism
6:32:00  Noahide laws
Child brides
6:33:00  Child betrothals
6:34:00  Aztecs
Human sacrifice
6:36:00  Kuru from cannibalism
18 should be the age of consent and marriage.
6:37:00  Marriage should be treated as a contract.
6:39:00  Christian paganism
6:40:00  First cousin marriage
6:42:00  Haemophilia in the son of Nicholas II
6:43:00  The most powerful religions are the Abrahamic religions.
6:44:00  Divine revelation
6:45:00  Vincent's agnosticism

6:46:00  Wouldn't Vincent like to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished?
6:47:00  If most people believed in God, wouldn't they be more likely to obey God's laws?
If most people obeyed God's laws and God's laws are just, wouldn't they be more likely to enjoy the good life in a society where good is rewarded and evil punished?

A high trust society came from a patriarchy where most parents were married and properly parenting their legitimate offspring. 

6:48:00  If atheism and nihilism were regarded as heresy, then people who were atheists and nihilists would pretend to believe in God.

Even if atheists and nihilists were only pretending to believe in God, they would at least pay lip service to God's laws and even denounce each other for the thoughtcrime of atheism and nihilism.

Nihilism is being proud not to have any moral principles and being prepared to kill, steal and commit sexual offences if they thought they could get away with it.

6:49:00  Heresy
6:50:00  Jews
6:51:00  What kind of person wouldn't want to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next?
6:52:00  The evil and sin of tolerating unmarried parents and extramarital sex

Heterosexual men should approve of gay men standing aside for straight men in the competition for women, shouldn't they?

6:53:00  Why wasn't lesbianism a sexual offence?
6:54:00  Spinsterhood is punishment enough.
6:55:00  Pornography
Khalid Safir the passport bro
6:56:00  Muslim migrants
6:58:00  Less consumerism
7:02:00  Marriage license
7:03:00  Margaret Sanger
7:04:00  Caste system
Secular Koranism India and China
7:06:00  Social media propagates bad publicity
7:07:00  Elon Musk
7:08:00  Take down requests complied with by Twitter
7:10:00  Our inverted moral hierarchy
7:11:00  J K Rowling and Elon Musk
Secular Koranism
7:12:00  Intersectionality
7:13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
7:14:00  Billboards
7:16:00  The 80/20 rule
7:17:00  Constantine the Great
7:18:00  Arius v Athanasius
Council of Nicaea

7:20:00  Civic nationalism or ethno-nationalism
7:21:00  Laurence Fox and Tommy Robinson

7:22:00  CUROUS GAZELLE joins.
7:23:00  Steve Laws
7:24:00  Q&A
7:26:00  Gazelle's rude question
7:27:00  Stella Tsantekidou
7:30:00  Alcohol tolerance
7:38:00  ELLIOTT joins.
7:39:00  Mark Collett
7:40:00  I sound like a Paki, apparently.
7:41:00  "Paki"
7:45:00  Steve Laws
7:46:00  Nationalist history
7:47:00  Gig and media economy
7:49:00  Believe!
7:51:00  Vincent on believing in the afterlife
7:52:00  Islamic heaven
7:53:00  PAKISTANI BUDDHIST joins.
7:55:00  Spacetime
7:57:00  Brahmin
7:58:00  Observable and tangible
8:00:00  Pakistani wedding
8:03:00  MacDonald's or a church?
8:04:00  White elephant
8:06:00  Vincent's righteous indignation
Rishi Sunak
8:12:00  Concubine Contract
8:17:00  GLAM

8:23:00  THE KING'S FOOL joins.
8:24:00  STEPHEN J JAMES wakes.
8:25:00  Marrying their backyard

8:34:00  Tucker is helping Trump.
8:36:00  Darryl Cooper the Quaker
8:37:00  Seventh Day Adventists
Delphic Oracle
8:38:00  Jewish women
8:39:00  MASHIACH joins.

8:42:00  BENNY PAIN joins.
8:43:00  Gen Alpha
8:44:00  Nuclear war
Charles Johnson
8:46:00  Paedophiles in Israel
8:58:00  Singing and mistake
8:49:00  Loxism
Adam Green follows Moshiach
The World to Come
8:53:00  Noahides
8:54:00  Aliens
8:55:00  "A good spell to be under"
8:58:00  "Jews run everything."
8:59:00  Mark Collett
9:00:00  Democrats and Republicans
9:02:00  Keir Starmer must have been bullied at school.
9:03:00  Kamala Harris and Buttigieg
9:06:00  Luke Ford
9:08:00  Consiberal Jew
9:12:00  Born this way
9:14:00  God on acid
9:16:00  Gnosticism
9:17:00  Jesus
9:18:00  Either Man created God or God created humanity.
9:19:00  Teleological
9:22:00  Demiurge
9:24:00  Achievements
9:25:00  David Icke and Tucker Carlson
9:26:00  The Holocaust Narrative
Israel or America in control?
9:28:00  Science and philosophy
9:29:00  KING'S FOOL talks nonsense.
9:31:00  God is beyond spacetime.
9:32:00  Reincarnation
9:35:00  Consumerist heaven
9:36:00  Gay Valhalla
Heaven and hell
9:37:00  Benny has read the Koran.
The Koran
9:38:00  A book of rules


9:39:00  Swastika

9:43:00  We mistake the tumour for the body.

9:44:00  Spirituality

9:45:00  The God of Science

9:46:00  Idolatry


9:48:00  Rappers

9:50:00  Performance

9:53:00  GAZELLE begins her interview.

9:55:00  Just wars

10:00:00  Narcissism

10:02:00  GBH

10:06:00  Lying to oneself

UNTENABLE POSITION joins the interrogation.

10:10:00  Demiurge

10:12:00  Ethno-nationalism

10:13:00  Run by Jews

Used to be a Marxist Liberal

10:14:00  Bisexual

10:15:00  Vegetarian/vegan

10:16:00  Hoodwinked


10:17:00  Black Rock and WEF


10:19:00  Service schools

10:20:00  Sibling rivalry

10:25:00  Serbia

10:26:00   Slavs

10:27:00  Vincent Bruno's appearance

10:32:00  Attractive

10:33:00  Wedding expenditure

10:34:00  Nietzschean

10:36:00  Ezra Pound

English Literature

10:37:00  Falling out with former friend

10:38:00  Marxist and Hegel

10:39:00  Gay experiences

10:41:00  Being a man

10:42:00  Van Gogh

10:43:00  Execution of paedophiles

10:44:00  Manifesto

10:46:00  Punishment


Noahide laws

10:48:00  Kabbalah

10:49:00  Morality

10:50:00  Child abuse

10:51:00  White people

Heritable mental illnesses

10:52:00  "Abstract religious nonsense"

10:53:00  Gentiles

10:56:00  Secular Koranism

10:57:00  We are the slaves of our government.

10:59:00  Neocons

Legal systems have no meaning.

11:00:00  Legal system

11:03:00  The law exists.

11:06:00  Vincent wants to interview Benny.

11:09:00  Master and slave

11:10:00  You're cattle if you deny the Noahide laws.

11:11:00  Spirituality, learning and understanding

11:12:00  Visiting the sick and giving to the poor

11:13:00  Nietzsche

11:15:00  Andrew Tate on slavery

11:17:00  Noahide laws

11:20:00  White race

11:21:00  Nihilist

11:22:00  Vincent's manifesto

11:23:00  Artificial wombs

11:24:00  Noahide laws and Secular Koranism

11:25:00  Prostitution under Secular Koranism

11:26:00  What's wrong with the Islamic system?

11:27:00  What if the laws are fair enough?

11:28:00  Does Benny have a minimum moral standard?

11:29:00  Law and morality

11:30:00  Modestly dressed women

11:34:00  Benny is libertarian.

11:35:00  Pornography, incest  and sodomy would be legal.

11:36:00  Feminism

11:37:00  Marriage is eugenic.

11:38:00  Repent by adopting Secular Koranism.

11:39:00  Monkey see and monkey do

11:40:00  Correcting the West with Secular Koranism

Being a Roman

11:41:00  Constantine the Great

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

11:42:00  Rome lives on through the Catholic Church//

11:44:00  The history of Christianity

11:45:00  Idolatry means paying the opportunity cost of not being rightly-guided by the Koran.

11:46:00  Why Muslims suffer

11:47:00  There are three competing Abrahamic religions but the two religions of divine revelation ie  Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God. 

The Trinity

11:48:00  Idolatry

11:49:00  Eusebius

11:50:00  Arianism

11:52:00  East-West Schism

11:53:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380

11:54:00  E Michael Jones on the Trinity

11:56:00  Zeus

11:57:00  Tiberius

11:58:00  The Trinity

11:59:00  The Father is higher in status to the Son.

12:00:00  Render unto God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's.

12:03:00  The Hegelian Dialectic of Ethical Monotheism

12:04:00  Sichuan Province

12:06:00  Marriage is eugenic.

Harems break the four wives max room.

12:07:00  European Royal Families practised first cousin marriage.

12:08:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

12:10:00  Founding Fathers separated the church and state.

The War of 1812 split the Federalist Party.

12:11:00  George Washington farewell speech

12:12:00  The American Civil War was a War of American Unification.

12:13:00  Slavery was not forbidden in either the Bible or the Koran.

Indentured servitude

12:14:00  The Irish

12:16:00  We live in the best of all possible worlds.

Christianity acquired three global empires.

12:17:00  Marine empires quickly rise andn quickly fall. 

12:18:00  Repenting of Christian idolatry would acquire God's blessing and protection better than not repenting of idolatry.

12:19:00  The First Amendment is supported by

12:20:00  Practising marriage would avoid degeneracy.

12:21:00  Cultural Christianity is not enough.


12:22:00  Flyover country

Ordinary people

12:23:00  Black Rock and the British East India Company

12:24:00  Smuggling drugs and slaves


12:25:00  Boomer father

12:26:00  Shy Trump supporters

12:27:00  Female voters

12:29:00  I am funny old lady.

Treasury notes

12:30:00  Bond market

12:31:00  Japan and China

12:32:00  Defaulting on your debts

12:35:00  Koranism v Christ

12:36:00  Historical and philosophical

12:37:00  What you think v What you do

12:38:00  Legislating morality


12:40:00  Noahide laws


12:41:00  No stoning, just 100 lashes

12:46:00  Degeneracy


"Islam is disgusting and despicable."

The Balkans

12:47:00  Sharia is foreign.

12:49:00  Usury

12:50:00  Ottoman Empire

Slavery > welfare state


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