Friday, 27 September 2024

Pagan AI and Christian AI are obviously inferior to Sharia AI and Rabbi AI

4:00  Nazi AI, Liberal AI, Rabbi AI, Islam AI, Islamophobe AI
6:00  Behaviourism and Legalism, carrot and stick, cattle prod
7:00  B F Skinner on Classical and operant conditioning
9:00  Using AI to manage beliefs, expectations and behaviour 
10:00  The highway code
11:00  The Noahide laws
Rules are made to be broken.
12:00  The law is a logical necessity to any advanced civilisation.
12:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.

13:00  It is obviously in the national interest to be a patriarchy.
15:00  The Welfare State and the ever growing number of unmarriageable men and women who are its clients

16:00  Members of religious groups with a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality tend to more readily see the utility of marriage and family values as opposed to atheists and nihilists who habitually lie to themselves about the supremacy of Christo-Liberalism.

17:00  People claiming to be Christians are liars as well as atheists and nihilists who have no idea how to deal with the world after having been abandoned by their ruling classes who are now atheists and nihilists undermining the eugenic practice of marriage. 

18:00  Most Westerners are on psychotropic drugs disabling them from wanting to solve their problems. Their ever-present depression, ADHD and intoxication makes them unlikely to face the truth or defy the established order in any focused or effective way. 

19:00  Doubt is more corrosive than loss.

Islamophobes prefer their identity of Islamophobia rather than more rationally adopting a moral system that could solve their problems. 

20:00  Wrong for 1700 years. 

The earliest opportunity for Christians to correct themselves was 1400 years after the revelation of the Koran. 

21:00  Unmarriageable men who have lied to themselves all their lives would rather die than admit that they are wrong. Being atheists and nihilists, they would rather let their civilisation die than admit that they were were wrong in blaming Jews, complaining about Muslims or ever believing that the Christianity of their ancestors would always be the best and most high status religion in the world.

22:00  Western women would rather be married to foreign men of fighting age than their degenerate  unmarriageable men who don't want to marry them anyway.

Secular Koranist

23:00  The extinction of unmarriageable men
24:00  Muslims are more likely to be marriageable than non-Muslims.

To be marriageable, you  have to be prepared to marry, be of child-bearing age if you are female or fighting age if you are male, prepared to  perform your gender roles to give the impression that you would be a good spouse and parent. 

25:00  Pagan AI and Christian AI are obviously inferior to Sharia AI and Rabbi AI.

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